Technologies for disseminating, extracting, and storing web data - mostafa-karimi/Web-Scraping GitHub Wiki
Source: Automated Data Collection with R
1. Technologies for disseminating content on the Web
HTML For browsing the Web, there is a hidden standard behind the scenes that structures how information is displayed — the Hypertext Markup Language or HTML. Whether we look for information on Wikipedia, search for sites on Google, check our bank account, or become social on Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube — using a browser means using HTML. Although HTML is not a dedicated data storage format, it frequently contains the information that we are interested in. We find data in texts, tables, lists, links, or other structures. Unfortunately, there is a difference between the way data are presented in a browser on the one side and how they are stored within the HTML code on the other.
XML The Extensible Markup Language or XML is one of the most popular formats for exchanging data over the Web. It is related to HTML in that both are markup languages. However, while HTML is used to shape the display of information, the main purpose of XML is to store data. Thus, HTML documents are interpreted and transformed into pretty-looking output by browsers, whereas XML is “just” data wrapped in user-defined tags. The user-defined tags make XML much more flexible for storing data than HTML. In recent years, XML and its derivatives — so-called schemes — have proliferated in various data exchanges between web applications. Both HTML and XML-style documents offer natural, often hierarchical, structures for data storage. In order to recognize and interpret such structures, we need software that is able to “understand” these languages and handle them adequately.
JSON Another standard data storage and exchange format that is frequently encountered on the Web is the JavaScript Object Notation or JSON. Like XML, JSON is used by many web applications to provide data for web developers. Imagine both XML and JSON as standards that define containers for plain text data. For example, if developers want to analyze trends on Twitter, they can collect the necessary data from an interface that was set up by Twitter to distribute the information in the JSON format. The main reason why data are preferably distributed in the XML or JSON formats is that both are compatible with many programming languages and software, including R. As data providers cannot know the software that is being used to post process the information, it is preferable for all parties involved to distribute the data in formats with universally accepted standards.
AJAX is a group of technologies that is now firmly integrated into the toolkit of modern web developing. AJAX plays a tremendously important role in enabling websites to request data asynchronously in the background of the browser session and update its visual appearance in a dynamic fashion. Although we owe much of the sophistication in modern web apps to AJAX, these technologies constitute a nuisance for web scrapers and we quickly run into a dead end with standard Rtools.
Plain text We frequently deal with plain text data when scraping information from the Web. In a way, plain text is part of every HTML, XML, and JSON document. The crucial property we want to stress is that plain text is unstructured data, at least for computer programs that simply read a text file line by line.
HTTP To retrieve data from the Web, we have to enable our machine to communicate with servers and web services. The lingua franca of Communication on the Web is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). It is the most common standard for communication between web clients and servers. Virtually every HTML page we open, every image we view in the browser, every video we watch is delivered by HTTP. Despite our continuous usage of the protocol we are mostly unaware of it as HTTP exchanges are typically performed by our machines. For many of the basic web scraping applications we do not have to care much about the particulars of HTTP, as R can take over most of the necessary tasks just fine. In some instances, however, we have to dig deeper into the protocol and formulate advanced requests in order to obtain the information we are looking for.
2. Technologies for information extraction from web documents
XPath query language is used to select specific pieces of information from marked up documents such as HTML, XML or any variant of it, for example SVG or RSS. In a typical data web scraping task, calling the webpages is an important, but usually only intermediate step on the way toward well-structured and cleaned datasets. In order to take full advantage of the Web as a nearly endless data source, we have to perform a series of filtering and extraction steps once the relevant web documents have been identified and downloaded. The main purpose of these steps is to recast information that is stored in marked up documents into formats that are suitable for further processing and analysis with statistical software. This task consists of specifying the data we are interested in and locating it in a specific document and then tailoring a query to the document that extracts the desired information.
JSON parsers In contrast to HTML or XML documents, JSON documents are more lightweight and easier to parse. To extract data from JSON, we do not draw upon a specific query language, but rely on high-level R functionality, which does a good job in decoding JSON data.
Selenium Extracting information from AJAX-enriched web pages is a more advanced and complex scenario. As a powerful alternative to initiating web requests from the R console, we present the Selenium framework as a hands-on approach to getting a grip on web data. Selenium allows us to direct commands to a browser window, such as mouse clicks or keyboard inputs, via R. By working directly in the browser, Selenium is capable of circumventing some of the problems discussed with AJAX-enriched web pages.
Regular expressions A central task in web scraping is to collect the relevant information for our research problem from heaps of textual data. We usually care for the systematic elements in textual data — especially if we want to apply quantitative methods to the resulting data. Systematic structures can be numbers or names like countries or addresses. One technique that we can apply to extract the systematic components of the information are regular expressions. Essentially, regular expressions are abstract sequences of strings that match concrete, recurring patterns in text. Besides using them to extract content from plain text documents we can also apply them to HTML and XML documents to identify and extract parts of the documents that we are interested in. While it is often preferable to use XPath queries on markup documents, regular expressions can be useful if the information is hidden within atomic values. Moreover, if the relevant information is scattered across an HTML document, some of the approaches that exploit the document’s structure and markup might be rendered useless.
Text mining Besides extracting meaningful information from textual data in the form of numbers or names we have a second technique at our disposal — text mining. Applying procedures in this class of techniques allows researchers to classify unstructured texts based on the similarity of their word usages. To understand the concept of text mining it is useful to think about the difference between manifest and latent information. While the former describes information that is specifically linked to individual terms, like an address or a temperature measurement, the latter refers to text labels that are not explicitly contained in the text. For example, when analyzing a selection of news reports, human readers are able to classify them as belonging to particular topical categories, say politics, media, or sport. Text mining procedures provide solutions for the automatic categorization of text. This is particularly useful when analyzing web data, which frequently comes in the form of unlabeled and unstructured text.
3. Technologies for data storage
Regarding automated data collection, databases are of interest for two reasons: One, we might occasionally be granted access to a database directly and should be able to cope with it. Two, although, R has a lot of data management facilities, it might be preferable to store data in a database rather than in one of the native formats. For example, if you work on a project where data need to be made available online or if you have various parties gathering specific parts of your data, a database can provide the necessary infrastructure. Moreover, if the data you need to collect are extensive and you have to frequently subset and manipulate the data, it also makes sense to set up a database for the speed with which they can be queried. Nevertheless, in many instances the ordinary data storage facilities of R suffice, for example, by importing and exporting data in binary or plain text formats.