Creating a Release - moulins/amidst GitHub Wiki

To release Amidst, follow these steps:

  1. Update the metadata on master
  • checkout the branch master
  • update information in src/main/resources/amidst/
  • commit and push
  1. Update the branch releases
  • checkout the branch releases
  • fast-forward merge the branch master into the branch releases
  • push
  1. Create the new release tag
  • create and push the tag
  • tags are named like this:
    • v4.0 for stable releases
    • v4.0-beta5 for pre-releases
  1. Update the release information on Github
  • wait for travis ci to build Amidst, it will attach the executable jar, zip and exe files to the release on Github
  • add meaningful release notes
  • make it a pre-release, if necessary
  1. Update the update document (optional)
  • this step is optional and should only be executed for releases which are not a pre-release
  • the update document is used by Amidst to check for updates
  • if you have write access, you can edit the update document here
  • to generate the update document, you can use the devtool GenerateUpdateInformationJson
    • it uses the information from the file src/main/resources/amidst/
    • you can add an optional message which is displayed to the user, use this with care