Config - movitto/omega GitHub Wiki
Configuring the Server
The omega.yml config file will be read from the following locations upon server startup:
- /etc/omega.yml
- ~/.omega.yml
- ./omega.yml
Options defined in subsequent locations will override former ones. The following options are accepted:
- omega_url: location returned by server which javascript requests will be sent to
- backup_dir: path to directory to write server backups to
- log_level: log verbosity level, set this to 'debug' to the enable server debugging mode (additional debugging json-rpc methods will be defined)
- permenant_users: list of users treated specially
- user_perms_enabled: bool to enabled/disable the permission system (if disabled all users will have access to invoke all methods)
- user_attrs_enabled: bool to enable/disable the attribute system (if disabled all calls to check attribute will yield true, indicating the user has it)
- node_id: identifier of the rjr server node
- node_types: transport types which server should listen on
- amqp_broker: amqp broker to connect to (only for amqp transport)
- tcp_host: host to listen on for tcp connections
- tcp_port: port to listen on for tcp connections
- ws_host: host to listen on for websocket connections
- ws_port: port to listen on for websocket connections
- www_host: host to listen on for www connections
- www_port: port to listen on for www connections
- admin_user/cosmos_rjr_user/manufactured_rjr_user/missions_rjr_user/ users_rjr_user/stats_rjr_user: username of various privileged users
- admin_pass/cosmos_rjr_pass/manufactured_rjr_pass/missions_rjr_pass/ users_rjr_pass/stats_rjr_pass: password of various privileged users
- email_enabled: bool toggling if user emails should be sent
- smtp_host: smtp host to connect to send user emails
- smtp_from_address: from address to set on user emails
- recaptcha_enabled: boolean toggling registration recaptcha requirement
- recaptcha_priv_key: recaptcha private key send to recaptcha servers w/ users answer
Note This isn't a complete list, as more command line options have been added recently
Furthermore, the server command and other command line utilities / scripts also take and often require parameters. Pass --help to these scripts and/or read the help documentation at the top for detailed usage.
The web frontend may be configured by editing site/source/javascripts/config.js. Here you may specify various parameters such as the Omega server to connect to, options to pass to event subscription methods, and the various resources used to render entities.