Create your first app - morteza-jamali/winword GitHub Wiki

You can easily create your own applications using AngularJS and PHP . WinWord uses MVC structure for creating applications .

We now want to create the first application using WinWord that displays a Hello world ! text .

The first step is to define your app properties inside variable $apps in file App.php .


    namespace WinWord\App;

    class App {
        public $apps = [
                'name' => 'My First App' ,
                'icon' => 'icons/app.svg' ,
                'slug' => 'myfirstapp'
Property Description
name Application name
icon Application icon path
slug Application slug
  • Then create an AngularJS controller using CLI application . Run command below :
composer create-controller -- --js=myfirstapp

Note that controller name is similar to application slug

This command creates a file with name myfirstapp.js in resources/js path .


import WinWord from './plugin';'myfirstappCtrl' , function ($scope , View) {
    // Your code is here