Medium - mountainwestdl/mwdl-map GitHub Wiki

Element Label medium
Definition The material or physical carrier of the original resource
Describes Original resource
Required Optional
Repeatable Yes
How to Use Describe the nature of the original object (what it is, not what it is about) expressed in terms from a controlled vocabulary if possible. An item described with the term “Photographs” is an actual photograph, not a book about photographs. Note that the element label can be determined locally.

The medium element is optional and in addition to the required element type which uses the DCMI Type vocabulary.
Refines/Refinement dc:format
Schemes Strongly recommended using established controlled vocabularies such as:

A commonly used subset of AAT and TGM genre terms is available on the MWDL website.
DC Mapping dcterms:medium
MARC Mapping 655 #7 subfield a (Index Term‐‐Genre/Form) plus subfield 2=local (for DCMI Type); =gmgpc (for Thesaurus for Graphic Materials); =aat (for Art & Architecture Thesaurus); =lcgft (Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms for Library and Archival Materials)
MODS Mapping physicalDescription:form, attribute:type
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