5 Templates - moudsen/mailGraph GitHub Wiki
MailGraph uses TWIG (https://twig.symfony.com/doc/3.x/) as the template processor, where the following macros are available for your convenience in combination with the flexibility of in-template functions (like "if" statements).
Feel free to adjust the html.template and plain.template files as you see fit for your situation!
Values available from MailGraph:
TWIG macro | Description |
{{ baseURL }} |
Base url of the Zabbix system (use for references to API and login). |
{{ TRIGGER_ID }} |
Id of the applicable trigger. |
Raw trigger description (note: macros are not parsed!). |
Comments of the trigger. |
URL of the trigger form in Zabbix. |
{{ ITEM_ID }} |
Id of the associated item to the trigger. |
{{ ITEM_KEY }} |
Key of the item. |
{{ ITEM_NAME }} |
Item name. |
Description of the item. |
Last value of the item. |
The value of the before LASTVALUE. |
{{ ITEM_URL }} |
URL of the item form in Zabbix. |
{{ HOST_ID }} |
Id of the associated host to the item. |
{{ HOST_NAME }} |
The name of the host. |
{{ HOST_ERROR }} |
Last error state of the applicable host. |
Description of the host. |
{{ HOST_URL }} |
URL of the host form in Zabbix. |
{{ EVENT_ID }} |
Id of the associated event. |
{{ EVENT_NAME }} |
Name of the event (note: macros are parsed!). |
Associated operational data of the event. |
event state (0=Recovered, 1=Triggered/Active). |
Severity of the event. |
Status of the event. |
{{ EVENT_URL }} |
URL of the event details in Zabbix. |
{{ ACK_URL }} |
URL that jumps straight to the Acknowledge editor for the given event. |
{{ GRAPH_ID }} |
Id of the associated ITEM graph to the Trigger. |
{{ GRAPH_NAME }} |
The (Zabbix) name of this ITEM graph. |
Whether the located ITEM graph directly relates to the main trigger item or not ('Exact','Other'). |
URL of the ITEM graph form in Zabbix. |
{{ <GRAPHS_I>.PATH }} |
(Array) Absolute path to the generated ITEM image. |
{{ <GRAPHS_I>.URL }} |
(Array) URL to the ITEM graph (assuming script produces to an accessible location for plain mails). |
(Array) Header of the ITEM graph. |
{{ <GRAPHS_I>.CID }} |
(Array) IMG embed string (<img src="{{ <GRAPHS_I>.CID }}" /> ). |
Screen ID from the defined Trigger tag. |
{{ <GRAPHS_T>.PATH }} |
(Array) Absolute path to the generated TRIGGER image. |
{{ <GRAPHS_T>.URL }} |
(Array) URL to the TRIGGER graph (assuming script produces to an accessible location for plain mails). |
{{ <GRAPHS_T>.CID }} |
(Array) IMG embed string (<img src="{{ <GRAPHS_T>.CID }}" /> ). |
URL to the Zabbix SCREEN of the Trigger from which the images were taken. |
The Zabbix SCREEN name. |
Header to display representing the time period (defaults to period in config.json or to the mailGraph.screenPeriod Tag of the Trigger). |
Screen ID from the defined Host tag. |
{{ <GRAPHS_H>.PATH }} |
(Array) Absolute path to the generated HOST image. |
{{ <GRAPHS_H>.URL }} |
(Array) URL to the HOST graph (assuming script produces to an accessible location for plain mails). |
{{ <GRAPHS_H>.CID }} |
(Array) IMG embed string (<img src="{{ <GRAPHS_H>.CID }}" /> ). |
URL to the Zabbix SCREEN of the Host from which the images were taken. |
The Zabbix SCREEN name. |
Header to display representing the time period (defaults to period in config.json or to the mailGraph.screenPeriod Tag of the Host). |
(Array) Contains an array of changes and messages when acknowledging an event. Please refer to the bottom of this page for more detailed information. |
{{ LOG_HTML }} |
Script log in HTML format |
{{ LOG_PLAIN }} |
Script log in PLAIN text format |
You can define CUSTOM information that is passed from Zabbix by introducing a Macro in Zabbix in the MailGraph Media type of which the name starts with 'info'. Each infoXXX
will be made available for use in the template as {{ infoXXX }}
with exactly the same name and will be HTML-escaped automatically.
This allows you to add any other information you want to pass from Zabbix straight into the template ...
The following fields are available for each ACKNOWLEDGES record:
Field name (for use in TWIG) | Additional information (and generated fields) |
acknowledgeid | Acknowledgement ID |
userid | User ID. |
eventid | Source Event ID. |
clock | Unix time when the updated was posted. Use "_clock" for a date/time formatted string. |
message | Actual message included in the post. |
action | Bitmask representing the actual changes performed. Use "_actions" for a formatted string. |
old_severity | Original severity level. Use "_old_severity" for a formatted string. |
new_severity | New severity level. Use "_new_severity" for a formatted string. |
username | Username of the person that has posted the update. |
name | First name of this person. |
surname | Last name of this person. |