Typical asteroid detection workflow - mostanes/umbrella2 GitHub Wiki
A typical workflow for detecting asteroids using Umbrella2 would be similar to the following:
- Pre-process input images with a noise removing filter (ex. RestrictedMean or CoreFilter).
- Create a master image by combining the others, removing as much as possible the moving objects (ex. applying MultiImageMedian).
- Subtract the master image from the other images (ex. MaskByMedian).
- (if attempting a fully automated pipeline) Attempt to infer the relevant parameters for the detection algorithms.
- Apply the detection algorithms (DotDetector, RLHT).
- Filter the resulting light sources.
- Pair the light sources into tracklets (currently there is no good pairing algorithm, but PoolMDMerger can be used, albeit with some difficulty).
- Filter and output the tracklets.