File - moxiecode/plupload GitHub Wiki

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Module: File

Table of Contents


Constructs a new file instance.


  • file Object
    Object containing file properties
    • name String
      Name of the file.
    • size Number
      File size.


File id this is a globally unique id for the specific file.

File name for example "myfile.gif".

File type, e.g image/jpeg

File size in bytes (may change after client-side manupilation).

Original file size in bytes.

Number of bytes uploaded of the files total size.

Number of percentage uploaded of the file.

Status constant matching the plupload states QUEUED, UPLOADING, FAILED, DONE.

Date of last modification.


Returns native window.File object, when it's available.

Returns mOxie.File - unified wrapper object that can be used across runtimes.

Destroys plupload.File object.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️