How to remix Webmaker Club activities - mozilla/webmaker-curriculum GitHub Wiki
Hello! If you've arrived at this page, it's probably because you clicked on the Learn to Remix button on an activity or resource. Read on for guidance on how you can change an activity or resource to better suit your learners and your context.
What do we mean by 'remix'?
As we define in the Glossary, to 'remix' something is to take something that exists and make something new out of it. This can be a small change, or you could transform it beyond all recognition.
Why should I remix?
Context is extremely important to learners, especially if they're showing up for something that isn't compulsory. An easy way to make something fun and exciting is to remix it in order to make it applicable to their everyday lives - or something they care deeply about.
Remixing other people's work also allows you to make it better. You can stand on the shoulders of others who are interested in similar outcomes to you. Instead of starting from scratch, you can get a head-start by using and building upon their work.
How do I get started remixing?
There are many ways to create your first remix. Let's use the example of the Reading the Web: Credibility session (itself a remix of MOUSE's Kraken the Code activity).
Option 1: Fork (preferred)
- Click on the View on GitHub link at the top-right of the session/activity page
- Click on Fork button at the top-right of the page
- Sign into your GitHub account
- Navigate to the new repository created
- Make changes:
- Through the web interface
- By using the downloadble app
- Using the command line
The advantages of using this approach including your remix being available to online, and others being able to see your remix of the original!
Option 2: Download ZIP
- Click on the View on GitHub link at the top-right of the session/activity page
- Navigate to the main Webmaker Curriculum GitHub repository
- Click on the Download ZIP button in the right-hand sidebar
- Unpack the .zip file you have downloaded
- Make changes to relevant file(s)
Option 3: Copy/paste
- Click on the View on GitHub link at the top-right of the session/activity page
- Copy the code you find on that page there to the clipboard
- Paste the code into your favourite editor
- Make the changes you want
Note that Option 1 means your remix will be accessible by others on the web. Options 2 and 3 will create copies for you to edit offline. There are many editors you can use. One that is free and open source is Atom.