Contact - motown-io/motown GitHub Wiki

We want to make it easy for Motown users and contributors to talk to us and connect with each other. Sharing ideas, solving problems and collectively making Motown better! Here are the main ways to contact us right now, we'd love to hear from you on any of them.

If you have suggestions for different ways to contact us which aren't covered by the ones below, please send us a message on the Google Group so we can look into how we can set this up.

Google Groups

Motown on Google Groups

The Motown Google Group is the first stop for general inquiries about Motown or specific support issues (e.g. getting help setting up Motown). It's also a good forum for discussions on how to use Motown, what the roadmap is or which new functionality to expect.

GitHub Issues

Motown issues

If you find a bug, please raise an issue in our issue tracker. Likewise, if you have developed a new feature or improvement in your Motown fork, please send us a pull request so we can incorporate your changes.

If you want to discuss a potential new feature or see unexpected behavior the Google Group might be the best first stop though.