Type - mountainwestdl/mwdl-map GitHub Wiki

Element Label type
Definition The nature or genre of the resource
Describes Original resource
Required Required
Repeatable Yes
How to Use Must have at least one type field containing appropriate type(s) from DCMI Type vocabulary.

  • If a resource is an image of text (such as a scan of a printed article), use the term Text.
  • Images may be refined with a second term, either StillImage or MovingImage (i.e., use Image;StillImage, Image;MovingImage, Image/StillImage, or Image/MovingImage). Note that these combined terms contain no space after the delimiter and that both words in the second term are capitalized.
  • If the resource consists of more than one type (e.g., an interview with sound and text files), use multiple type terms as needed to describe, separating them with a semicolon and a space (e.g., Sound; Text).

To describe the nature or genre of the original object, use the optional element medium.
Refines/Refinement None
Schemes DCMI Type Vocabulary
DC Mapping dcterms:type
MARC Mapping 655 #7 subfield a (Index Term‐‐Genre/Form) plus subfield 2=local (for DCMI Type)
MODS Mapping typeOfResource
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