Converting id3 tags to rdf - motools/musicontology GitHub Wiki

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RDFizing songs

Note: this section came from Oscar's blog. The original (full with links) article can be found here: RDFizing songs.

We propose a way to RDFize tracks. The idea is to convert the ID3 tag information to RDF, based on the Music Ontology.

Example 1

The parameters are title and artist name. See results for title=the fly and artist=U2.

        <mo:Track rdf:about=''>
          <mo:puid rdf:resource='2285a2f8-858d-0d06-f982-3796d62284d4'/>
          <mo:puid rdf:resource='2b04db54-0416-d154-4e27-074e8dcea57c'/>
          <dc:title>The Fly</dc:title>
            <mo:MusicGroup rdf:about=''>
              <foaf:img rdf:resource=''/>
              <mo:musicmoz rdf:resource=''/>
              <mo:discogs rdf:resource=''/>
              <foaf:homepage rdf:resource=''/>
              <foaf:member rdf:resource=''/>
              <foaf:member rdf:resource=''/>
              <foaf:member rdf:resource=''/>
              <foaf:member rdf:resource=''/>
              <mo:wikipedia rdf:resource=''/>

Example 2…)/file.mp3

The parameter is a URL that contains an MP3 file. In this case it takes a little bit more, because we have to download (part of) the MP3 file (Note: we have a cron that removes all these MP3 files from our server). See the output results

        <mo:Track rdf:about=''>
            <mo:MusicGroup rdf:about=''>
              <foaf:name>Blues Traveler</foaf:name>
              <mo:discogs rdf:resource=''/>
              <foaf:homepage rdf:resource=''/>
              <foaf:member rdf:resource=''/>
              <mo:wikipedia rdf:resource=''/>
              <foaf:img rdf:resource=''/>
          <dc:title>Back in the Day</dc:title>
          <mo:puid rdf:resource='0a57a829-9d3c-eb35-37a8-d0364d1eae3a'/>
          <mo:puid rdf:resource='02039e1b-64bd-6862-2d27-3507726a8268'/>

A possible use case

So, once we can RDFize songs, what’s next? Well, we can ask for the latest tracks a user has been listening to, and then RDFize them. This example shows the latest tracks a user (RJ) has been listening to.


PMKB Aperture Extractor

The PMKB Aperture Extractor is a proof-of-concept implementation for mapping ID3 tags into an RDF graph which is mainly uses universals of the Music Ontology. Aperture is at least a Java-based RDFizer framework with extractors for various data, metadata and file formats. This is extractor does only the initial mapping; that means, further processing is required to match the statements of the resulted RDF graph against existing ones in the Web.

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