Explanation of Table Components - mountainwestdl/mwdl-map GitHub Wiki
Element Label | The unique name given to the element |
Element Definition | Explanation of the nature of the element |
Element Describes | Indicates whether the element describes the original resource or the digital object |
Is Element Required? | Indicates the extent to which this field is required in a record:
Is Element Repeatable? | “No” indicates a field may occur just once in a single record. “Yes” indicates a field may appear multiple times in a single record. |
How to Use | Guidelines for what to put into an element and how to enter the data. |
Refines/Refinement |
Refines provides the larger element refined by the element in question. In other words, the element described by a table containing a Refines statement is a sub‐property or child element of a broader, parent element.
Refinement lists child element(s) that may more finely describe the data contained in the field.
Schemes | Identifies controlled vocabulary or format convention used to structure the data contained in the element; these are called schemes. For more information about a mentioned scheme, click the scheme name. Section V: Vocabulary Encoding Schemes of this profile provides tables for the most commonly encountered vocabulary encoding schemes while Section VI: Syntax Encoding Schemes provides tables for format conventions for languages and dates. The last row of each table provides a link to a list of controlled vocabulary terms or explanation of a format convention such as how to structure dates or language codes. A few controlled vocabulary schemes do not have tables in this profile; for these, an external link to more information is provided. DC Mapping Lists the Dublin Core element to map to for harvesting purposes. Some element tables provide two different mappings, one for harvesting using Simple Dublin Core (simple DC) and the other for harvesting using Qualified Dublin Core (QDC). |
DC Mapping | Displays the Dublin Core term to which this element applies. This term is linked to the URI namespace for that element. |
MARC Mapping | Tag in the MARC record to which this element is normally mapped. This information is provided to help metadata creators conversant in MARC better understand the contents of this element. |
MODS Mapping | Displays the MODS term to which this element applies. This term is linked to the URI namespace for that element. |