CNTLM React UI Proxy for MAC terminal - mosinn/DOCS-n-Snippets-n-Steps GitHub Wiki

Install in mac - To work across issue where terminal is unable to execute yarn install due to proxy issue

brew install cntlm

Execute the command below and take note of the output, which contains your hashed credentials.

cntlm -H

Password: <enter-m/c password>
PassLM          AD23321DSADA213213EDSAAD21321DAW
PassNT          GFDSDHAS3221983KJLDSFKSJD9342344

Update config file - update the params generated above to the provided values, leaving all other params intact.

vi /usr/local/etc/cntlm.conf

Username        <userId>
Domain         <g....l>
#Password       <if want to enter plaintext = risky>
PassLM          <hashed-credentials-above>
PassNT          <hashed-credentials-above>
PassNTLMv2      <hashed-credentials-above>
Proxy           <Country 2 Initial>Proxy.service.<company small 3 initials>:80
NoProxy         localhost, 127.0.0.*, 10.*, 192.168.*, *.<company small 3 initials>.com, *.dev, *.test *.<company small 3 initials>

Set ACTIVE terminal or application specific settings to use CNTLM as the proxy.

export http_proxy=http://localhost:3128
export https_proxy=http://localhost:3128

Run on demand VS at startup

cntlm -fv


brew services start cntlm

Test in terminal

Open NEW terminal for changes to take effect e.g. if PWD was expired and config is updated


⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️