Command Line Interface - moulins/amidst GitHub Wiki

You can run Amidst from the command line using the following command:

java -jar <filename> <parameters>

Here, <filename> is the name of the Amidst jar file and <parameters> is a subset of the following parameters:

-mcpath <directory>         : location of the '.minecraft' directory.
-mclibs <directory>         : location of the '.minecraft/libraries' directory
-mcjar <file>               : location of the minecraft jar file
-mcjson <file>              : location of the minecraft json file
-biome-profiles <directory> : location of the biome profile directory
-history <file>             : location of the seed history file
-log <file>                 : location of the log file
-help                       : print usage information
-version                    : print version
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