Intellij - mosinn/DOCS-n-Snippets-n-Steps GitHub Wiki
Code Inspection for Code Views for Self/Others, easy way out of an actually committed feature/branch?
set keymap to classic or eclipse.
set dark theme.
install presentation assistant, spring assistant, ace jump.
alt+ number focuses that tab.
sh+ctr+t opens OR creates a junit.
git annotations give line history.
LIVE TEMPLATES psvm sout iter .
ctrl+E recent files OR any editor windows.
ctrl+shift+alt+N - directlyOpen method name from anywhere.
in search ALL, prefix of / gives IDE commands available.
keymap, search for something, reassign a abbreviation of what you use most.
ctrl+sp gives basic completion, ctrl+sp+shift gives smart completion eg inside if (something.) , that will only suggest boolean returning auto completion.
If we have a JSON or SQL string variable, its hard to read/edit, use ALT+Enter> Language Injection, to let it be more readable
ctrl+V NOOO ctrl+shift+V (clipboard history)
multiple cursors for xml tags - shift+alt+mouse
alt+enter code rewrite suggestion
java 12 has beautiful switch expressions instead of that ladder
variable data flow analysis - ctrl+shift+P+P
ctrl+kommit , in dialog watch icon remembers various commit messages used previously
DEBUG, in evaluate expression dialog, there is "view as" > "create" which lets us see an Object added to watch which normally displays its hash, instead, we can introspect an set a specific property directly from watch tab