Development - mosart/rdf-InContext GitHub Wiki
- summary Modifying/improving InContext.
This page provides information about modifying/improving InContext.
Please follow the instructions on [IdeSetup IDE Setup] to setup a development environment.
Debug mode can be enabled through the [ debug] configuration option.
If debug mode is enabled, debug messages are sent to the browser console. To view the console, install the [ Firebug] extension for Firefox.
The release version of InContext in packaged as a single file "visualizer_compiled_min.js", minified to reduce the file size. The original source files can be found in the Source/Scripts folder.
To test the visualiser using the source files, use "example_source.html" in the Source folder.
To build a release version, right mouse click on the build.xml file in the root of your project. Here select Run As > Ant Build. This will create a Release directory in your project containing the release version of InContext.
To update the release directory in Eclipse, right mouse click the project icon and select 'Refresh'.
In addition to the "visualizer_compiled_min.js" file, the build script also builds the file "visualizer_compiled.js". This file has the same content as "visualizer_compiled_min.js" but it isn't minified. This file can be used as a replacement for "visualizer_compiled_min.js" to trace problems on your system without having to install all separate source files.
If additional source files are added to the file structure, they need to be included in both the "example_source.html" and "build.xml" files. Additionally they need to be added to version control using the "add to version control" option.
Main application starting point. This script initializes all the services required to run the application. It's responsible for communication with the HTML page and exposes the API functions.
Holds external libraries required for the application.
Holds the domain objects.
Domain object for a node in the visualizer. Holds data from the RDF data and schema combined.
Holds the default values for the configuration options. The core is responsible for the initialization of all the services.
Services can't communicate directly with the core, all communication is done through the sandbox. It exposes methods for event subscription and logging. It's also used to get configuration values and a reference to another service.
This folder contains the different services.
Responsible for animations. The beginTransition method will start the transition between the old and the new canvas.
Responsible for creating a unified cloud array with all the relation objects sorted by weight. Weight of a cloud object is based on text length and number of objects in the cloud.
Uses the dataconnector and schemaservice. Combines the RDF data and Schema data into usable domain objects for the application.
Uses the jquery.address-x.x.x.min.js dependency to monitor the URL for changes. Provides functionality for the back/forward button in the browser and direct deep linking to an object.
Uses the historymanager, dataservice and cloudservice. Responsible to output the correct HTML to visualize all of the objects.
Listens to object-click and load-object events. Calls the dataservice to get the required data and calls the drawsService to draw this data.
Gets the RDF schema data using the configured schemaUrl.
Parses the provided schema. Has functions to get property names and types for a specified uri.
Gets the RDF data using the configured dataUrl.
This folder contains utility files.
Content files, such as CSS and images, needed to run the application.
Release ZIP files are built packaging the content of the Release folder into a ZIP file.
Before building a ZIP file, first check the source code into the SVN repository trunk. Then create a tag:
_svn copy -m "Tagging the x.x release" --username [email protected]_
Finally, build the ZIP file and upload it to the [ Downloads] section.
The Release folder and release ZIP file should NOT be checked into SVN.