Docker - mosinn/DOCS-n-Snippets-n-Steps GitHub Wiki
Pull image from Org Docker registry into local and see if it runs
docker pull <artificatoryhost>/<jfrog docker image path>
docker container run -e JAVA_OPTS="" -p 8080:8080 <imgId>
(@a.1) Inspect docker folder str (even if normal run fails), to just open sh(ell)
docker container run -it <img id> sh
Copy docker file system to local for inspection, while container has been started with (@a.1)
docker cp <imageid>:/<docker folder path to copy> -space- c:\U
Auto cleanup after container exits
- --rm flag to be used when starting up the container
Load multiple volumes while running container, specify Container Name etc, unix \ line separator multiline etc eg envoy
docker run --name envoy --rm -it \
-v /Users/hakakm/U/repos/innovation/envoy/config/envoy-custom.yaml:/envoy-custom.yaml \
-v /Users/hakakm/U/repos/innovation/envoy/logs:/logs \
-p 9901:9901 \
-p 10000:10000 \
145035942763 <<<IMG ID>>>> \
-c /etc/envoy/envoy.yaml \
--log-path logs/custom.log
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️