Technical Exploration - mozilla/project_haiku.iot GitHub Wiki

The goal of the exploration is to better understand the opportunities and the important parameters involved such as range, power requirements and understanding respective technology implementation well enough to prototype with and contribute to our background research.

Status Service

A simple RESTful API which provides a URL for the status/availability of friends as displayed on the device.

Bluetooth App

A smartphone app to configure the device and provide the internet connectivity necessary to get data back and forth.


We're collecting notes on the Particle family of dev boards and their use as applies to our project on the Particle page.


We're collecting notes on NFC technology and its implementation as applies to our project on the NFC page.


We're collecting notes on using the ESP8266 for our project on the ESP8266 page


We're returning to experiment more with Bluetooth LE as a way of meeting potential size/power requirements for some of the wearable ideas that have been floated. Our notes will land on the Bluetooth page, adding to existing notes on using the BlueFruit LE SPI and HC-05 bluetooth modules.