Background Enriched Region - mostafa1993/MetScanning GitHub Wiki
For studying how much MET filters are good at rejecting noise, we need to specify the phase spaces properly which depend on the filters themselves. The conditions based on different filters are listed below:
filters- MET > 200 GeV
- Number of Jet (with pt > 200 GeV) == 1
- |Jet η| < 2.4 → central Jets
- Jet CHEF < 0.01
- |MET φ| < 0.2 OR |MET φ| > 2.9
- No additional Jet with pt > 25 GeV
filter- MET > 200 GeV
- Number of Muons (with pt > 200 GeV) == 1
- No additional Muons with pt > 10 GeV
- Δφ (MET, Muon) > 3.0
- No additional Jet with pt > 25 GeV
filter- MET > 500 GeV
- Number of PF Candidate (with pt > 500 GeV and with |PdgId| == 211) == 1
- Δφ (MET, PF Candidate) > 3.0
filter- MET > 200 GeV
- Number of Jet (with pt > 200 GeV) == 1
- 2.5 < |Jet 𝜂| < 3.0
- Jet NEEF > 0.9
- Δφ (MET, Jet) >= 3.0
- No additional Jet with pt > 25 GeV
filters- MET > 200 GeV
- Number of Jet (with pt > 200 GeV) == 1
- |Jet η| < 3.0
- Jet NHEF > 0.9
- Δφ (MET, Jet) > 3.0
- No additional Jet with pt > 25 GeV
Other filters
- MET > 200 GeV