Terminology - movitto/omega GitHub Wiki

  • location

    • central component containing coordinates, an orientation, a movement strategy, and optional parent id.
    • Locations with nil parents are assumed to be the root locations of their respective coordinate systems.
    • The Motel server will periodically move / update location's coordinates and orientations in accordance to their movement strategies.
    • Most regular users will only read access to motel locations (also being able to register callbacks to be invokedd on updates and such) as creating/updating locations is done internally by other subsystems as needed
  • movement strategy

    • Several movement strategies include:
      • stopped
      • linear,
      • elliptical,
      • rotating,
      • following another location, and more
    • These reside on the server side and will be periodically invoked to move the locations which they correspond to. Developers / server admins can easily add more strategies to describe any sort of desired movement.
  • galaxy/solar system/star/planet/asteroid

    • The cosmos subsystem describes a physical universe.
    • These entities are mapped to locations running in motel
    • For the most part all these have a stopped movement strategy though planets move along an elliptical orbit
  • resource:

    • asteroids may contain resources which may be mined by a mining ship, and transferred to a station to use to construct new entities.
    • Resources will be depleted over time though the server admin may use the mission subsystem to setup periodic events that will populate resources among other things.
  • jump gate

    • Artifacts that link solar systems together.
    • Player owned ships within the trigger distance of a gate will jump to the destination system when the trigger command is issues.
    • Be forewarned though, there might not be a gate back!
  • ship/station:

    • Player controlled entities used to move around and manipulate the universe.
    • Ships have movement capabilities within a system as well as the means to mine resource and attack other ships (depending on the class).
    • Ships require the use of jump gates to travel between systems.
    • Stations on the other hand can jump between systems at will but do not have the means to travel within in a system.
    • Manufacturing stations may be used to construct new ships and stations provided they have the resources.
  • mission

    • High level sequence of requirements, objectives, victory conditions, and rewards/penalties which privilged users may create.
    • Any user satisfying a mission's requirement may accept it (provided they are not engaged in another mission at the time) and attempt to complete it.
    • All missions are timed, the user has until the mission's expiration to complete the objectives.
    • If they do so, their stats will be increased, and often a reward is issued.
  • loot

    • Loot is created with a ship's cargo upon its destruction
    • Any player within the vicinity of cargo may collect it
    • The player needs to have enough cargo space free in the ship they are collecting it with to successfully retrieve it
    • Once collected, the loot will dissapear from the simulation and will no longer be accessible to other users
  • stat

    • Provide high level summaries and views on data managed by and related to the running simulation
    • Used for user-raking, diagnostics, and many other purporses
    • Clients with the required privileges may access & retrieve these via a json-rpc call like any other
  • role / privilege

    • Core components at center of access control system
    • Certain operations and entities require certain privileges to be executed and operated on
    • Privileges may be added/removed to / from roles before the server starts and on the fly
    • Roles can be added/removed to users in the same manner
    • Users with roles with privileges can invoke all the functionality the privileges entail
  • more coming soon...