Format - mountainwestdl/mwdl-map GitHub Wiki

Element Label format
Definition The file format of the digital resource
Describes Digital object
Required Required
Repeatable Yes
How to Use Describe the file format of the resource using the Internet Media Type (MIME) scheme.

Some examples:

Some digital objects may involve more than one format. For example, an oral history interview may consist of both an audio file (audio/mp4) and text transcription (application/pdf). In these cases, list both formats (audio/mp4; application/pdf;).

Optionally, collection managers may describe file size and/or duration using the more refined dcterms:extent field.
Refines/Refinement Refinement: dcterms:extent
Schemes Internet Media Type (MIME)
A commonly used subset of the entire MIME set of acceptable formats is available for download on the MWDL website.
DC Mapping dcterms:format
MARC Mapping 856 subfield q
MODS Mapping physicalDescription:internetMediaType
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