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.NET Command Line Tools (1.0.4)

dotnet [host-options] [command] [arguments] [common-options]  


parameter content
[command] The command to execute
[arguments] Arguments to pass to the command
[host-options] Options specific to dotnet (host)
[common-options] Options common to all commands

Common options:

parameter content
-v --verbose
-h --help

Host options (passed before the command):

parameter content
-d --diagnostics
--version Display .NET CLI Version Number
--info Display .NET CLI Info


parameter content
new Initialize .NET projects.
restore Restore dependencies specified in the .NET project.
build Builds a .NET project.
publish Publishes a .NET project for deployment (including the runtime).
run Compiles and immediately executes a .NET project.
test Runs unit tests using the test runner specified in the project.
pack Creates a NuGet package.
migrate Migrates a project.json based project to a msbuild based project.
clean Clean build output(s).
sln Modify solution (SLN) files.

Project modification commands:

parameter content
add Add items to the project
remove Remove items from the project
list List items in the project

Advanced Commands:

parameter content
nuget Provides additional NuGet commands.
msbuild Runs Microsoft Build Engine (MSBuild).
vstest Runs Microsoft Test Execution Command Line Tool.