SPRING - mosinn/DOCS-n-Snippets-n-Steps GitHub Wiki
Logging info detailed - AUTO-CONFIGURATION-REPORT
logging.level.org.springframework = debug
Look for "AUTO-CONFIGURATION-REPORT" in logs for ALL things spring has kept ready like request mappers, filters, interceptors,message converters etc
Jackson write date as Human readable when in bean
POST should return 201 not 200 ie 201 CREATED http status. Also as per rest good practice should return URI of created resource using:
inside Controller > URI uri = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequest.path("{id}").buildAndExpand(newUser.getId()).toUri()
return ResponseEntity.created(uri).build();
MVC - CUSTOM EXCEPTION STRUCTURE, instead of default structure from Spring ? @ResponseStatus on EXCEPTION class NOT ENOUGH?
Use @Valid near @RequestBody
Add @NotNull etc in RequestBody representing Bean, and add messages as well
We can change response structure in same way as above, and use ex.getBindingResult to change response details.
Here difference is we @Override handleMethodArgumentNotValid()
We get details to be set into custom exception pojo, using ex.getBindingResult()
Impl lib is hibernate-validator~jar
Maven changes not needed as already part of spring-boot-web-starter
ControllerLinkBuilder.* static
Instead of normal response, we return wrapped response. Wrapper is [Resource]
After building real object from service, we decorate the wrapper code using above static import and inject that there and return.
Wrapper + wrapper.add(linkTo.withRel() where linkTo = Resource.linkTo(methodOn(this.getClass()).someLocalMappedMethod())
In summary, HATEOS spits out a wrapped initial response, with _links{} add-on, of OTHER MAPPED controller method's POSTMAN URL
Load custom non application YML properties as ready made objects eg Maps with @PropertyResource and custom bean
@DependsOn , @Primary @Order and control bean dependency initialization order if that needs to be controlled
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