MAVEN - mosinn/DOCS-n-Snippets-n-Steps GitHub Wiki


  • Installation is just zip download
  • Then Make sure env var JAVA_HOME is set
  • Then set env var MAVEN_HOME or M2_HOME as uzip root
  • Then append path and move up, as %M2_HOME%\bin
  • Make sure highest/first path is %JAVA_HOME%\bin

REPO URL where to set ?

  • %M2_HOME%\conf\settings.xml , is where we can specify repo URLs to use to look for artifacts

Artifactory access SSL issue ?

  • Sometimes MVN install fails with SSL path issue, so use browser Artifactory URL to download ALL certs
  • Then use keytool to import into cacerts
  • OR, ask someone to directly provide the cacerts file and replace the %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\security\cacerts

Force Update, while mvn install ?

  • mvn install -U

Override Conventions of Maven

  • tag is where we can either override default behaviors of maven commands say goals say plugins

Debug LOG

  • mvn install -X
  • use >> to fix errors:
  • mvn install -X >> C:\U\mvndebug.txt

Goal differences

  • clean is NOT COUPLED with any other goal, so is called explicitly when needed. Rest of goals seem daisy chained
  • compile just creates classes in target dir
  • package runs compile first then runs JUNIT (not integration), then creates packaged eg .jar out of then and just puts it in target\classes dir
  • install > runs clean then compile then package, then puts the package in local repo > USER_HOME.m2
  • deploy does install then also pushes the artifact in REMOTE ARTIFACTORY REPO. It doesn't really deploy in a server

LOCAL repo folder is where ?

  • DEFAULT location is user_home\<hidden .m2>
  • check or update %M2_HOME%\conf\settings.xml * <localRepository>C:\U\\.m2\repository</localRepository>

Install downloaded jar

The JARs must be placed in the local repository in the correct place in order for it to be correctly picked up by Apache Maven:-

To install a JAR in the local repository use the following command:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=<path-to-file> -DgroupId=<group-id> \ -DartifactId=<artifact-id> -Dversion=<version> -Dpackaging=<packaging>

If there's a pom-file as well, you can install it with the following command:

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=<path-to-file> -DpomFile=<path-to-pomfile>

TRY for > version 2.5 of the maven

mvn install:install-file -Dfile=<path-to-file>

Discover repo name to add in M2Home>conf>settings.xml, if say build fails and it gives us artifact name ?

  • Search failed artifact name in artifactory using browser , but replace : with -
  • Eg, error in MVN saying failed ~ maven-nls-plugin:2.1.0-SNAPSHOT, can be searched in browser as maven-nls-plugin-2.1.0-SNAPSHOT
  • Then when we find the artifact using online artifactory browser, its results shows like ARTIFACT | PATH | REPOSITORY |
  • REPO URL to put in setting.xml is <BROWSER-URL>\| REPOSITORY |
  • VERIFY minimal path edited as <host-name>\artifactory\ |REPOSITORY| gives chrome browser result
  • UPDATE M2_HOME>conf>settings.xml with newly discovered path OR if it fails, try download jar and local install
  • IDE>Settings>Maven gives option to point to settings.xml & repo for standalone Maven, so that IDE issues get resolved as well

BEST DISCOVERY preemptive resolution is ASK:-

  • Online Artifactory access
  • Online Artifactory URL
  • ALL REPO NAMES involved, so we can add them in settings
  • CERTS or cacerts file, so we can use keytool or overwrite

POM basics

  • <project> contains 5 Elements: "GAV MP B-nested" <groupId><artifactId><version 1.0-SNAPSHOT convention><modelVersion 4.0.0 mostly></packaging> <build></build>
  • Last "build" is nested element used to specify JAVA compiler as plugins:
  • it is a list of plugin entries where each then again is having "GAV Config-nested"
  • Eg:




















Dependencies in POM

<dependencies><dependency> GAV </></> is used

  • MAVEN_HOME\conf\settings TELLS the REPO URL, then below tells deep link path:-
  • G tells website repo hostname /CHANGED POSTfix path in same format to give uniqueness but dots replaced by / in browser
  • A tells AS-IS /url-path further, of a specific application/tool
  • V tells AS-IS which version as / to specify further deep link
  • P is used to append A+V+AS-IS-P to /V eg .jar, to provide deep link download url
  • ie AVP is actual artifact NAME
  • eg for above maven complier plugin deep link url which maven will generate is :

SNAPSHOT means ?

  • It is special convention in version tag, and lets use LATEST code for version perfix eg 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT could download when mvn compile is run
  • To provide sure shotness, NEVER go to PROD with -SNAPSHOT in pom. Go with say -FINAL or -RELEASE

Directory structure basics

  • ProjectRoot\src\main\java\ >


  • -Dmaven.test.skip=true
  • -Dmaven.wagon.http.ssl.insecure=true -Dmaven.wagon.http.ssl.allowall=true
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️