WSL2_Morphorm_tests - morphorm22/engine GitHub Wiki

Start testing: Mar 06 03:49 MST

1/38 Testing: AD_Elastic_Tet4_timing 1/38 Test: AD_Elastic_Tet4_timing Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-ewpqzo3yvu3tuldau6qynye6nu7urdme/bin/cmake" "-DANALYZE_EXECUTABLE=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/platoanalyze-develop-ivcljcr4gapykaq5jn2uccvcvt3yvwxq/bin/analyze" "-DCONFIG_FILE=soap.xml" "-DRUN_TIME=3.0" "-DNUM_RUNS=2" "-P" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/tools/timer.cmake" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/AD_Elastic_Tet4 "AD_Elastic_Tet4_timing" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

Test time = 0.00 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Passed. "AD_Elastic_Tet4_timing" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "AD_Elastic_Tet4_timing" time elapsed: 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------

2/38 Testing: AD_Elastic_Tet4_regression 2/38 Test: AD_Elastic_Tet4_regression Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-ewpqzo3yvu3tuldau6qynye6nu7urdme/bin/cmake" "-DANALYZE_EXECUTABLE=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/platoanalyze-develop-ivcljcr4gapykaq5jn2uccvcvt3yvwxq/bin/analyze" "-DCONFIG_FILE=soap.xml" "-DOUTPUT_DATA=output_data.exo" "-DGOLD_DATA=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/AD_Elastic_Tet4/gold_data.exo" "-DDIFF_CONF=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/AD_Elastic_Tet4/exo.diff" "-DDIFF=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/exodiff" "-P" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/tools/compare.cmake" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/AD_Elastic_Tet4 "AD_Elastic_Tet4_regression" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::GlobalMPISession(): started processor with name GlenDows and rank 0! Reading input File: soap.xml

Running Analyze Version 0.0.0

p=0: *** Caught standard std::exception of type 'std::runtime_error' :

FILE: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/analyze/src/PlatoProblemFactory.hpp FUNCTION: std::vector<std::shared_ptrPlato::AbstractProblem > Plato::ProblemFactory::create(Plato::Mesh&, Teuchos::ParameterList&, Plato::Comm::Machine&) LINE:492 MESSAGE: ERROR: Parameter list ('Scenarios') is not defined, analysis cannot be performed

CMake Error at /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/tools/compare.cmake:5 (message): FAILED: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/platoanalyze-develop-ivcljcr4gapykaq5jn2uccvcvt3yvwxq/bin/analyze --output-viz=output_data.exo --input-config=soap.xml

Test time = 0.19 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "AD_Elastic_Tet4_regression" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "AD_Elastic_Tet4_regression" time elapsed: 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------

3/38 Testing: Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC 3/38 Test: Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-ewpqzo3yvu3tuldau6qynye6nu7urdme/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC "Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

Running the command: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_prune_and_refine_processors" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "prune_mesh" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "prune_threshold" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_buffer_layers" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_prune_and_refine_processors" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "prune_and_refine_path" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_prune_and_refine_processors" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC/mpirun.source Mesh Name: initialguess.exo Reading in input Mesh... PerceptMesh:: opening initialguess.exo PerceptMesh:: opening bolted_bracket.exo Beginning Transfer Applying Transfer Writing output mesh.. Saving mesh bolted_bracket_mod.exo ... done Done writing output mesh.. CMake Error at /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 0.66 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------

4/38 Testing: Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA 4/38 Test: Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-ewpqzo3yvu3tuldau6qynye6nu7urdme/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA "Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

Running the command: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "mma_move_limit" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.2" for parameter "mma_asymptote_expansion" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.7" for parameter "mma_asymptote_contraction" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "50" for parameter "mma_max_sub_problem_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-6" for parameter "mma_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_output_subproblem_diagnostics" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.0015" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_initial_penalty" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.025" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_penalty_multiplier" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_feasibility_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA/mpirun.source

prterun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

Process name: [prterun-GlenDows-764948@1,1] Exit code: 1

CMake Error at /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 0.30 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA" time elapsed: 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------

5/38 Testing: Analyze_CompMin2D_OC 5/38 Test: Analyze_CompMin2D_OC Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-ewpqzo3yvu3tuldau6qynye6nu7urdme/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin2D_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_CompMin2D_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin2D_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin2D_OC "Analyze_CompMin2D_OC" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

Running the command: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin2D_OC/mpirun.source CMake Error at /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 0.24 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_CompMin2D_OC" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "Analyze_CompMin2D_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------

6/38 Testing: Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC 6/38 Test: Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-ewpqzo3yvu3tuldau6qynye6nu7urdme/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC "Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

Running the command: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "normalize_in_aggregator" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Auto-determining whether to normalize in aggregator because normalize_in_aggregator parameter was not set. INFO: Auto-determined to normalize in aggregator. INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC/mpirun.source

prterun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

Process name: [prterun-GlenDows-764976@1,1] Exit code: 1

CMake Error at /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 0.25 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------

7/38 Testing: Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC 7/38 Test: Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-ewpqzo3yvu3tuldau6qynye6nu7urdme/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC "Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

Running the command: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: aluminum, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: steel, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC/mpirun.source CMake Error at /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 0.23 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------

8/38 Testing: Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC 8/38 Test: Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-ewpqzo3yvu3tuldau6qynye6nu7urdme/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC "Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

Running the command: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "2.0" for parameter "filter_radius_scale" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters Running the command: source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC/mpirun.source CMake Error at /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 0.24 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------

9/38 Testing: Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL 9/38 Test: Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-ewpqzo3yvu3tuldau6qynye6nu7urdme/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL "Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

Running the command: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Parameter "filter_heaviside_scale" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_trust_region_expansion_factor" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_trust_region_contraction_factor" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_initial_radius_scale" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_max_radius_scale" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "hessian_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_min_trust_region_radius" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "8" for parameter "limited_memory_storage" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_outer_gradient_tolerance" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_outer_stationarity_tolerance" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_outer_stagnation_tolerance" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_outer_control_stagnation_tolerance" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_outer_actual_reduction_tolerance" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "ks_disable_post_smoothing" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_trust_region_ratio_low" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_trust_region_ratio_mid" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_trust_region_ratio_high" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "al_penalty_parameter" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "al_penalty_scale_factor" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL/mpirun.source

prterun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

Process name: [prterun-GlenDows-765017@1,1] Exit code: 1

CMake Error at /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 0.27 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL" time elapsed: 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------

10/38 Testing: Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC 10/38 Test: Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-ewpqzo3yvu3tuldau6qynye6nu7urdme/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC "Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

Running the command: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC/mpirun.source CMake Error at /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 0.22 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------

11/38 Testing: Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA 11/38 Test: Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-ewpqzo3yvu3tuldau6qynye6nu7urdme/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA "Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

Running the command: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "mma_move_limit" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.2" for parameter "mma_asymptote_expansion" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.7" for parameter "mma_asymptote_contraction" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "50" for parameter "mma_max_sub_problem_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-6" for parameter "mma_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_output_subproblem_diagnostics" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.0015" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_initial_penalty" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.025" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_penalty_multiplier" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_feasibility_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_use_ipopt_sub_problem_solver" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "2.0" for parameter "filter_radius_scale" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "initial_density_value" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA/mpirun.source

prterun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

Process name: [prterun-GlenDows-765045@1,1] Exit code: 1

CMake Error at /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 0.28 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA" time elapsed: 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------

12/38 Testing: Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC 12/38 Test: Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-ewpqzo3yvu3tuldau6qynye6nu7urdme/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator FixedBlocks.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC "Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

Running the command: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator FixedBlocks.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "normalize_in_aggregator" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Auto-determining whether to normalize in aggregator because normalize_in_aggregator parameter was not set. INFO: Auto-determined to normalize in aggregator. INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "initial_density_value" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC/mpirun.source CMake Error at /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 0.27 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------

13/38 Testing: Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC 13/38 Test: Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-ewpqzo3yvu3tuldau6qynye6nu7urdme/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator FixedBlocks.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC "Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

Running the command: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator FixedBlocks.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "normalize_in_aggregator" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Auto-determining whether to normalize in aggregator because normalize_in_aggregator parameter was not set. INFO: Auto-determined to normalize in aggregator. INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "initial_density_value" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC/mpirun.source CMake Error at /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 0.26 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------

14/38 Testing: Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC 14/38 Test: Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-ewpqzo3yvu3tuldau6qynye6nu7urdme/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

Running the command: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_service" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters Running the command: source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC/mpirun.source

prterun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

Process name: [prterun-GlenDows-765086@1,1] Exit code: 1

CMake Error at /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 0.23 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------

15/38 Testing: Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC 15/38 Test: Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-ewpqzo3yvu3tuldau6qynye6nu7urdme/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

Running the command: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_service" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters Running the command: source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC/mpirun.source

prterun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

Process name: [prterun-GlenDows-765101@1,1] Exit code: 1

CMake Error at /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 0.28 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------

16/38 Testing: Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC 16/38 Test: Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-ewpqzo3yvu3tuldau6qynye6nu7urdme/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

Running the command: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_service" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters Running the command: source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC/mpirun.source

prterun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

Process name: [prterun-GlenDows-765116@1,1] Exit code: 1

CMake Error at /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 0.26 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------

17/38 Testing: Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC 17/38 Test: Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-ewpqzo3yvu3tuldau6qynye6nu7urdme/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC "Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

Running the command: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC/mpirun.source

prterun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

Process name: [prterun-GlenDows-765131@1,1] Exit code: 1

CMake Error at /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 0.26 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------

18/38 Testing: Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA 18/38 Test: Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-ewpqzo3yvu3tuldau6qynye6nu7urdme/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA "Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

Running the command: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "normalize_in_aggregator" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Auto-determining whether to normalize in aggregator because normalize_in_aggregator parameter was not set. INFO: Auto-determined not to normalize in aggregator. INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "mma_move_limit" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.2" for parameter "mma_asymptote_expansion" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.7" for parameter "mma_asymptote_contraction" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "50" for parameter "mma_max_sub_problem_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-6" for parameter "mma_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_output_subproblem_diagnostics" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.0015" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_initial_penalty" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.025" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_penalty_multiplier" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_feasibility_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "thermal_expansivity" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_thermal INFO: Parameter "reference_temperature" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_thermal Running the command: source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA/mpirun.source CMake Error at /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 0.26 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA" time elapsed: 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------

19/38 Testing: Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA 19/38 Test: Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-ewpqzo3yvu3tuldau6qynye6nu7urdme/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA "Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

Running the command: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "normalize_in_aggregator" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Auto-determining whether to normalize in aggregator because normalize_in_aggregator parameter was not set. INFO: Auto-determined not to normalize in aggregator. INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "mma_move_limit" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.2" for parameter "mma_asymptote_expansion" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.7" for parameter "mma_asymptote_contraction" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "50" for parameter "mma_max_sub_problem_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-6" for parameter "mma_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_output_subproblem_diagnostics" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.0015" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_initial_penalty" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.025" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_penalty_multiplier" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_feasibility_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters Running the command: source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA/mpirun.source CMake Error at /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 0.24 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA" time elapsed: 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------

20/38 Testing: Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA 20/38 Test: Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-ewpqzo3yvu3tuldau6qynye6nu7urdme/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA "Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

Running the command: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "normalize_in_aggregator" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Auto-determining whether to normalize in aggregator because normalize_in_aggregator parameter was not set. INFO: Auto-determined not to normalize in aggregator. INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "mma_move_limit" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.2" for parameter "mma_asymptote_expansion" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.7" for parameter "mma_asymptote_contraction" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "50" for parameter "mma_max_sub_problem_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-6" for parameter "mma_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_output_subproblem_diagnostics" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.0015" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_initial_penalty" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.025" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_penalty_multiplier" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_feasibility_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters Running the command: source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA/mpirun.source CMake Error at /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 0.25 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA" time elapsed: 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------

21/38 Testing: Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA 21/38 Test: Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-ewpqzo3yvu3tuldau6qynye6nu7urdme/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA "Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

Running the command: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Parameter "filter_heaviside_scale" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.2" for parameter "mma_asymptote_expansion" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.7" for parameter "mma_asymptote_contraction" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "50" for parameter "mma_max_sub_problem_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-6" for parameter "mma_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_output_subproblem_diagnostics" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.0015" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_initial_penalty" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.025" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_penalty_multiplier" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_feasibility_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA/mpirun.source CMake Error at /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 0.22 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA" time elapsed: 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------

22/38 Testing: Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT 22/38 Test: Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-ewpqzo3yvu3tuldau6qynye6nu7urdme/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT "Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

Running the command: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "normalize_in_aggregator" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Auto-determining whether to normalize in aggregator because normalize_in_aggregator parameter was not set. INFO: Auto-determined not to normalize in aggregator. INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "mma_move_limit" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.2" for parameter "mma_asymptote_expansion" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.7" for parameter "mma_asymptote_contraction" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "50" for parameter "mma_max_sub_problem_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-6" for parameter "mma_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_output_subproblem_diagnostics" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.0015" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_initial_penalty" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.025" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_penalty_multiplier" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_feasibility_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters Running the command: source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT/mpirun.source CMake Error at /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 0.23 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT" time elapsed: 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------

23/38 Testing: Analyze_MultiScenario 23/38 Test: Analyze_MultiScenario Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-ewpqzo3yvu3tuldau6qynye6nu7urdme/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_MultiScenario/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_MultiScenario" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-kz2njneaeig2jn7mhca5usmdjencajww/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_MultiScenario" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_MultiScenario "Analyze_MultiScenario" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

Running the command: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what():
FILE: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator.cpp FUNCTION: void XMLGen::XMLGenerator::parseInputFile() LINE:1034 MESSAGE: Failed to open plato_input_deck.i. [GlenDows:765209] *** Process received signal *** [GlenDows:765209] Signal: Aborted (6) [GlenDows:765209] Signal code: (-6) [GlenDows:765209] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f8b6ea4f520] [GlenDows:765209] [ 1] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f8b6eaa39fc] [GlenDows:765209] [ 2] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f8b6ea4f476] [GlenDows:765209] [ 3] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f8b6ea357f3] [GlenDows:765209] [ 4] /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/gcc-runtime-11.4.0-vfbxhvvvqok2icbiykzq3fupmz4oizzz/lib/[0x7f8b6edeab9e] [GlenDows:765209] [ 5] /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/gcc-runtime-11.4.0-vfbxhvvvqok2icbiykzq3fupmz4oizzz/lib/[0x7f8b6edf620c] [GlenDows:765209] [ 6] /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/gcc-runtime-11.4.0-vfbxhvvvqok2icbiykzq3fupmz4oizzz/lib/[0x7f8b6edf6277] [GlenDows:765209] [ 7] /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/gcc-runtime-11.4.0-vfbxhvvvqok2icbiykzq3fupmz4oizzz/lib/[0x7f8b6edf64d8] [GlenDows:765209] [ 8] /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator(+0x218d4)[0x564ed076d8d4] [GlenDows:765209] [ 9] /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator(+0x1198f4)[0x564ed08658f4] [GlenDows:765209] [10] /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator(+0xf9dfd)[0x564ed0845dfd] [GlenDows:765209] [11] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f8b6ea36d90] [GlenDows:765209] [12] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7f8b6ea36e40] [GlenDows:765209] [13] /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator(+0xfb755)[0x564ed0847755] [GlenDows:765209] *** End of error message *** Running the command: source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_MultiScenario/mpirun.source bash: line 1: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_MultiScenario/mpirun.source: No such file or directory CMake Error at /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 0.05 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_MultiScenario" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "Analyze_MultiScenario" time elapsed: 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------

24/38 Testing: Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA 24/38 Test: Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-ewpqzo3yvu3tuldau6qynye6nu7urdme/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA/mpirun.source" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DDATA_DIR=/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA" "-DOUT_FILE=rocker_opt.csm" "" "-DNUMDIFF_COMMAND=NUMDIFF_COMMAND-NOTFOUND" "-DNUMDIFF_ABSOLUTE=FALSE" "-DNUMDIFF_TOLERANCE=1e-8" "-P" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgennumdifftest.cmake" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA "Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

Running the command: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Setting the mma_control_stagnation_tolerance parameter to -1. Explicitly set this value to something else if desired. INFO: Setting the mma_objective_stagnation_tolerance parameter to -1. Explicitly set this value to something else if desired. INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "mma_move_limit" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.2" for parameter "mma_asymptote_expansion" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.7" for parameter "mma_asymptote_contraction" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "50" for parameter "mma_max_sub_problem_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_output_subproblem_diagnostics" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.0015" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_initial_penalty" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.025" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_penalty_multiplier" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_feasibility_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA/mpirun.source source /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/enginetests/Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA/mpirun.source Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/platoengine-develop-7nrdtjknnmuzgfhjajnnenhassv6a6vi/etc/esp/", line 1, in import ESPtools File "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/platoengine-develop-7nrdtjknnmuzgfhjajnnenhassv6a6vi/etc/esp/", line 5, in from pyCAPS import capsProblem ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyCAPS' Plato CLI: Generating exodus mesh from csm model

ESP operation failed.. aborting

CMake Error at /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgennumdifftest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 0.76 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA" time elapsed: 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------

25/38 Testing: runPlatoMathHelpersUnitTests 25/38 Test: runPlatoMathHelpersUnitTests Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-5.0.2-bqnrpm4r5vrxybpducugzn2pj4wdjijy/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests/PlatoMathHelpersUnitTests" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests "runPlatoMathHelpersUnitTests" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 3.9e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_FromToBlockMatrix_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00485 sec)

  2. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_FromToBlockMatrix_Rect_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.64e-05 sec)

  3. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_FromToBlockMatrix_Rect2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.84e-05 sec)

  4. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_is_same_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.98e-05 sec)

  5. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_Rect_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000123 sec)

  6. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_1_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000101 sec)

  7. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_SortColumnEntries_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.0037 sec)

  8. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_ToFromFull_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.0106 sec)

  9. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_2_UnitTest ... pth::is_same(tMatrixAB->rowMap(), tSlowDumbMatrixAB->rowMap()) = 1 == true : passed pth::is_equivalent(tMatrixAB->rowMap(), tMatrixAB->columnIndices(), tMatrixAB->entries(), tSlowDumbMatrixAB->columnIndices(), tSlowDumbMatrixAB->entries()) = 0 == true : FAILED ==> /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/analyzetests/PlatoMathHelpersTest.cpp:428 [FAILED] (0.00714 sec) PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_2_UnitTest Location: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/analyzetests/PlatoMathHelpersTest.cpp:412

  10. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMinusEqualsMatrix_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00318 sec)

  11. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_GetDataAsNonBlock_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.7e-05 sec)

  12. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_RowSum_UnitTest ... [Passed] (6.6e-06 sec)

  13. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_InverseMultiply_1_UnitTest ... [Passed] (6e-06 sec)

  14. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_InverseMultiply_2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (8.8e-06 sec)

  15. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_SlowDumbRowSummedInverseMultiply_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.31e-05 sec)

  16. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_RowSummedInverseMultiply_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.22e-05 sec)

  17. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_CondenseMatrix_1_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000161 sec)

  18. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_SlowDumbMatrixMinusMatrix_1_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.91e-05 sec)

  19. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_SlowDumbMatrixMinusMatrix_2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.66e-05 sec)

  20. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_VectorTimesMatrixPlusVector_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.12e-05 sec)

  21. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMinusMatrix_1_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.26e-05 sec)

  22. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_InvertLocalMatrices_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.98e-05 sec)

  23. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_ConditionalExpression_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.06e-05 sec)

  24. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixTimesVectorPlusVector_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00349 sec)

  25. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_3_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000179 sec)

  26. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_Rect2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00018 sec)

  27. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_Rect3_UnitTest ... pth::is_same(tMatrixB1A1->rowMap(), tSlowDumbMatrixB1A1->rowMap()) = 1 == true : passed pth::is_equivalent(tMatrixB1A1->rowMap(), tMatrixB1A1->columnIndices(), tMatrixB1A1->entries(), tSlowDumbMatrixB1A1->columnIndices(), tSlowDumbMatrixB1A1->entries()) = 1 == true : passed pth::is_same(tMatrixA1B3->rowMap(), tSlowDumbMatrixA1B3->rowMap()) = 0 == true : FAILED ==> /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/analyzetests/PlatoMathHelpersTest.cpp:1614 pth::is_equivalent(tMatrixA1B3->rowMap(), tMatrixA1B3->columnIndices(), tMatrixA1B3->entries(), tSlowDumbMatrixA1B3->columnIndices(), tSlowDumbMatrixA1B3->entries()) = 0 == true : FAILED ==> /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/analyzetests/PlatoMathHelpersTest.cpp:1615 pth::is_same(tMatrixA2B3->rowMap(), tSlowDumbMatrixA2B3->rowMap()) = 0 == true : FAILED ==> /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/analyzetests/PlatoMathHelpersTest.cpp:1619 pth::is_equivalent(tMatrixA2B3->rowMap(), tMatrixA2B3->columnIndices(), tMatrixA2B3->entries(), tSlowDumbMatrixA2B3->columnIndices(), tSlowDumbMatrixA2B3->entries()) = 1 == true : passed [FAILED] (0.000166 sec) PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_Rect3_UnitTest Location: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/analyzetests/PlatoMathHelpersTest.cpp:1415

  28. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_TransposeBlockMatrix_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.07e-05 sec)

  29. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_TransposeNonBlockMatrix_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.23e-05 sec)

  30. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_diagonalAveAbs_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.69e-05 sec)

  31. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_shiftDiagonal_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.0181 sec)

  32. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_TransposeSymmetricMatrix_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00325 sec)

The following tests FAILED: 8. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_2_UnitTest ... 26. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_Rect3_UnitTest ...

Total Time: 0.057 sec

Summary: total = 32, run = 32, passed = 30, failed = 2

End Result: TEST FAILED Test time = 0.20 sec

Test Failed. "runPlatoMathHelpersUnitTests" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "runPlatoMathHelpersUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00

26/38 Testing: runBLASUnitTests 26/38 Test: runBLASUnitTests Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-5.0.2-bqnrpm4r5vrxybpducugzn2pj4wdjijy/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests/BLASUnitTests" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests "runBLASUnitTests" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 2e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_abs_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.47e-05 sec)
  2. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_dot_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.25e-05 sec)
  3. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_norm_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.7e-05 sec)
  4. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_sum_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.7e-06 sec)
  5. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_fill_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00254 sec)
  6. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_copy_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00183 sec)
  7. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_scale_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00119 sec)
  8. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_update_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00156 sec)

Total Time: 0.00773 sec

Summary: total = 8, run = 8, passed = 8, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.16 sec

Test Passed. "runBLASUnitTests" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "runBLASUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00

27/38 Testing: runElectroThermalUnitTests 27/38 Test: runElectroThermalUnitTests Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-5.0.2-bqnrpm4r5vrxybpducugzn2pj4wdjijy/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests/ElectroThermalUnitTests" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests "runElectroThermalUnitTests" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 1.7e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_FactoryVolumetricForceEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00291 sec)
  2. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_VolumetricForceJouleHeating_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00178 sec)
  3. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_ProblemEvaluatorElectricalThermal_UnitTest ... TachoSolver: Release ==================== TachoSolver: Release ==================== [Passed] (0.00703 sec)

Total Time: 0.0119 sec

Summary: total = 3, run = 3, passed = 3, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.16 sec

Test Passed. "runElectroThermalUnitTests" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "runElectroThermalUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00

28/38 Testing: runEllipticNitscheUnitTests 28/38 Test: runEllipticNitscheUnitTests Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-5.0.2-bqnrpm4r5vrxybpducugzn2pj4wdjijy/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests/EllipticNitscheUnitTests" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests "runEllipticNitscheUnitTests" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 3.4e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. EllipticNitscheTests_MaterialIsotropicElastic_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00023 sec)
  2. EllipticNitscheTests_StrainTensor_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00268 sec)
  3. EllipticNitscheTests_StressTensor_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00135 sec)
  4. EllipticNitscheTests_ComputeSideCellVolumes_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00169 sec)
  5. EllipticNitscheTests_ComputeSideCellFaceAreas_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00156 sec)
  6. EllipticNitscheTests_ComputeCharacteristicLength_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00169 sec)
  7. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTrialElasticStressEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00175 sec)
  8. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTestElasticStressEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00137 sec)
  9. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheDispMisfitEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00172 sec)
  10. EllipticNitscheTests_LinearMechanicalNitscheBC_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00175 sec)
  11. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTrialHeatFluxEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00162 sec)
  12. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTestHeatFluxEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00159 sec)
  13. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheDispMisfitEvaluator2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00174 sec)
  14. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTempMisfitEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.0016 sec)
  15. EllipticNitscheTests_LinearThermalNitscheBC_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00174 sec)
  16. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTrialHyperElasticStressEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00141 sec)
  17. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTestHyperElasticStressEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00175 sec)
  18. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTrialThermalHyperElasticStressEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.0017 sec)
  19. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTestThermalHyperElasticStressEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00175 sec)
  20. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheNonLinearMechanics_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00183 sec)
  21. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheNonlinearThermoMechanics_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00186 sec)
  22. EllipticNitscheTests_FactoryNitscheEvaluator_NonlinearThermoMechanics_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00152 sec)

Total Time: 0.0367 sec

Summary: total = 22, run = 22, passed = 22, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.18 sec

Test Passed. "runEllipticNitscheUnitTests" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "runEllipticNitscheUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00

29/38 Testing: runLinearMaterialModelUnitTests 29/38 Test: runLinearMaterialModelUnitTests Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-5.0.2-bqnrpm4r5vrxybpducugzn2pj4wdjijy/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests/LinearMaterialModelUnitTests" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests "runLinearMaterialModelUnitTests" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 4e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic1D_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000199 sec)
  2. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic1D_PoissonRatioKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000128 sec)
  3. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic1D_YoungModulusKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.68e-05 sec)
  4. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic2D_UnitTest ... [Passed] (6.08e-05 sec)
  5. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic2D_PoissonRatioKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.44e-05 sec)
  6. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic2D_ShearModulusKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.34e-05 sec)
  7. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic2D_YoungsModulusXKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.39e-05 sec)
  8. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic2D_YoungsModulusYKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.9e-05 sec)
  9. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic2D_YoungsModulusXCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.38e-05 sec)
  10. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic2D_YoungsModulusYCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.36e-05 sec)
  11. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic2D_PoissonRatioXYCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.88e-05 sec)
  12. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000137 sec)
  13. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_YoungsModulusXKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.3e-05 sec)
  14. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_YoungsModulusYKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5e-05 sec)
  15. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_YoungsModulusZKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.85e-05 sec)
  16. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_ShearModulusYZKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.06e-05 sec)
  17. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_ShearModulusXZKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.88e-05 sec)
  18. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_ShearModulusXYKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.63e-05 sec)
  19. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_PoissonsRatioXYKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.94e-05 sec)
  20. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_PoissonsRatioXZKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (6.23e-05 sec)
  21. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_PoissonsRatioYZKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (8.09e-05 sec)
  22. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_YoungsModulusXCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.58e-05 sec)
  23. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_YoungsModulusYCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (8.02e-05 sec)
  24. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_YoungsModulusZCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.56e-05 sec)
  25. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_ShearModulusXYCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.44e-05 sec)
  26. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_ShearModulusXZCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.54e-05 sec)
  27. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_ShearModulusYZCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.48e-05 sec)
  28. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_PoissonRationXYCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.56e-05 sec)
  29. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_PoissonRationXZCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.5e-05 sec)
  30. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_PoissonRationYZCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.49e-05 sec)

Total Time: 0.00286 sec

Summary: total = 30, run = 30, passed = 30, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.15 sec

Test Passed. "runLinearMaterialModelUnitTests" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "runLinearMaterialModelUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00

30/38 Testing: runPlatoMaterialModelUnitTests 30/38 Test: runPlatoMaterialModelUnitTests Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-5.0.2-bqnrpm4r5vrxybpducugzn2pj4wdjijy/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests/PlatoMaterialModelUnitTests" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests "runPlatoMaterialModelUnitTests" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 2.2e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMaterialModel_ScalarFunctor_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000167 sec)
  2. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMaterialModel_TensorConstant_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.1e-05 sec)
  3. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMaterialModel_TensorFunctor_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000128 sec)
  4. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMaterialModel_Rank4VoigtFunctor_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00089 sec)
  5. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMaterialModel_Rank4VoigtConstant_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000103 sec)
  6. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMaterialModel_IsotropicStiffnessFunctor_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000914 sec)
  7. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMaterialModel_IsotropicStiffnessConstant_UnitTest ... [Passed] (9.28e-05 sec)
  8. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMaterialModel_MaterialModel_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000235 sec)

Total Time: 0.00287 sec

Summary: total = 8, run = 8, passed = 8, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.15 sec

Test Passed. "runPlatoMaterialModelUnitTests" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "runPlatoMaterialModelUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00

31/38 Testing: runMaterialBasisUnitTests 31/38 Test: runMaterialBasisUnitTests Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-5.0.2-bqnrpm4r5vrxybpducugzn2pj4wdjijy/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests/MaterialBasisUnitTests" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests "runMaterialBasisUnitTests" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 1.6e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_MaterialBasis_Parse_3D_UnitTest ...

REPORT: Reading basis Normalizing vector{0.00000000000000000e+00, -2.00000000000000000e+00, 0.00000000000000000e+00}

REPORT: Reading basis Normalizing vector{2.00000000000000000e+00, 0.00000000000000000e+00, 0.00000000000000000e+00}

[Passed] (0.00028 sec)

  1. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_MaterialBasis_Parse_2D_UnitTest ...

REPORT: Reading basis Normalizing vector{0.00000000000000000e+00, -2.00000000000000000e+00}

[Passed] (0.000154 sec) 2. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_MaterialBasis_TransformVector_3D_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.49e-05 sec) 3. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_MaterialBasis_TransformTensorFromBasis_3D_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.93e-05 sec)

Total Time: 0.000785 sec

Summary: total = 4, run = 4, passed = 4, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.09 sec

Test Passed. "runMaterialBasisUnitTests" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "runMaterialBasisUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00

32/38 Testing: runReadDataUnitTests 32/38 Test: runReadDataUnitTests Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-5.0.2-bqnrpm4r5vrxybpducugzn2pj4wdjijy/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests/ReadDataUnitTests" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests "runReadDataUnitTests" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 2.4e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_getFileExtensionV_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.3e-06 sec)
  2. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_trim_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.3e-06 sec)
  3. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_split_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.23e-05 sec)
  4. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_readCSV_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00472 sec)
  5. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_uniformSpatialBasis_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.0106 sec)

Total Time: 0.0156 sec

Summary: total = 5, run = 5, passed = 5, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.16 sec

Test Passed. "runReadDataUnitTests" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "runReadDataUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00

33/38 Testing: runPlatoSpatialModelUnitTests 33/38 Test: runPlatoSpatialModelUnitTests Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-5.0.2-bqnrpm4r5vrxybpducugzn2pj4wdjijy/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests/PlatoSpatialModelUnitTests" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests "runPlatoSpatialModelUnitTests" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 2e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMask_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.0044 sec)
  2. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoModel_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00288 sec)
  3. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_DefaultBlockNotMarkedAsFixed_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00324 sec)
  4. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_FixedBlockIsMarked_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00338 sec)
  5. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_DefaultBlockWorksetControlUnchanged_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00315 sec)
  6. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_FixedBlockWorksetControlGivesOnes_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00354 sec)

Total Time: 0.0209 sec

Summary: total = 6, run = 6, passed = 6, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.16 sec

Test Passed. "runPlatoSpatialModelUnitTests" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "runPlatoSpatialModelUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00

34/38 Testing: runElementUnitTests 34/38 Test: runElementUnitTests Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-5.0.2-bqnrpm4r5vrxybpducugzn2pj4wdjijy/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests/ElementUnitTests" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests "runElementUnitTests" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 1.12e-05)

Running unit tests ...

  1. Bar2_Bar2_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.3e-06 sec)
  2. Bar2_MechanicsBar2_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.6e-06 sec)
  3. Bar2_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.43e-05 sec)
  4. Bar2_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.13e-05 sec)
  5. Bar3_Bar3_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.3e-06 sec)
  6. Bar3_MechanicsBar3_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.65e-05 sec)
  7. Bar3_Bar3_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (6.3e-06 sec)
  8. Bar3_Bar3_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.22e-05 sec)
  9. Hex27_Hex27_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.7e-06 sec)
  10. Hex27_MechanicsHex27_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.5e-06 sec)
  11. Hex27_MechanicsHex27_CubWeightsSum_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.8e-06 sec)
  12. Hex27_MechanicsHex27_FaceCubPoints_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.8e-05 sec)
  13. Hex27_Hex27_FaceCubWeights_UnitTest ... [Passed] (6.2e-06 sec)
  14. Hex27_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000223 sec)
  15. Hex27_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000281 sec)
  16. Hex8_Hex8_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.6e-06 sec)
  17. Hex8_MechanicsHex8_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.9e-06 sec)
  18. Hex8_MechanicsHex8_FaceCubPoints_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.89e-05 sec)
  19. Hex8_Hex8_FaceCubWeights_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.2e-06 sec)
  20. Hex8_MechanicsHex8_CubWeightsSum_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3e-06 sec)
  21. Hex8_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000149 sec)
  22. Hex8_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.03e-05 sec)
  23. Hex8_JacobianParentCoords_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.28e-05 sec)
  24. Quad4_Quad4_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.1e-06 sec)
  25. Quad4_MechanicsQuad4_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2e-06 sec)
  26. Quad4_MechanicsQuad4_FaceCubPoints_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.6e-06 sec)
  27. Quad4_Quad4_FaceCubWeights_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.9e-06 sec)
  28. Quad4_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (6.9e-06 sec)
  29. Quad4_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.07e-05 sec)
  30. Quad9_Quad9_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2e-06 sec)
  31. Quad9_Quad9_FaceCubPoints_UnitTest ... [Passed] (9.5e-06 sec)
  32. Quad9_Quad9_FaceCubWeights_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.2e-06 sec)
  33. Quad9_MechanicsQuad9_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.5e-06 sec)
  34. Quad9_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.92e-05 sec)
  35. Quad9_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.49e-05 sec)
  36. Tet10_Tet10_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.5e-06 sec)
  37. Tet10_Tet10_FaceCubPoints_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.15e-05 sec)
  38. Tet10_Tet10_FaceCubWeights_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.4e-06 sec)
  39. Tet10_MechanicsTet10_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2e-06 sec)
  40. Tet10_MechanicsTet10_CubWeightsSum_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.8e-06 sec)
  41. Tet10_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.79e-05 sec)
  42. Tet10_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (8.59e-05 sec)
  43. Tet10_IntegrateExpression_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00441 sec)
  44. Tet10_JacobianParentCoords_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.92e-05 sec)
  45. Tet10_SurfaceArea_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.18e-05 sec)
  46. Tet4_Tet4_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.5e-06 sec)
  47. Tet4_Tet4_FaceCubPoints_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7e-06 sec)
  48. Tet4_Tet4_FaceCubWeights_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.8e-06 sec)
  49. Tet4_MechanicsTet4_CubWeightsSum_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.5e-06 sec)
  50. Tri3_Tri3_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.5e-06 sec)
  51. Tri3_Tri3_FaceCubPoints_UnitTest ... [Passed] (6.3e-06 sec)
  52. Tri3_Tri3_FaceCubWeights_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.5e-06 sec)
  53. Tri3_MechanicsTri3_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.5e-06 sec)
  54. Tri3_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.2e-06 sec)
  55. Tri3_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.35e-05 sec)
  56. Tri6_Tri6_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.66e-05 sec)
  57. Tri6_Tri6_FaceCubPoints_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.08e-05 sec)
  58. Tri6_Tri6_FaceCubWeights_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.52e-05 sec)
  59. Tri6_MechanicsTri6_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.7e-06 sec)
  60. Tri6_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000136 sec)
  61. Tri6_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (6.43e-05 sec)
  62. Tri6_JacobianParentCoords_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.72e-05 sec)

Total Time: 0.00803 sec

Summary: total = 62, run = 62, passed = 62, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.15 sec

Test Passed. "runElementUnitTests" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "runElementUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00

35/38 Testing: runPlatoMathTypesUnitTests 35/38 Test: runPlatoMathTypesUnitTests Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-5.0.2-bqnrpm4r5vrxybpducugzn2pj4wdjijy/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests/PlatoMathTypesUnitTests" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests "runPlatoMathTypesUnitTests" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 1.6e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. PlatoMathTypesTests_Matrix_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000208 sec)
  2. PlatoMathTypesTests_Math_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.42e-05 sec)
  3. PlatoMathTypesTests_Eigen_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.02e-05 sec)
  4. PlatoMathTypesTests_trace_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.1e-06 sec)

Total Time: 0.000434 sec

Summary: total = 4, run = 4, passed = 4, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.09 sec

Test Passed. "runPlatoMathTypesUnitTests" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "runPlatoMathTypesUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00

36/38 Testing: runTensorNormUnitTests 36/38 Test: runTensorNormUnitTests Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-5.0.2-bqnrpm4r5vrxybpducugzn2pj4wdjijy/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests/TensorNormUnitTests" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests "runTensorNormUnitTests" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 1.9e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. TensorNormTests_VonMisesPNormDefaultVolumeScaling_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000263 sec)
  2. TensorNormTests_VonMisesPNormSpecifiedVolumeScaling_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.64e-05 sec)
  3. TensorNormTests_VonMisesPNormNoVolumeScaling_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.47e-05 sec)

Total Time: 0.000566 sec

Summary: total = 3, run = 3, passed = 3, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.09 sec

Test Passed. "runTensorNormUnitTests" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "runTensorNormUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00

37/38 Testing: runCrsMatrixUtilsUnitTests 37/38 Test: runCrsMatrixUtilsUnitTests Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-skylake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-5.0.2-bqnrpm4r5vrxybpducugzn2pj4wdjijy/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests/CrsMatrixUtilsUnitTests" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests "runCrsMatrixUtilsUnitTests" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 1.6e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. CrsMatrixUtils_SparsityPatternSymmetric_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.54e-05 sec)
  2. CrsMatrixUtils_SparsityPatternSymmetricFull_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.1e-06 sec)
  3. CrsMatrixUtils_SparsityPatternNonsymmetricUpperTri_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.6e-06 sec)
  4. CrsMatrixUtils_SparsityPatternNonsymmetricLowerTri_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.5e-06 sec)
  5. CrsMatrixUtils_SparsityPatternHash_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.8e-06 sec)

Total Time: 0.000273 sec

Summary: total = 5, run = 5, passed = 5, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.08 sec

Test Passed. "runCrsMatrixUtilsUnitTests" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "runCrsMatrixUtilsUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00

38/38 Testing: BamG_UnitTester 38/38 Test: BamG_UnitTester Command: "/home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests/BamG/unittest/BamG_UnitTester" Directory: /home/hansen/Codes/Morphorm/morphormtests/spack-build-v6hkfph/analyzetests/BamG/unittest "BamG_UnitTester" start time: Mar 06 03:49 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 3e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. PlatoTestBamG_matches_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.1e-05 sec)
  2. PlatoTestBamG_isSame_UnitTest ... [Passed] (9e-06 sec)
  3. PlatoTestBamG_indexMap_Hex8_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3e-06 sec)
  4. PlatoTestBamG_generateCoords_Hex8_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3e-06 sec)
  5. PlatoTestBamG_generateCoords_Tet4_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2e-06 sec)
  6. PlatoTestBamG_generateCoords_Quad4_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3e-06 sec)
  7. PlatoTestBamG_generateCoords_Tri3_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2e-06 sec)
  8. PlatoTestBamG_generateCoords_Tri3_2x2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2e-06 sec)
  9. PlatoTestBamG_generateCoords_Bar2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1e-06 sec)
  10. PlatoTestBamG_generateConnectivity_Hex8_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1e-06 sec)
  11. PlatoTestBamG_generateConnectivity_Tet4_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2e-06 sec)
  12. PlatoTestBamG_generateConnectivity_Quad4_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2e-06 sec)
  13. PlatoTestBamG_generateConnectivity_Tri3_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2e-06 sec)
  14. PlatoTestBamG_generateConnectivity_Tri3_2x2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1e-06 sec)
  15. PlatoTestBamG_generateConnectivity_Bar2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1e-06 sec)
  16. PlatoTestBamG_getNumNPE_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5e-06 sec)
  17. PlatoTestBamG_generateNodeSets_Hex8_Tet4_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.3e-05 sec)
  18. PlatoTestBamG_generateNodeSets_Quad4_Tri3_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.5e-05 sec)
  19. PlatoTestBamG_generateNodeSets_Quad4_Tri3_2x2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.3e-05 sec)
  20. PlatoTestBamG_generateNodeSets_Bar2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3e-06 sec)
  21. PlatoTestBamG_generateSideSets_Hex8_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.7e-05 sec)
  22. PlatoTestBamG_generateSideSets_Quad4_UnitTest ... [Passed] (9e-06 sec)
  23. PlatoTestBamG_generateSideSets_Tet4_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.1e-05 sec)
  24. PlatoTestBamG_generateSideSets_Tri3_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1e-05 sec)
  25. PlatoTestBamG_generateSideSets_Tri3_2x2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1e-05 sec)

Total Time: 0.000327 sec

Summary: total = 25, run = 25, passed = 25, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.01 sec

Test Passed. "BamG_UnitTester" end time: Mar 06 03:49 MST "BamG_UnitTester" time elapsed: 00:00:00

End testing: Mar 06 03:49 MST

large = 0.77 sec*proc

medium = 2.07 sec*proc

small = 0.67 sec*proc

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️