Decomposition parameters - mpaiao/ED2 GitHub Wiki

SOIL DECOMPOSITION <decomposition></decomposition>

Variable Units Description
cwd_fract dimensionless Ratio of CWD:(CWD + Soil Carbon)
resp_opt_water dimensionless; range is between 0-1. Optimal soil water for heterotrophic respiration as a fraction of the maximum possible soil water.
resp_water_below dimensionless Determines the rate at which heterotrophic respiration decays as soil water falls below resp_opt_water.
resp_water_above dimensionless Determines the rate at which heterotrophic respiration decays as soil water increases above resp_opt_water.
resp_temperature_increase 1/K Determines how rapidly heterotrophic respiration increases with increasing temperature.
N_immobil_supply_scale 1/day Supply coefficient for nitrogen immobilization.
r_fsc Dimensionless; ranges between 0-1. Fraction of the fast soil carbon pool going to heterotrophic respiration.
r_stsc Dimensionless; ranges between 0-1. Fraction of the structural soil carbon pool going to heterotrophic respiration (instead of to the slow pool).
r_ssc Dimensionless; ranges between 0-1. Fraction of the slow soil carbon pool going to heterotrophic respiration.
K1 1/day structural soil carbon decomposition rate
K2 1/day fast soil carbon decomposition rate
K3 1/day slow soil carbon decomposition rate
N_decomp_lim flag equal to 0 or 1. Set to 1 if you want decomposition to be limited by nitrogen.
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