Map UK GCSE Curriculum to Webmaker Club curriculum (and Web Literacy Map v1.1) - mozilla/webmaker-curriculum GitHub Wiki

Discussion: GitHub issue / #TeachTheWeb forum


In the UK a new GCSE qualification is being taught in Computing / Computer Science. Webmaker resources, including the new curriculum, are perfect for teaching elements of the curriculum in after school clubs and in class.

Browser-based coding is not only descriptive, it can be used to teach all of the programming concepts in the curriculum via Javascript. Beyond this, Webmaker resources also provide a large range of activities to create engaging ways of exploring digital literacy strands of the curriculum.

This wiki page aims to quickly map some of the curriculum elements to Webmaker tools and existing activities. The following content is from the latest official publication on GCSE Computing..

The headings are created here to help the mapping process and may change.

Knowledge and understanding

Algorithms & Programming concepts

  • standard algorithms, including binary search and merge sort
  • following and writing algorithms to solve problems including
  1. sequence, selection and iteration
  2. input, processing and output
  • how particular programs and algorithms work

Data types, digital data and Boolean Logic

  • the concept of data type, including integer, Boolean, real, character and string, and data structures, including records and one- and two-dimensional arrays
  • representation of numbers in binary and hexadecimal; conversion between these and decimal; binary addition and shifts
  • representation of text, sound, and graphics inside computers
  • Boolean logic using AND, OR and NOT, combinations of these, and the application of logical operators in appropriate truth tables to solve problems

Hardware & Software

  • the purpose and functionality of systems software, including the operating system and utility software
  • characteristics of systems architectures, including
  1. CPU architecture, including Von Neumann and the role of the components of the CPU in the fetch-execute cycle
  2. main and contemporary secondary storage and ways of storing data on devices including magnetic, optical and solid state
  3. data capacity and calculation of data capacity requirements
  4. hardware components and embedded systems

Networks and Internet

  • networks and the importance of:
  1. connectivity, both wired and wireless
  2. types of network
  3. common network topologies
  4. network security
  5. The concept of networking protocols, including Ethernet, Wi-Fi, TCP/IP, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and email protocols
  6. layers

Security and Society

  • cyber security: forms of attack (based on technical weaknesses and behaviour), methods of identifying vulnerabilities, and ways to protect software systems (during design, creation, testing, and use)
  • the ethical, legal and environmental impacts of digital technology on wider society, including issues of privacy and cyber security

Programming Languages

  • characteristics and purpose of different levels of programming language, including low-level language

Mapping GCSE to Web Literacy Map

GCSE Web Literacy Map
Algorithms & Programming concepts Coding /Scripting
Data Types, Digital Data and Boolean Logic Coding /Scripting
Hardware & Software
Networks and Internet Web mechanics , Infrastructure
Security and Society Security , Privacy, Sharing, Collaborating, Community Participation, Open Practices
Programming Languages Coding /Scripting

Mapping GCSE to Webmaker Activities

GCSE Webmaker and Partners Activities
Algorithms & Programming concepts [Javascript for Cats] (, [Code Combat] (, MDN Javascript
Data Types, Digital Data and Boolean Logic MDN Javascript
Hardware & Software
Networks and Internet Ping Kong, Understanding Composing for the Web
Security and Society Understanding credibility , Hack the News, Understanding Open Practices
Programming Languages Understanding Composing for the Web

Curriculum & Application in Examination Specifications



AQA GCSE Overview inc past papers



OCR GCSE Overview inc past papers

Controlled Assessments

This section lists example controlled assessments. A future development would be to develop Webmaker activities linked to these projects.

AQA: 4512/1 Practical Programming - Computer gaming application

J275 OCR Unit A453 - Programming project

J275 OCR Unit A452 - investigation