学习Rust之window系统安装LLVM - mowatermelon/learn-rust GitHub Wiki

LLVM window系统安装

At the moment, Windows port of LLDB is known to work reliably only with 32-bit binaries and DWARF debug info: 目前,已知LLDB的Windows端口仅可以使用32位二进制文​​件和DWARF调试信息可靠地工作:

LLDB's support of MSVC .PDB debug info format is incomplete. Only DWARF debug info works reliably. LLDB对MSVC .PDB调试信息格式的支持不完整。只有DWARF调试信息可靠地工作。

The 64-bit LLDB is very unstable, so I cannot recommend using it. Unfortunately, 32-bit debuggers are limited to debugging 32-bit processes only. 64位LLDB非常不稳定,因此我不建议使用它。不幸的是,32位调试器仅限于调试32位进程。

In practice, the above means that for C++ programs, you'll need to compile with i686 MinGW toolchain (not MSVC!). For Rust you'll need to use i686-pc-windows-gnu. 实际上,上述意味着对于C ++程序,您需要使用i686 MinGW工具链(而不是MSVC!)进行编译。对于Rust,你需要使用i686-pc-windows-gnu。

The information above was correct as of mid-2017. Hopefully Windows support will improve with time. 以上信息截至2017年年中是正确的。希望Windows支持将随着时间的推移而改进。


  • 下载LLVM and install LLVM for Windows. (您也可以尝试半官方LLVM快照构建,但LLDB会不时被破坏).
  • 下载python3.7 ,安装 Python 3.7.x.,或者选择其他版本。 (请注意python和llvm的版本要一致,即要么两个都是32位的,要么两个都是64位的).
  • 确保LLDB和Python安装目录都在PATH上。除非可以找到python35.dll,否则LLDB将无法启动! (或者,您可以使用工作区设置仅修改CodeLLDB的PATH)。




如果发现没有自动添加,LLVM默认安装的路径是%系统盘%\Program Files (x86)\LLVM,将%系统盘%\Program Files (x86)\LLVM\bin路径配置到系统环境变量中。


X:\XX>python -V
Python 3.7.0

llvm-ar: Expected options.
OVERVIEW: LLVM Archiver (llvm-ar)

  This program archives bitcode files into single libraries

USAGE: llvm-ar [options] [relpos] [count] <archive-file> [members]...

  -M                                   -
  -aarch64-neon-syntax                 - Choose style of NEON code to emit from
AArch64 backend:
    =generic                           -   Emit generic NEON assembly
    =apple                             -   Emit Apple-style NEON assembly
  -amdgpu-dump-comd                    - Dump AMDGPU Code Object Metadata
  -amdgpu-verify-comd                  - Verify AMDGPU Code Object Metadata
  -arm-add-build-attributes            -
  -arm-implicit-it                     - Allow conditional instructions outdside
 of an IT block
    =always                            -   Accept in both ISAs, emit implicit IT
s in Thumb
    =never                             -   Warn in ARM, reject in Thumb
    =arm                               -   Accept in ARM, reject in Thumb
    =thumb                             -   Warn in ARM, emit implicit ITs in Thu
  -enable-packed-inlinable-literals    - Enable packed inlinable literals (v2f16
, v2i16)
  -filter-print-funcs=<function names> - Only print IR for functions whose name
match this for all print-[before|after][-all] options
  -format                              - Archive format to create
    =default                           -   default
    =gnu                               -   gnu
    =darwin                            -   darwin
    =bsd                               -   bsd
  -gpsize=<uint>                       - Global Pointer Addressing Size.  The de
fault size is 8.
  -help                                - Display available options (-help-hidden
 for more)
  -merror-missing-parenthesis          - Error for missing parenthesis around pr
edicate registers
  -merror-noncontigious-register       - Error for register names that aren't co
  -mfuture-regs                        - Enable future registers
  -mno-compound                        - Disable looking for compound instructio
ns for Hexagon
  -mno-fixup                           - Disable fixing up resolved relocations
for Hexagon
  -mno-pairing                         - Disable looking for duplex instructions
 for Hexagon
  -mwarn-missing-parenthesis           - Warn for missing parenthesis around pre
dicate registers
  -mwarn-noncontigious-register        - Warn for register names that arent cont
  -mwarn-sign-mismatch                 - Warn for mismatching a signed and unsig
ned value
  -plugin=<string>                     - plugin (ignored for compatibility
  -print-after-all                     - Print IR after each pass
  -print-before-all                    - Print IR before each pass
  -rng-seed=<seed>                     - Seed for the random number generator
  -time-passes                         - Time each pass, printing elapsed time f
or each on exit
  -verify-debug-info                   -
  -verify-dom-info                     - Verify dominator info (time consuming)
  -version                             - Display the version of this program
  -x86-asm-syntax                      - Choose style of code to emit from X86 b
    =att                               -   Emit AT&T-style assembly
    =intel                             -   Emit Intel-style assembly

vs code中安装llvm扩展插件


CodeLLDB: a LLDB front end for Visual Studio Code


  • Supports Linux, macOS and Windows (with caveats - see below).
  • Launch processes with configurable stdio redirection.
  • Attach to processes by pid or by name.
  • Scripted custom launch for ultimate flexibility.
  • Function, conditional and regex breakpoints.
  • Disassembly View.
  • LLDB commands and expression evaluation in Debug Console.
  • Configurable result formatting.
  • Display of HTML content.
  • Rust language support (excluding LLDB 3.8).


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