Morphorm_tests - morphorm22/engine GitHub Wiki
1/37 Testing: AD_Elastic_Tet4_timing 1/37 Test: AD_Elastic_Tet4_timing Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DANALYZE_EXECUTABLE=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/platoanalyze-develop-2jikpxcncqvehek2zkwoin7ir7zlgyjf/bin/analyze" "-DCONFIG_FILE=soap.xml" "-DRUN_TIME=3.0" "-DNUM_RUNS=2" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/tools/timer.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/AD_Elastic_Tet4 "AD_Elastic_Tet4_timing" start time: Feb 01 04:34 MST Output:
2/37 Testing: AD_Elastic_Tet4_regression 2/37 Test: AD_Elastic_Tet4_regression Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DANALYZE_EXECUTABLE=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/platoanalyze-develop-2jikpxcncqvehek2zkwoin7ir7zlgyjf/bin/analyze" "-DCONFIG_FILE=soap.xml" "-DOUTPUT_DATA=output_data.exo" "-DGOLD_DATA=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/AD_Elastic_Tet4/gold_data.exo" "-DDIFF_CONF=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/AD_Elastic_Tet4/exo.diff" "-DDIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/tools/compare.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/AD_Elastic_Tet4 "AD_Elastic_Tet4_regression" start time: Feb 01 04:34 MST Output:
Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::GlobalMPISession(): started processor with name strallc and rank 0! Reading input File: soap.xml
Running Analyze Version 0.0.0
Warning: 'Exponent' Parameter not found Warning: Using default value (3.0) Warning: 'Exponent' Parameter not found Warning: Using default value (3.0) Warning: 'Exponent' Parameter not found Warning: Using default value (3.0) Warning: 'Exponent' Parameter not found Warning: Using default value (3.0) Warning: 'Exponent' Parameter not found Warning: Using default value (3.0) Summary: GraphTools (Metis)
Time time for reordering: 0.434904 s
Time time for symbolic factorization: 0.022456 s time for allocation of supernode data structure: 0.657777 s time for additional calculations: 0.000599 s total time spent: 0.680832 s
Linear system A number of equations: 111042 number of nonzeros: 4764438 ( 0.04 % )
Factors U number of nonzeros: 74780034 ( 0.30 % ) number of subgraphs: 1 number of supernodes: 15014 height of supernodal tree: 38 number of leaf supernodes: 4185 max number of children in tree: 3 size of largest supernode: 1614 size of largest schur size: 2975
Memory memory used: 8.7938 MB peak memory used: 296.5985 MB
Time time for copying A into supernodes: 0.069196 s time for numeric factorization: 3.180999 s total time spent: 3.250195 s
Memory memory used in factorization: 639.796 MB peak memory used in factorization: 707.343 MB
FLOPs gflop for numeric factorization: 112.192 GFLOP gflop/s for numeric factorization: 35.269 GFLOP/s
Time time for extra work e.g.,copy rhs: 0.008964 s time for numeric solve: 0.114960 s total time spent: 0.123924 s Memory memory used in solve: 639.796 MB
Cycle: 1.000000e+00 Increment: 1.000000e+00 N-R Itr: 0 Increment norm: 3.245522e-06 Residual norm: 3.174853e-02
*** Newton-Raphson Solver Report: Residual norm tolerance satisfied ***
Cycle: 1.000000e+00 Increment: 1.000000e+00 N-R Itr: 1 Increment norm: 3.245522e-06 Residual norm: 1.692391e-14
Memory memory used now: 0.000 MB peak memory used: 707.343 MB
EXODIFF (Version: 3.26) Modified: 2023-05-01
Authors: Richard Drake, [email protected]
Greg Sjaardema, [email protected]
Run on 2024/02/01 04:35:01 MST
Reading first file ... Reading second file ... FILE 1: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/AD_Elastic_Tet4/output_data.exo Title: Analyze output Dim = 3, Nodes = 37014, Elements = 202560, Faces = 0, Edges = 0 Element Blocks = 1, Face Blocks = 0, Edge Blocks = 0, Nodesets = 1, Sidesets = 1 Vars: Global = 0, Nodal = 3, Element = 0, Face = 0, Edge = 0, Nodeset = 0, Sideset = 0, Times = 1
FILE 2: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/AD_Elastic_Tet4/gold_data.exo Title: cubit(soap.exo): 11/10/2021: 09:44:52 Dim = 3, Nodes = 37014, Elements = 202560, Faces = 0, Edges = 0 Element Blocks = 1, Face Blocks = 0, Edge Blocks = 0, Nodesets = 1, Sidesets = 1 Vars: Global = 0, Nodal = 4, Element = 0, Face = 0, Edge = 0, Nodeset = 0, Sideset = 0, Times = 1
COMMAND FILE: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/AD_Elastic_Tet4/exo.diff
Nodal coordinates will be compared: ... tol: 1e-05 (relative), floor: 0 Time step values will be compared: ... tol: 1e-06 (relative), floor: 0 No Global variables on either file. Nodal variables to be compared: displacement X tol: 0.001 (relative), floor: 1e-09 displacement Y 0.001 (relative), 1e-09 displacement Z 0.001 (relative), 1e-09 No Element variables on either file. No Element Attribute variables on either file. No Nodeset variables on either file. No Sideset variables on either file. Sideset Distribution Factors will be compared: ... tol: 1e-06 (relative), floor: 0 No Edgeblock variables on either file. No Faceblock variables on either file.
============================================================== NOTE: All node and element ids are reported as global ids.
Sideset Distribution Factors: --------- Time step 1, 0.0000000e+00 ~ 0.0000000e+00, rel diff: 0.00000e+00 --------- Nodal variables:
exodiff: Files are the same
Test time = 8.36 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Passed. "AD_Elastic_Tet4_regression" end time: Feb 01 04:35 MST "AD_Elastic_Tet4_regression" time elapsed: 00:00:08 ----------------------------------------------------------3/37 Testing: Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC 3/37 Test: Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC "Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC" start time: Feb 01 04:35 MST Output:
Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_prune_and_refine_processors" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "prune_mesh" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "prune_threshold" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_buffer_layers" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_prune_and_refine_processors" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "prune_and_refine_path" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_prune_and_refine_processors" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC/mpirun.source Mesh Name: initialguess.exo Reading in input Mesh... PerceptMesh:: opening initialguess.exo PerceptMesh:: opening bolted_bracket.exo Beginning Transfer Applying Transfer Writing output mesh.. Saving mesh bolted_bracket_mod.exo ... done Done writing output mesh..
Questions? contact [email protected]
EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC/Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC/Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC.ref.exo Test time = 8.24 sec
Test Passed. "Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC" end time: Feb 01 04:35 MST "Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:08
4/37 Testing: Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA 4/37 Test: Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA "Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA" start time: Feb 01 04:35 MST Output:
Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "mma_move_limit" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.2" for parameter "mma_asymptote_expansion" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.7" for parameter "mma_asymptote_contraction" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "50" for parameter "mma_max_sub_problem_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-6" for parameter "mma_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_output_subproblem_diagnostics" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.0015" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_initial_penalty" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.025" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_penalty_multiplier" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_feasibility_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA/mpirun.source
Questions? contact [email protected]
Operation: (platomain_1) Design Volume Operation: (platomain_1) Initialize Field Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Lower Bounds Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Upper Bounds Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 0 1 4.334762e+02 1.395703e+01 5.000000e-02 4.000000e-01 1.797693e+308
Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 1 2 2.715894e+02 1.948398e+01 -5.944925e-02 6.000000e-01 1.618868e+02
Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 2 3 1.349664e+02 8.641021e+00 -5.054698e-02 3.132556e-01 1.366230e+02
Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 3 4 1.896014e+02 2.690578e+01 -6.540507e-02 3.474736e-01 5.463503e+01
Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Value Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 4 5 1.486624e+02 9.597862e+00 -7.006589e-02 4.260117e-01 4.093902e+01
Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 5 6 8.802670e+01 9.784977e+00 -6.976071e-02 3.929420e-01 6.063569e+01
Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 6 7 6.828444e+01 5.205739e+00 -5.330860e-02 3.662350e-01 1.974226e+01
Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 7 8 4.077081e+01 2.667861e+00 -4.805996e-02 4.469290e-01 2.751362e+01
Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 8 9 2.863786e+01 1.859937e+00 -2.926975e-02 3.921919e-01 1.213296e+01
Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 9 10 2.276793e+01 1.253265e+00 -1.806900e-02 3.208614e-01 5.869927e+00
Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 10 11 1.962920e+01 1.054027e+00 -8.654983e-03 3.128224e-01 3.138731e+00
EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA/Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA/Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA.ref.exo Test time = 144.04 sec
Test Passed. "Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA" end time: Feb 01 04:37 MST "Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA" time elapsed: 00:02:24
5/37 Testing: Analyze_CompMin2D_OC 5/37 Test: Analyze_CompMin2D_OC Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin2D_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_CompMin2D_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin2D_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin2D_OC "Analyze_CompMin2D_OC" start time: Feb 01 04:37 MST Output:
Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin2D_OC/mpirun.source
Questions? contact [email protected]
EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin2D_OC/Analyze_CompMin2D_OC.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin2D_OC/Analyze_CompMin2D_OC.ref.exo Test time = 4.99 sec
Test Passed. "Analyze_CompMin2D_OC" end time: Feb 01 04:37 MST "Analyze_CompMin2D_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:04
6/37 Testing: Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC 6/37 Test: Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC "Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC" start time: Feb 01 04:37 MST Output:
Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "normalize_in_aggregator" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Auto-determining whether to normalize in aggregator because normalize_in_aggregator parameter was not set. INFO: Auto-determined to normalize in aggregator. INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC/mpirun.source
Questions? contact [email protected]
EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC.ref.exo Test time = 39.49 sec
Test Passed. "Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC" end time: Feb 01 04:38 MST "Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:39
7/37 Testing: Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC 7/37 Test: Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC "Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC" start time: Feb 01 04:38 MST Output:
Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: aluminum, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: steel, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC/mpirun.source
Questions? contact [email protected]
EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC/Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC/Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC.ref.exo Test time = 6.96 sec
Test Passed. "Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC" end time: Feb 01 04:38 MST "Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:06
8/37 Testing: Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC 8/37 Test: Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC "Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC" start time: Feb 01 04:38 MST Output:
Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "2.0" for parameter "filter_radius_scale" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC/mpirun.source
Questions? contact [email protected]
EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC/Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC/Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC.ref.exo Test time = 50.08 sec
Test Passed. "Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC" end time: Feb 01 04:39 MST "Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:50
9/37 Testing: Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL 9/37 Test: Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL "Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL" start time: Feb 01 04:39 MST Output:
Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Parameter "filter_heaviside_scale" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_trust_region_expansion_factor" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_trust_region_contraction_factor" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_initial_radius_scale" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_max_radius_scale" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "hessian_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_min_trust_region_radius" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "8" for parameter "limited_memory_storage" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_outer_gradient_tolerance" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_outer_stationarity_tolerance" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_outer_stagnation_tolerance" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_outer_control_stagnation_tolerance" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_outer_actual_reduction_tolerance" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "ks_disable_post_smoothing" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_trust_region_ratio_low" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_trust_region_ratio_mid" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_trust_region_ratio_high" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "al_penalty_parameter" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "al_penalty_scale_factor" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL/mpirun.source
Questions? contact [email protected]
EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL/Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL/Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL.ref.exo Test time = 117.82 sec
Test Passed. "Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL" end time: Feb 01 04:41 MST "Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL" time elapsed: 00:01:57
10/37 Testing: Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC 10/37 Test: Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC "Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC" start time: Feb 01 04:41 MST Output:
Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC/mpirun.source
Questions? contact [email protected]
EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC.ref.exo Test time = 7.18 sec
Test Passed. "Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC" end time: Feb 01 04:41 MST "Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:07
11/37 Testing: Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA 11/37 Test: Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA "Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA" start time: Feb 01 04:41 MST Output:
Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "mma_move_limit" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.2" for parameter "mma_asymptote_expansion" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.7" for parameter "mma_asymptote_contraction" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "50" for parameter "mma_max_sub_problem_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-6" for parameter "mma_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_output_subproblem_diagnostics" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.0015" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_initial_penalty" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.025" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_penalty_multiplier" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_feasibility_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_use_ipopt_sub_problem_solver" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "2.0" for parameter "filter_radius_scale" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "initial_density_value" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA/mpirun.source
Questions? contact [email protected]
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 0 1 3.000000e+01 3.505672e-01 7.192815e-01 5.000000e-01 1.797693e+308
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 1 2 2.721870e+01 3.505672e-01 1.348905e-01 2.837272e-01 2.781299e+00
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 2 3 2.565375e+01 3.505672e-01 -7.655023e-03 2.336742e-01 1.564955e+00
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 3 4 2.411319e+01 3.505672e-01 -2.120634e-02 2.590971e-01 1.540554e+00
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 4 5 2.315289e+01 3.505672e-01 -1.402805e-02 2.130440e-01 9.603000e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 5 6 2.247293e+01 3.505672e-01 -1.329272e-02 2.098271e-01 6.799669e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 6 7 2.192504e+01 3.505672e-01 -1.244460e-02 2.172135e-01 5.478887e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 7 8 2.142508e+01 3.505672e-01 -1.920810e-02 1.907122e-01 4.999559e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 8 9 2.071522e+01 3.505672e-01 -2.632771e-02 1.796034e-01 7.098657e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 9 10 1.990661e+01 3.505672e-01 -2.206075e-02 1.734866e-01 8.086066e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 10 11 1.913603e+01 3.505672e-01 -1.598879e-02 1.450445e-01 7.705815e-01
EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA/Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA/Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA.ref.exo CMake Error at /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:63 (message): Test failed
Test time = 276.25 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA" end time: Feb 01 04:45 MST "Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA" time elapsed: 00:04:36 ----------------------------------------------------------12/37 Testing: Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC 12/37 Test: Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator FixedBlocks.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC "Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC" start time: Feb 01 04:45 MST Output:
Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator FixedBlocks.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "normalize_in_aggregator" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Auto-determining whether to normalize in aggregator because normalize_in_aggregator parameter was not set. INFO: Auto-determined to normalize in aggregator. INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "initial_density_value" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC/mpirun.source
Questions? contact [email protected]
Operation: (platomain_1) Design Volume Operation: (platomain_1) Initialize Field Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Lower Bounds Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Upper Bounds Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC/Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC/Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC.ref.exo Test time = 128.21 sec
Test Passed. "Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC" end time: Feb 01 04:48 MST "Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC" time elapsed: 00:02:08
13/37 Testing: Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC 13/37 Test: Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator FixedBlocks.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC "Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC" start time: Feb 01 04:48 MST Output:
Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator FixedBlocks.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "normalize_in_aggregator" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Auto-determining whether to normalize in aggregator because normalize_in_aggregator parameter was not set. INFO: Auto-determined to normalize in aggregator. INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "initial_density_value" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC/mpirun.source
Questions? contact [email protected]
Operation: (platomain_1) Design Volume Operation: (platomain_1) Initialize Field Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Lower Bounds Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Upper Bounds Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC/Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC/Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC.ref.exo Test time = 128.24 sec
Test Passed. "Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC" end time: Feb 01 04:50 MST "Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC" time elapsed: 00:02:08
14/37 Testing: Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC 14/37 Test: Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC" start time: Feb 01 04:50 MST Output:
Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_service" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC/mpirun.source
Questions? contact [email protected]
Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpiexec noticed that process rank 2 with PID 0 on node strallc exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).
CMake Error at /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed
Test time = 1.57 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC" end time: Feb 01 04:50 MST "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:01 ----------------------------------------------------------15/37 Testing: Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC 15/37 Test: Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC" start time: Feb 01 04:50 MST Output:
Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_service" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC/mpirun.source
Questions? contact [email protected]
Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpiexec noticed that process rank 2 with PID 0 on node strallc exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).
CMake Error at /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed
Test time = 1.83 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC" end time: Feb 01 04:50 MST "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:01 ----------------------------------------------------------16/37 Testing: Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC 16/37 Test: Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC" start time: Feb 01 04:50 MST Output:
Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_service" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC/mpirun.source
Questions? contact [email protected]
Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpiexec noticed that process rank 2 with PID 0 on node strallc exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).
CMake Error at /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed
Test time = 1.82 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC" end time: Feb 01 04:50 MST "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:01 ----------------------------------------------------------17/37 Testing: Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC 17/37 Test: Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC "Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC" start time: Feb 01 04:50 MST Output:
Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC/mpirun.source
Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpiexec detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:
CMake Error at /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed
Test time = 1.59 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC" end time: Feb 01 04:50 MST "Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:01 ----------------------------------------------------------18/37 Testing: Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA 18/37 Test: Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA "Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA" start time: Feb 01 04:50 MST Output:
Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "normalize_in_aggregator" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Auto-determining whether to normalize in aggregator because normalize_in_aggregator parameter was not set. INFO: Auto-determined not to normalize in aggregator. INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "mma_move_limit" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.2" for parameter "mma_asymptote_expansion" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.7" for parameter "mma_asymptote_contraction" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "50" for parameter "mma_max_sub_problem_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-6" for parameter "mma_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_output_subproblem_diagnostics" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.0015" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_initial_penalty" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.025" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_penalty_multiplier" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_feasibility_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "thermal_expansivity" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_thermal INFO: Parameter "reference_temperature" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_thermal Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA/mpirun.source
Questions? contact [email protected]
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 0 1 1.666205e+03 3.381591e+02 -6.078471e-15 2.000000e-01 1.797693e+308
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 1 2 6.705365e+02 9.407438e+01 9.321645e-03 8.000000e-01 9.956684e+02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 2 3 4.032227e+02 4.627689e+01 -1.640712e-02 3.056309e-01 2.673138e+02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 3 4 2.103935e+02 1.923251e+01 -1.427942e-02 2.653003e-01 1.928292e+02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 4 5 1.287898e+02 1.021007e+01 -1.288800e-02 2.881776e-01 8.160369e+01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 5 6 9.297109e+01 7.118785e+00 -1.009045e-02 2.525482e-01 3.581873e+01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 6 7 8.037308e+01 6.012140e+00 -4.829263e-03 2.491443e-01 1.259801e+01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 7 8 7.534636e+01 5.454078e+00 -2.717898e-03 2.151037e-01 5.026721e+00
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 8 9 7.261433e+01 5.103938e+00 -1.639056e-03 2.198858e-01 2.732029e+00
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 9 10 7.101364e+01 4.884630e+00 -9.717682e-04 2.252594e-01 1.600689e+00
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 10 11 7.010486e+01 4.751361e+00 -5.824144e-04 2.096773e-01 9.087819e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 11 12 6.957849e+01 4.667292e+00 -3.630854e-04 2.249686e-01 5.263668e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 12 13 6.925083e+01 4.611994e+00 -2.485358e-04 2.266419e-01 3.276635e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 13 14 6.903174e+01 4.571430e+00 -1.738005e-04 2.280248e-01 2.190910e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 14 15 6.889280e+01 4.543690e+00 -1.059577e-04 2.196967e-01 1.389398e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 15 16 6.880578e+01 4.523091e+00 -7.899624e-05 2.210240e-01 8.701222e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 16 17 6.874169e+01 4.507561e+00 -6.094266e-05 2.138227e-01 6.409547e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 17 18 6.868646e+01 4.494728e+00 -5.084920e-05 2.555941e-01 5.523155e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 18 19 6.863878e+01 4.483468e+00 -3.989838e-05 2.458259e-01 4.767807e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 19 20 6.859728e+01 4.474421e+00 -3.706775e-05 3.752416e-01 4.150276e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 20 21 6.855535e+01 4.466738e+00 -3.315029e-05 3.910544e-01 4.192876e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 21 22 6.851766e+01 4.460491e+00 -2.727558e-05 4.037443e-01 3.768231e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 22 23 6.848371e+01 4.455092e+00 -2.368299e-05 4.979334e-01 3.395944e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 23 24 6.845011e+01 4.450128e+00 -2.229951e-05 4.191651e-01 3.360023e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 24 25 6.841643e+01 4.445536e+00 -1.951712e-05 3.882191e-01 3.367315e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 25 26 6.838493e+01 4.441952e+00 -1.748057e-05 4.065159e-01 3.149704e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 26 27 6.835559e+01 4.439038e+00 -1.582556e-05 4.989072e-01 2.934295e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 27 28 6.832970e+01 4.435964e+00 -1.395400e-05 4.762293e-01 2.588994e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 28 29 6.830447e+01 4.433233e+00 -1.246214e-05 4.731831e-01 2.523535e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 29 30 6.828049e+01 4.430788e+00 -1.165683e-05 3.764589e-01 2.397928e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 30 31 6.825149e+01 4.428255e+00 -1.421127e-05 4.960027e-01 2.899654e-02
EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA/Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA/Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA.ref.exo Test time = 33.98 sec
Test Passed. "Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA" end time: Feb 01 04:50 MST "Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA" time elapsed: 00:00:33
19/37 Testing: Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA 19/37 Test: Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA "Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA" start time: Feb 01 04:50 MST Output:
Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "normalize_in_aggregator" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Auto-determining whether to normalize in aggregator because normalize_in_aggregator parameter was not set. INFO: Auto-determined not to normalize in aggregator. INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "mma_move_limit" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.2" for parameter "mma_asymptote_expansion" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.7" for parameter "mma_asymptote_contraction" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "50" for parameter "mma_max_sub_problem_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-6" for parameter "mma_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_output_subproblem_diagnostics" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.0015" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_initial_penalty" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.025" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_penalty_multiplier" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_feasibility_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA/mpirun.source
Questions? contact [email protected]
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 0 1 1.696805e+01 2.984103e+00 -6.078471e-15 2.000000e-01 1.797693e+308
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 1 2 7.113206e+00 8.151998e-01 1.022829e-02 8.000000e-01 9.854846e+00
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 2 3 4.291736e+00 4.349912e-01 -1.726395e-02 2.551721e-01 2.821469e+00
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 3 4 2.381939e+00 1.996684e-01 -1.326349e-02 2.249009e-01 1.909798e+00
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 4 5 1.603775e+00 1.175349e-01 -8.521274e-03 2.322507e-01 7.781640e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 5 6 1.218996e+00 8.186091e-02 -6.454115e-03 2.127477e-01 3.847787e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 6 7 1.030620e+00 6.562360e-02 -4.078602e-03 2.309889e-01 1.883760e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 7 8 9.370445e-01 5.801538e-02 -2.566756e-03 2.068586e-01 9.357555e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 8 9 8.856698e-01 5.415126e-02 -1.599225e-03 2.045292e-01 5.137468e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 9 10 8.554811e-01 5.176949e-02 -1.114430e-03 2.187580e-01 3.018876e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 10 11 8.378129e-01 5.027783e-02 -7.304729e-04 2.137841e-01 1.766812e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 11 12 8.279585e-01 4.932713e-02 -4.594300e-04 2.190431e-01 9.854469e-03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 12 13 8.228689e-01 4.878311e-02 -2.603845e-04 2.098154e-01 5.089576e-03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 13 14 8.200057e-01 4.845600e-02 -1.728247e-04 2.110842e-01 2.863165e-03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 14 15 8.179351e-01 4.821381e-02 -1.151351e-04 1.903635e-01 2.070684e-03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 15 16 8.164993e-01 4.803603e-02 -8.545588e-05 1.712793e-01 1.435781e-03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 16 17 8.155263e-01 4.790752e-02 -6.187472e-05 1.955261e-01 9.729328e-04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 17 18 8.149276e-01 4.781568e-02 -4.513957e-05 1.864341e-01 5.987557e-04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 18 19 8.145599e-01 4.774594e-02 -3.491938e-05 1.818746e-01 3.677062e-04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 19 20 8.143420e-01 4.769436e-02 -2.914117e-05 1.688296e-01 2.178378e-04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 20 21 8.142010e-01 4.765580e-02 -2.468973e-05 1.543691e-01 1.410094e-04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 21 22 8.140894e-01 4.762689e-02 -1.721734e-05 1.977098e-01 1.116503e-04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 22 23 8.139789e-01 4.760457e-02 -1.318826e-05 1.790572e-01 1.104999e-04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 23 24 8.138617e-01 4.758421e-02 -9.880036e-06 1.823329e-01 1.171435e-04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 24 25 8.137436e-01 4.756853e-02 -8.379816e-06 1.694717e-01 1.181431e-04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 25 26 8.136352e-01 4.755697e-02 -8.005827e-06 2.171685e-01 1.084251e-04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 26 27 8.135291e-01 4.754541e-02 -7.825886e-06 2.468517e-01 1.060619e-04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 27 28 8.134906e-01 4.753871e-02 -5.280604e-06 2.090688e-01 3.851630e-05
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 28 29 8.134751e-01 4.753256e-02 -5.152263e-06 2.701496e-01 1.545454e-05
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 29 30 8.134258e-01 4.752403e-02 -5.045973e-06 3.631208e-01 4.931964e-05
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 30 31 8.133988e-01 4.751708e-02 -3.673601e-06 2.728096e-01 2.705990e-05
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 31 32 8.133819e-01 4.751394e-02 -2.410470e-06 2.920356e-01 1.682377e-05
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 32 33 8.133665e-01 4.751336e-02 -2.134173e-06 2.818678e-01 1.542018e-05
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 33 34 8.133777e-01 4.751318e-02 -1.763694e-06 3.385119e-01 1.121545e-05
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 34 35 8.134030e-01 4.751140e-02 -1.432213e-06 2.576472e-01 2.524715e-05
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 35 36 8.134194e-01 4.750893e-02 -1.354158e-06 3.615439e-01 1.642646e-05
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 36 37 8.134523e-01 4.751196e-02 -6.158999e-07 2.282542e-01 3.285891e-05
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 37 38 8.134760e-01 4.751519e-02 -4.823134e-07 1.396031e-01 2.369040e-05
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 38 39 8.134823e-01 4.751677e-02 -3.371342e-07 1.658774e-01 6.322551e-06
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 39 40 8.134833e-01 4.751788e-02 -2.043413e-07 1.593925e-01 1.007454e-06
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 40 41 8.134895e-01 4.751995e-02 -1.087071e-07 1.023199e-01 6.198124e-06
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 41 42 8.134917e-01 4.752123e-02 -8.866239e-08 1.314437e-01 2.200533e-06
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 42 43 8.134852e-01 4.752172e-02 -8.970254e-08 1.489853e-01 6.521126e-06
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 43 44 8.134795e-01 4.752202e-02 -6.682772e-08 1.502139e-01 5.628855e-06
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 44 45 8.134769e-01 4.752242e-02 -4.525469e-08 1.354510e-01 2.635216e-06
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 45 46 8.134760e-01 4.752276e-02 -2.289944e-08 9.280778e-02 8.518988e-07
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 46 47 8.134762e-01 4.752305e-02 -1.017437e-08 6.847209e-02 1.617711e-07
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 47 48 8.134765e-01 4.752310e-02 -4.135302e-09 5.347517e-02 2.860843e-07
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 48 49 8.134777e-01 4.752335e-02 3.170430e-10 3.677632e-02 1.209588e-06
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 49 50 8.134773e-01 4.752327e-02 -4.765975e-10 3.054150e-02 3.970289e-07
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 50 51 8.134772e-01 4.752323e-02 3.236440e-09 2.256206e-02 7.709532e-08
EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA/Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA/Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA.ref.exo Test time = 845.51 sec
Test Passed. "Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA" end time: Feb 01 05:04 MST "Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA" time elapsed: 00:14:05
20/37 Testing: Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA 20/37 Test: Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA "Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA" start time: Feb 01 05:04 MST Output:
Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "normalize_in_aggregator" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Auto-determining whether to normalize in aggregator because normalize_in_aggregator parameter was not set. INFO: Auto-determined not to normalize in aggregator. INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "mma_move_limit" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.2" for parameter "mma_asymptote_expansion" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.7" for parameter "mma_asymptote_contraction" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "50" for parameter "mma_max_sub_problem_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-6" for parameter "mma_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_output_subproblem_diagnostics" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.0015" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_initial_penalty" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.025" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_penalty_multiplier" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_feasibility_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA/mpirun.source
Questions? contact [email protected]
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 0 1 3.854792e+06 1.524987e+06 -6.078471e-15 2.000000e-01 1.797693e+308
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 1 2 3.695379e+06 5.924128e+05 -8.760253e-02 8.000000e-01 1.594136e+05
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 2 3 2.666127e+06 2.324331e+05 -7.570396e-02 4.293875e-01 1.029251e+06
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 3 4 2.234248e+06 1.174167e+05 -5.186014e-02 4.999868e-01 4.318800e+05
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 4 5 2.180890e+06 1.986125e+05 -5.675114e-02 4.999907e-01 5.335745e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 5 6 1.971565e+06 1.463164e+05 -4.259225e-02 4.998827e-01 2.093255e+05
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 6 7 1.900071e+06 1.907533e+05 -3.439453e-02 4.999955e-01 7.149354e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 7 8 1.706877e+06 1.196234e+05 -2.939299e-02 4.999908e-01 1.931940e+05
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 8 9 1.675255e+06 1.856265e+05 -2.293476e-02 4.999871e-01 3.162203e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 9 10 1.618025e+06 1.434909e+05 -2.641967e-02 4.999906e-01 5.723018e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 10 11 1.563302e+06 1.106755e+05 -2.183251e-02 4.999934e-01 5.472285e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 11 12 1.441060e+06 9.268267e+04 -1.803541e-02 4.999783e-01 1.222423e+05
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 12 13 1.366134e+06 8.608377e+04 -1.317526e-02 4.999907e-01 7.492601e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 13 14 1.306759e+06 7.539378e+04 -1.003944e-02 4.999878e-01 5.937517e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 14 15 1.268550e+06 1.046482e+05 -9.156963e-03 4.999882e-01 3.820832e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 15 16 1.231631e+06 8.230993e+04 -9.527418e-03 4.999941e-01 3.691924e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 16 17 1.163295e+06 7.102741e+04 -1.001396e-02 4.999826e-01 6.833567e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 17 18 1.086087e+06 5.281196e+04 -5.920814e-03 4.999317e-01 7.720823e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 18 19 1.029335e+06 5.205853e+04 -4.283617e-03 4.550564e-01 5.675207e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 19 20 9.784174e+05 4.488343e+04 -3.641482e-03 4.998878e-01 5.091762e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 20 21 9.270379e+05 4.336785e+04 -3.141445e-03 3.838497e-01 5.137952e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 21 22 8.786988e+05 4.129412e+04 -2.674244e-03 4.139590e-01 4.833911e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 22 23 8.331489e+05 3.958088e+04 -2.499584e-03 4.768361e-01 4.554983e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 23 24 7.916952e+05 3.796728e+04 -2.224323e-03 3.861245e-01 4.145375e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 24 25 7.551443e+05 3.667066e+04 -2.015194e-03 4.999384e-01 3.655087e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 25 26 7.229684e+05 3.514503e+04 -1.794483e-03 4.341673e-01 3.217592e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 26 27 6.925709e+05 3.365685e+04 -1.719532e-03 4.113366e-01 3.039752e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 27 28 6.639041e+05 3.256460e+04 -1.678298e-03 4.998914e-01 2.866680e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 28 29 6.374490e+05 3.130726e+04 -1.641321e-03 4.090033e-01 2.645505e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 29 30 6.183473e+05 3.662431e+04 -1.812758e-03 4.999433e-01 1.910173e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 30 31 6.199730e+05 5.277292e+04 -4.049929e-03 4.999936e-01 1.625664e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 31 32 6.362362e+05 7.022777e+04 -8.163087e-03 4.999978e-01 1.626320e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 32 33 6.071575e+05 4.371818e+04 -1.004517e-02 4.999989e-01 2.907870e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 33 34 5.939449e+05 7.202354e+04 -8.276816e-03 4.999967e-01 1.321255e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 34 35 6.148809e+05 1.574559e+05 -9.506213e-03 4.999993e-01 2.093603e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 35 36 5.391857e+05 3.590687e+04 -9.289399e-03 4.999998e-01 7.569522e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 36 37 5.052926e+05 3.920578e+04 -6.411722e-03 4.999956e-01 3.389314e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 37 38 4.829330e+05 3.526134e+04 -4.831311e-03 4.999990e-01 2.235961e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 38 39 4.611900e+05 2.741770e+04 -3.417913e-03 4.999986e-01 2.174294e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 39 40 4.447328e+05 2.670857e+04 -2.592144e-03 4.999874e-01 1.645726e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 40 41 4.305619e+05 2.438444e+04 -1.833448e-03 4.999939e-01 1.417086e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 41 42 4.183821e+05 2.311915e+04 -1.404812e-03 4.999597e-01 1.217982e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 42 43 4.081069e+05 2.242710e+04 -9.820007e-04 4.999083e-01 1.027518e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 43 44 3.995893e+05 2.168656e+04 -7.685186e-04 2.799845e-01 8.517650e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 44 45 3.921388e+05 2.122798e+04 -6.993487e-04 3.296683e-01 7.450423e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 45 46 3.852559e+05 2.080621e+04 -6.747512e-04 3.304590e-01 6.882975e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 46 47 3.786931e+05 2.041720e+04 -6.707835e-04 3.188253e-01 6.562743e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 47 48 3.722623e+05 2.002510e+04 -6.380491e-04 3.176072e-01 6.430791e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 48 49 3.660072e+05 1.965613e+04 -6.255674e-04 3.441615e-01 6.255169e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 49 50 3.600393e+05 1.932366e+04 -6.200779e-04 3.465123e-01 5.967833e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 50 51 3.543763e+05 1.899726e+04 -5.994140e-04 4.008674e-01 5.663004e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 51 52 3.490556e+05 1.868229e+04 -5.836998e-04 3.319434e-01 5.320700e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 52 53 3.439371e+05 1.839384e+04 -5.651014e-04 4.400203e-01 5.118478e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 53 54 3.390904e+05 1.807572e+04 -6.299121e-04 4.998821e-01 4.846727e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 54 55 3.335534e+05 1.768472e+04 -6.868077e-04 4.999728e-01 5.537068e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 55 56 3.283764e+05 1.735971e+04 -6.242557e-04 3.806883e-01 5.176931e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 56 57 3.236241e+05 1.705300e+04 -6.315729e-04 4.968602e-01 4.752356e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 57 58 3.189850e+05 1.673427e+04 -5.852691e-04 4.801393e-01 4.639104e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 58 59 3.145138e+05 1.643272e+04 -5.631502e-04 4.915207e-01 4.471122e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 59 60 3.100676e+05 1.616186e+04 -5.646377e-04 4.991795e-01 4.446287e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 60 61 3.055276e+05 1.587879e+04 -5.719059e-04 4.997279e-01 4.539911e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 61 62 3.013305e+05 1.563709e+04 -5.139250e-04 4.995977e-01 4.197131e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 62 63 2.975005e+05 1.543211e+04 -4.993738e-04 4.996459e-01 3.829971e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 63 64 2.935564e+05 1.520203e+04 -5.263547e-04 4.995992e-01 3.944116e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 64 65 2.896775e+05 1.500955e+04 -4.990595e-04 4.996789e-01 3.878930e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 65 66 2.858809e+05 1.478036e+04 -4.763246e-04 4.998202e-01 3.796548e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 66 67 2.821569e+05 1.458582e+04 -4.651230e-04 4.996937e-01 3.724044e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 67 68 2.784554e+05 1.441056e+04 -4.766566e-04 4.996429e-01 3.701489e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 68 69 2.745564e+05 1.425735e+04 -5.024452e-04 4.999042e-01 3.899012e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 69 70 2.705979e+05 1.407660e+04 -5.317770e-04 4.998204e-01 3.958545e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 70 71 2.664526e+05 1.393506e+04 -5.621988e-04 4.998539e-01 4.145271e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 71 72 2.620473e+05 1.370999e+04 -5.929348e-04 4.998804e-01 4.405261e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 72 73 2.572951e+05 1.354174e+04 -6.525938e-04 4.998980e-01 4.752209e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 73 74 2.520859e+05 1.329862e+04 -7.375146e-04 4.998999e-01 5.209264e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 74 75 2.469779e+05 1.299560e+04 -7.533586e-04 4.999482e-01 5.107915e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 75 76 2.424467e+05 1.293151e+04 -8.213986e-04 4.999528e-01 4.531250e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 76 77 2.399937e+05 1.291326e+04 -8.162860e-04 4.999858e-01 2.452974e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 77 78 2.370244e+05 1.344992e+04 -1.224328e-03 4.999926e-01 2.969303e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 78 79 2.494879e+05 2.087659e+04 -1.477990e-03 4.999939e-01 1.246348e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 79 80 2.509593e+05 2.113686e+04 -3.497928e-03 4.999977e-01 1.471402e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 80 81 2.643063e+05 2.169785e+04 -4.182663e-03 4.999961e-01 1.334702e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 81 82 2.650709e+05 2.198464e+04 -6.285540e-03 4.999963e-01 7.645524e+02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 82 83 2.654556e+05 2.096887e+04 -6.011026e-03 4.999963e-01 3.847229e+02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 83 84 2.561608e+05 1.764641e+04 -6.446625e-03 4.999953e-01 9.294812e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 84 85 2.468138e+05 1.542446e+04 -4.003533e-03 4.999906e-01 9.347010e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 85 86 2.356670e+05 1.307349e+04 -2.875980e-03 4.999882e-01 1.114680e+04
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 86 87 2.310044e+05 1.244285e+04 -1.060422e-03 4.999799e-01 4.662564e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 87 88 2.268695e+05 1.214620e+04 -9.541757e-04 4.999718e-01 4.134912e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 88 89 2.261369e+05 1.203463e+04 -6.927355e-04 4.999809e-01 7.326256e+02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 89 90 2.228884e+05 1.185027e+04 -8.202463e-04 4.999702e-01 3.248434e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 90 91 2.211164e+05 1.173178e+04 -3.888567e-04 4.999458e-01 1.771997e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 91 92 2.195799e+05 1.163966e+04 -4.147052e-04 4.999181e-01 1.536525e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 92 93 2.182427e+05 1.155666e+04 -2.205510e-04 4.998646e-01 1.337221e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 93 94 2.172164e+05 1.151874e+04 -1.827258e-04 2.300957e-01 1.026329e+03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 94 95 2.162963e+05 1.148889e+04 -1.701398e-04 3.623960e-01 9.200700e+02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 95 96 2.153832e+05 1.146129e+04 -1.782272e-04 2.064781e-01 9.131336e+02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 96 97 2.144676e+05 1.143418e+04 -1.730032e-04 2.225292e-01 9.155626e+02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 97 98 2.136145e+05 1.141358e+04 -1.628781e-04 2.158905e-01 8.531360e+02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 98 99 2.127973e+05 1.138797e+04 -1.646491e-04 2.230902e-01 8.171430e+02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 99 100 2.119847e+05 1.135431e+04 -1.652376e-04 2.163254e-01 8.125855e+02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 100 101 2.111715e+05 1.132105e+04 -1.702589e-04 2.095243e-01 8.132390e+02
EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA/Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA/Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA.ref.exo Test time = 1668.74 sec
Test Passed. "Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA" end time: Feb 01 05:32 MST "Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA" time elapsed: 00:27:48
21/37 Testing: Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA 21/37 Test: Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA "Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA" start time: Feb 01 05:32 MST Output:
Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Parameter "filter_heaviside_scale" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.2" for parameter "mma_asymptote_expansion" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.7" for parameter "mma_asymptote_contraction" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "50" for parameter "mma_max_sub_problem_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-6" for parameter "mma_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_output_subproblem_diagnostics" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.0015" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_initial_penalty" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.025" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_penalty_multiplier" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_feasibility_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA/mpirun.source
Questions? contact [email protected]
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 0 1 1.080048e+01 3.928770e+00 -1.355550e-02 3.000000e-01 1.797693e+308
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 1 2 5.977540e+00 1.729093e+00 -1.257327e-02 9.999953e-02 4.822942e+00
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 2 3 3.726146e+00 9.251407e-01 -1.076632e-02 9.999897e-02 2.251394e+00
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 3 4 2.470900e+00 5.409752e-01 -9.057983e-03 9.999866e-02 1.255246e+00
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 4 5 1.955572e+00 3.971386e-01 -4.394499e-03 9.999824e-02 5.153275e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 5 6 1.657899e+00 3.186644e-01 -3.744971e-03 9.999782e-02 2.976727e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 6 7 1.414500e+00 2.548874e-01 -3.715772e-03 9.999788e-02 2.433998e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 7 8 1.205330e+00 2.020493e-01 -3.644235e-03 9.999808e-02 2.091699e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 8 9 1.076041e+00 1.660043e-01 -2.651132e-03 9.999753e-02 1.292888e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 9 10 1.005137e+00 1.474434e-01 -1.670633e-03 9.999765e-02 7.090397e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 10 11 9.663265e-01 1.378220e-01 -1.023654e-03 9.999723e-02 3.881045e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 11 12 9.429020e-01 1.322833e-01 -7.130595e-04 9.999734e-02 2.342456e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 12 13 9.260409e-01 1.283557e-01 -5.665911e-04 9.999675e-02 1.686111e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 13 14 9.132193e-01 1.252985e-01 -4.517077e-04 9.999420e-02 1.282155e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 14 15 9.032362e-01 1.228176e-01 -3.752919e-04 9.998646e-02 9.983155e-03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 15 16 8.949554e-01 1.207439e-01 -3.394485e-04 9.999023e-02 8.280745e-03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 16 17 8.880103e-01 1.190750e-01 -2.930271e-04 9.997337e-02 6.945127e-03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 17 18 8.826097e-01 1.178065e-01 -2.285629e-04 9.998550e-02 5.400541e-03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 18 19 8.782565e-01 1.167760e-01 -1.801166e-04 9.997178e-02 4.353205e-03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 19 20 8.744466e-01 1.158355e-01 -1.574732e-04 9.997557e-02 3.809979e-03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 20 21 8.532164e-01 1.036433e-01 -4.875750e-04 9.998418e-02 2.123012e-02
EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA/Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA/Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA.ref.exo Test time = 6.51 sec
Test Passed. "Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA" end time: Feb 01 05:32 MST "Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA" time elapsed: 00:00:06
22/37 Testing: Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT 22/37 Test: Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT "Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT" start time: Feb 01 05:32 MST Output:
Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "normalize_in_aggregator" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Auto-determining whether to normalize in aggregator because normalize_in_aggregator parameter was not set. INFO: Auto-determined not to normalize in aggregator. INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "mma_move_limit" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.2" for parameter "mma_asymptote_expansion" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.7" for parameter "mma_asymptote_contraction" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "50" for parameter "mma_max_sub_problem_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-6" for parameter "mma_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_output_subproblem_diagnostics" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.0015" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_initial_penalty" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.025" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_penalty_multiplier" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_feasibility_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT/mpirun.source
Questions? contact [email protected]
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 0 1 2.705320e+01 3.021707e+00 0.000000e+00 5.000000e-01 1.797693e+308
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 1 2 1.719441e+01 1.390017e+00 -5.030576e-02 3.011430e-01 9.858785e+00
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 2 3 1.110857e+01 7.698865e-01 -2.251107e-02 2.344889e-01 6.085842e+00
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 3 4 8.827219e+00 5.869307e-01 -9.864236e-03 2.873759e-01 2.281353e+00
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 4 5 8.016076e+00 5.175289e-01 -4.255851e-03 2.040012e-01 8.111431e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 5 6 7.649492e+00 4.855247e-01 -2.803529e-03 2.254064e-01 3.665834e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 6 7 7.434978e+00 4.664214e-01 -1.553243e-03 1.845269e-01 2.145145e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 7 8 7.295427e+00 4.545342e-01 -1.102700e-03 1.779262e-01 1.395512e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 8 9 7.191073e+00 4.459108e-01 -8.484776e-04 1.574387e-01 1.043533e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 9 10 7.084742e+00 4.371817e-01 -9.039840e-04 1.323150e-01 1.063310e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 10 11 6.918876e+00 4.235021e-01 -1.543124e-03 1.949826e-01 1.658665e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 11 12 6.616935e+00 4.010538e-01 -3.621327e-03 2.356861e-01 3.019406e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 12 13 6.270642e+00 3.781154e-01 -3.952378e-03 2.416156e-01 3.462938e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 13 14 5.989133e+00 3.598374e-01 -3.692349e-03 2.608370e-01 2.815088e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 14 15 5.784181e+00 3.460619e-01 -2.613176e-03 3.050484e-01 2.049518e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 15 16 5.651288e+00 3.366671e-01 -1.866949e-03 3.668478e-01 1.328926e-01
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 16 17 5.565481e+00 3.297176e-01 -1.270944e-03 3.187218e-01 8.580698e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 17 18 5.512751e+00 3.247619e-01 -8.605527e-04 3.287700e-01 5.272998e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 18 19 5.479393e+00 3.208097e-01 -5.061973e-04 3.134166e-01 3.335798e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 19 20 5.457416e+00 3.179022e-01 -3.647669e-04 3.668969e-01 2.197749e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 20 21 5.440773e+00 3.154280e-01 -2.788849e-04 3.152616e-01 1.664274e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 21 22 5.427365e+00 3.134094e-01 -2.250813e-04 3.127864e-01 1.340856e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 22 23 5.416751e+00 3.117270e-01 -1.797367e-04 4.700444e-01 1.061332e-02
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 23 24 5.407821e+00 3.102994e-01 -1.513776e-04 3.486725e-01 8.930668e-03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 24 25 5.400261e+00 3.090983e-01 -1.279075e-04 4.071210e-01 7.559100e-03
Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 25 26 5.393638e+00 3.080223e-01 -1.078934e-04 3.922690e-01 6.623145e-03
EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT/Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT/Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT.ref.exo Test time = 78.40 sec
Test Passed. "Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT" time elapsed: 00:01:18
23/37 Testing: Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA 23/37 Test: Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA/mpirun.source" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA" "-DOUT_FILE=rocker_opt.csm" "" "-DNUMDIFF_COMMAND=NUMDIFF_COMMAND-NOTFOUND" "-DNUMDIFF_ABSOLUTE=FALSE" "-DNUMDIFF_TOLERANCE=1e-8" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgennumdifftest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA "Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:
Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Setting the mma_control_stagnation_tolerance parameter to -1. Explicitly set this value to something else if desired. INFO: Setting the mma_objective_stagnation_tolerance parameter to -1. Explicitly set this value to something else if desired. INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "mma_move_limit" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.2" for parameter "mma_asymptote_expansion" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.7" for parameter "mma_asymptote_contraction" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "50" for parameter "mma_max_sub_problem_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_output_subproblem_diagnostics" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.0015" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_initial_penalty" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.025" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_penalty_multiplier" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_feasibility_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA/mpirun.source source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA/mpirun.source Traceback (most recent call last): File "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/platoengine-develop-tdhm6qlfijrcqa4fporazj2e4e6anz6h/etc/esp/", line 1, in import ESPtools File "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/platoengine-develop-tdhm6qlfijrcqa4fporazj2e4e6anz6h/etc/esp/", line 5, in from pyCAPS import capsProblem ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyCAPS' Plato CLI: Generating exodus mesh from csm model
ESP operation failed.. aborting
Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpiexec detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:
CMake Error at /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgennumdifftest.cmake:16 (message): run failed
Test time = 3.00 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA" time elapsed: 00:00:03 ----------------------------------------------------------24/37 Testing: runPlatoMathHelpersUnitTests 24/37 Test: runPlatoMathHelpersUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/PlatoMathHelpersUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runPlatoMathHelpersUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:
*** Unit test suite ...
Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 5e-06)
Running unit tests ...
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_FromToBlockMatrix_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00612 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_FromToBlockMatrix_Rect_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.98e-05 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_FromToBlockMatrix_Rect2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.73e-05 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_is_same_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.17e-05 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_Rect_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000107 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_1_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.63e-05 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_SortColumnEntries_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00412 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_ToFromFull_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00325 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_2_UnitTest ... pth::is_same(tMatrixAB->rowMap(), tSlowDumbMatrixAB->rowMap()) = 1 == true : passed pth::is_equivalent(tMatrixAB->rowMap(), tMatrixAB->columnIndices(), tMatrixAB->entries(), tSlowDumbMatrixAB->columnIndices(), tSlowDumbMatrixAB->entries()) = 0 == true : FAILED ==> /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/analyzetests/PlatoMathHelpersTest.cpp:428 [FAILED] (0.00662 sec) PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_2_UnitTest Location: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/analyzetests/PlatoMathHelpersTest.cpp:412
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMinusEqualsMatrix_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00295 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_GetDataAsNonBlock_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.59e-05 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_RowSum_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.3e-05 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_InverseMultiply_1_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.04e-06 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_InverseMultiply_2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.66e-06 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_SlowDumbRowSummedInverseMultiply_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.21e-05 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_RowSummedInverseMultiply_UnitTest ... [Passed] (9.96e-06 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_CondenseMatrix_1_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000132 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_SlowDumbMatrixMinusMatrix_1_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.68e-05 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_SlowDumbMatrixMinusMatrix_2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.4e-05 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_VectorTimesMatrixPlusVector_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.21e-05 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMinusMatrix_1_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.02e-05 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_InvertLocalMatrices_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.41e-05 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_ConditionalExpression_UnitTest ... [Passed] (6.95e-06 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixTimesVectorPlusVector_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00343 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_3_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000142 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_Rect2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000171 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_Rect3_UnitTest ... pth::is_same(tMatrixB1A1->rowMap(), tSlowDumbMatrixB1A1->rowMap()) = 1 == true : passed pth::is_equivalent(tMatrixB1A1->rowMap(), tMatrixB1A1->columnIndices(), tMatrixB1A1->entries(), tSlowDumbMatrixB1A1->columnIndices(), tSlowDumbMatrixB1A1->entries()) = 1 == true : passed pth::is_same(tMatrixA1B3->rowMap(), tSlowDumbMatrixA1B3->rowMap()) = 0 == true : FAILED ==> /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/analyzetests/PlatoMathHelpersTest.cpp:1614 pth::is_equivalent(tMatrixA1B3->rowMap(), tMatrixA1B3->columnIndices(), tMatrixA1B3->entries(), tSlowDumbMatrixA1B3->columnIndices(), tSlowDumbMatrixA1B3->entries()) = 0 == true : FAILED ==> /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/analyzetests/PlatoMathHelpersTest.cpp:1615 pth::is_same(tMatrixA2B3->rowMap(), tSlowDumbMatrixA2B3->rowMap()) = 0 == true : FAILED ==> /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/analyzetests/PlatoMathHelpersTest.cpp:1619 pth::is_equivalent(tMatrixA2B3->rowMap(), tMatrixA2B3->columnIndices(), tMatrixA2B3->entries(), tSlowDumbMatrixA2B3->columnIndices(), tSlowDumbMatrixA2B3->entries()) = 1 == true : passed [FAILED] (8.4e-05 sec) PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_Rect3_UnitTest Location: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/analyzetests/PlatoMathHelpersTest.cpp:1415
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_TransposeBlockMatrix_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.27e-05 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_TransposeNonBlockMatrix_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.74e-05 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_diagonalAveAbs_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.17e-05 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_shiftDiagonal_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.0165 sec)
PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_TransposeSymmetricMatrix_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00302 sec)
The following tests FAILED: 8. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_2_UnitTest ... 26. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_Rect3_UnitTest ...
Total Time: 0.0475 sec
Summary: total = 32, run = 32, passed = 30, failed = 2
Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:
Test time = 2.31 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "runPlatoMathHelpersUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runPlatoMathHelpersUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:02 ----------------------------------------------------------25/37 Testing: runBLASUnitTests 25/37 Test: runBLASUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/BLASUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runBLASUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:
*** Unit test suite ...
Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 1.92e-06)
Running unit tests ...
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_abs_UnitTest ... [Passed] (6.89e-05 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_dot_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000307 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_norm_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.44e-05 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_sum_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.09e-06 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_fill_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00228 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_copy_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00131 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_scale_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00109 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_update_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00119 sec)
Total Time: 0.0064 sec
Summary: total = 8, run = 8, passed = 8, failed = 0
Test Passed. "runBLASUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runBLASUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00
26/37 Testing: runElectroThermalUnitTests 26/37 Test: runElectroThermalUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/ElectroThermalUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runElectroThermalUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:
*** Unit test suite ...
Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 2.54e-06)
Running unit tests ...
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_FactoryVolumetricForceEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00372 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_VolumetricForceJouleHeating_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00183 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_ProblemEvaluatorElectricalThermal_UnitTest ... TachoSolver: Release ==================== TachoSolver: Release ==================== [Passed] (0.00729 sec)
Total Time: 0.013 sec
Summary: total = 3, run = 3, passed = 3, failed = 0
Test Passed. "runElectroThermalUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runElectroThermalUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00
27/37 Testing: runEllipticNitscheUnitTests 27/37 Test: runEllipticNitscheUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/EllipticNitscheUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runEllipticNitscheUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:
*** Unit test suite ...
Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 4.18e-06)
Running unit tests ...
- EllipticNitscheTests_MaterialIsotropicElastic_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000302 sec)
- EllipticNitscheTests_StrainTensor_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00345 sec)
- EllipticNitscheTests_StressTensor_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00197 sec)
- EllipticNitscheTests_ComputeSideCellVolumes_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00188 sec)
- EllipticNitscheTests_ComputeSideCellFaceAreas_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00182 sec)
- EllipticNitscheTests_ComputeCharacteristicLength_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00153 sec)
- EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTrialElasticStressEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00137 sec)
- EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTestElasticStressEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00134 sec)
- EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheDispMisfitEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00134 sec)
- EllipticNitscheTests_LinearMechanicalNitscheBC_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00139 sec)
- EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTrialHeatFluxEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00131 sec)
- EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTestHeatFluxEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00132 sec)
- EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheDispMisfitEvaluator2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00129 sec)
- EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTempMisfitEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00119 sec)
- EllipticNitscheTests_LinearThermalNitscheBC_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00123 sec)
- EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTrialHyperElasticStressEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00127 sec)
- EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTestHyperElasticStressEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00128 sec)
- EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTrialThermalHyperElasticStressEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00128 sec)
- EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTestThermalHyperElasticStressEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00132 sec)
- EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheNonLinearMechanics_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00131 sec)
- EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheNonlinearThermoMechanics_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00138 sec)
- EllipticNitscheTests_FactoryNitscheEvaluator_NonlinearThermoMechanics_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00138 sec)
Total Time: 0.0323 sec
Summary: total = 22, run = 22, passed = 22, failed = 0
Test Passed. "runEllipticNitscheUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runEllipticNitscheUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00
28/37 Testing: runLinearMaterialModelUnitTests 28/37 Test: runLinearMaterialModelUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/LinearMaterialModelUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runLinearMaterialModelUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:
*** Unit test suite ...
Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 4.39e-06)
Running unit tests ...
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic1D_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000153 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic1D_PoissonRatioKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (9.04e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic1D_YoungModulusKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.79e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic2D_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.88e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic2D_PoissonRatioKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.33e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic2D_ShearModulusKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.13e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic2D_YoungsModulusXKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.11e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic2D_YoungsModulusYKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.19e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic2D_YoungsModulusXCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.18e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic2D_YoungsModulusYCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.07e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic2D_PoissonRatioXYCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.22e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00011 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_YoungsModulusXKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.14e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_YoungsModulusYKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.63e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_YoungsModulusZKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.48e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_ShearModulusYZKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.6e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_ShearModulusXZKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.57e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_ShearModulusXYKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.29e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_PoissonsRatioXYKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.64e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_PoissonsRatioXZKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.31e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_PoissonsRatioYZKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.21e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_YoungsModulusXCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.19e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_YoungsModulusYCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.2e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_YoungsModulusZCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.18e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_ShearModulusXYCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.15e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_ShearModulusXZCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.17e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_ShearModulusYZCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.17e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_PoissonRationXYCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.23e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_PoissonRationXZCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.16e-05 sec)
- LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_PoissonRationYZCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.17e-05 sec)
Total Time: 0.0014 sec
Summary: total = 30, run = 30, passed = 30, failed = 0
Test Passed. "runLinearMaterialModelUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runLinearMaterialModelUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00
29/37 Testing: runPlatoMaterialModelUnitTests 29/37 Test: runPlatoMaterialModelUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/PlatoMaterialModelUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runPlatoMaterialModelUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:
*** Unit test suite ...
Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 2.14e-06)
Running unit tests ...
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMaterialModel_ScalarFunctor_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000199 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMaterialModel_TensorConstant_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.43e-05 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMaterialModel_TensorFunctor_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000148 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMaterialModel_Rank4VoigtFunctor_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00113 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMaterialModel_Rank4VoigtConstant_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00012 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMaterialModel_IsotropicStiffnessFunctor_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00113 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMaterialModel_IsotropicStiffnessConstant_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000106 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMaterialModel_MaterialModel_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000265 sec)
Total Time: 0.00325 sec
Summary: total = 8, run = 8, passed = 8, failed = 0
Test Passed. "runPlatoMaterialModelUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runPlatoMaterialModelUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00
30/37 Testing: runMaterialBasisUnitTests 30/37 Test: runMaterialBasisUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/MaterialBasisUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runMaterialBasisUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:
*** Unit test suite ...
Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 3.58e-06)
Running unit tests ...
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_MaterialBasis_Parse_3D_UnitTest ...
REPORT: Reading basis Normalizing vector{0.00000000000000000e+00, -2.00000000000000000e+00, 0.00000000000000000e+00}
REPORT: Reading basis Normalizing vector{2.00000000000000000e+00, 0.00000000000000000e+00, 0.00000000000000000e+00}
[Passed] (0.000506 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_MaterialBasis_Parse_2D_UnitTest ...
REPORT: Reading basis Normalizing vector{0.00000000000000000e+00, -2.00000000000000000e+00}
[Passed] (0.000159 sec) 2. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_MaterialBasis_TransformVector_3D_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000146 sec) 3. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_MaterialBasis_TransformTensorFromBasis_3D_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000164 sec)
Total Time: 0.00113 sec
Summary: total = 4, run = 4, passed = 4, failed = 0
Test Passed. "runMaterialBasisUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runMaterialBasisUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00
31/37 Testing: runReadDataUnitTests 31/37 Test: runReadDataUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/ReadDataUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runReadDataUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:
*** Unit test suite ...
Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 2.75e-06)
Running unit tests ...
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_getFileExtensionV_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.92e-06 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_trim_UnitTest ... [Passed] (6.69e-06 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_split_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.42e-05 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_readCSV_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00667 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_uniformSpatialBasis_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00362 sec)
Total Time: 0.0105 sec
Summary: total = 5, run = 5, passed = 5, failed = 0
Test Passed. "runReadDataUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runReadDataUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00
32/37 Testing: runPlatoSpatialModelUnitTests 32/37 Test: runPlatoSpatialModelUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/PlatoSpatialModelUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runPlatoSpatialModelUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:
*** Unit test suite ...
Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 3.74e-06)
Running unit tests ...
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMask_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00556 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoModel_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00357 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_DefaultBlockNotMarkedAsFixed_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.0033 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_FixedBlockIsMarked_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00296 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_DefaultBlockWorksetControlUnchanged_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00281 sec)
- PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_FixedBlockWorksetControlGivesOnes_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.0028 sec)
Total Time: 0.0212 sec
Summary: total = 6, run = 6, passed = 6, failed = 0
Test Passed. "runPlatoSpatialModelUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runPlatoSpatialModelUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00
33/37 Testing: runElementUnitTests 33/37 Test: runElementUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/ElementUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runElementUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:
*** Unit test suite ...
Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 1.66e-05)
Running unit tests ...
- Bar2_Bar2_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.08e-06 sec)
- Bar2_MechanicsBar2_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.89e-06 sec)
- Bar2_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.64e-05 sec)
- Bar2_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.4e-05 sec)
- Bar3_Bar3_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.09e-06 sec)
- Bar3_MechanicsBar3_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.44e-06 sec)
- Bar3_Bar3_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.19e-05 sec)
- Bar3_Bar3_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.4e-05 sec)
- Hex27_Hex27_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.91e-06 sec)
- Hex27_MechanicsHex27_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.28e-06 sec)
- Hex27_MechanicsHex27_CubWeightsSum_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5e-06 sec)
- Hex27_MechanicsHex27_FaceCubPoints_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.68e-05 sec)
- Hex27_Hex27_FaceCubWeights_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.32e-06 sec)
- Hex27_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000279 sec)
- Hex27_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000255 sec)
- Hex8_Hex8_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.04e-06 sec)
- Hex8_MechanicsHex8_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.37e-06 sec)
- Hex8_MechanicsHex8_FaceCubPoints_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.78e-05 sec)
- Hex8_Hex8_FaceCubWeights_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.06e-06 sec)
- Hex8_MechanicsHex8_CubWeightsSum_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.99e-06 sec)
- Hex8_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000194 sec)
- Hex8_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.74e-05 sec)
- Hex8_JacobianParentCoords_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.19e-05 sec)
- Quad4_Quad4_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.4e-06 sec)
- Quad4_MechanicsQuad4_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.21e-06 sec)
- Quad4_MechanicsQuad4_FaceCubPoints_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.03e-05 sec)
- Quad4_Quad4_FaceCubWeights_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.35e-06 sec)
- Quad4_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (8.03e-06 sec)
- Quad4_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.8e-05 sec)
- Quad9_Quad9_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.16e-06 sec)
- Quad9_Quad9_FaceCubPoints_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.26e-05 sec)
- Quad9_Quad9_FaceCubWeights_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.49e-06 sec)
- Quad9_MechanicsQuad9_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.42e-06 sec)
- Quad9_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.92e-05 sec)
- Quad9_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (6.02e-05 sec)
- Tet10_Tet10_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.25e-06 sec)
- Tet10_Tet10_FaceCubPoints_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.58e-05 sec)
- Tet10_Tet10_FaceCubWeights_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.28e-06 sec)
- Tet10_MechanicsTet10_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.28e-06 sec)
- Tet10_MechanicsTet10_CubWeightsSum_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.02e-06 sec)
- Tet10_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.42e-05 sec)
- Tet10_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (9.1e-05 sec)
- Tet10_IntegrateExpression_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00613 sec)
- Tet10_JacobianParentCoords_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.86e-05 sec)
- Tet10_SurfaceArea_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.26e-05 sec)
- Tet4_Tet4_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.15e-06 sec)
- Tet4_Tet4_FaceCubPoints_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.59e-06 sec)
- Tet4_Tet4_FaceCubWeights_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.62e-06 sec)
- Tet4_MechanicsTet4_CubWeightsSum_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.86e-06 sec)
- Tri3_Tri3_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.57e-06 sec)
- Tri3_Tri3_FaceCubPoints_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.51e-06 sec)
- Tri3_Tri3_FaceCubWeights_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.84e-06 sec)
- Tri3_MechanicsTri3_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.38e-06 sec)
- Tri3_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.04e-06 sec)
- Tri3_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.47e-05 sec)
- Tri6_Tri6_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.48e-06 sec)
- Tri6_Tri6_FaceCubPoints_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.13e-06 sec)
- Tri6_Tri6_FaceCubWeights_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.96e-06 sec)
- Tri6_MechanicsTri6_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.4e-06 sec)
- Tri6_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (8.66e-05 sec)
- Tri6_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.78e-05 sec)
- Tri6_JacobianParentCoords_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.1e-05 sec)
Total Time: 0.00822 sec
Summary: total = 62, run = 62, passed = 62, failed = 0
Test Passed. "runElementUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runElementUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00
34/37 Testing: runPlatoMathTypesUnitTests 34/37 Test: runPlatoMathTypesUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/PlatoMathTypesUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runPlatoMathTypesUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:
*** Unit test suite ...
Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 1.95e-06)
Running unit tests ...
- PlatoMathTypesTests_Matrix_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000222 sec)
- PlatoMathTypesTests_Math_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.16e-05 sec)
- PlatoMathTypesTests_Eigen_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.98e-05 sec)
- PlatoMathTypesTests_trace_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.24e-06 sec)
Total Time: 0.000371 sec
Summary: total = 4, run = 4, passed = 4, failed = 0
Test Passed. "runPlatoMathTypesUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runPlatoMathTypesUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00
35/37 Testing: runTensorNormUnitTests 35/37 Test: runTensorNormUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/TensorNormUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runTensorNormUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:
*** Unit test suite ...
Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 2.74e-06)
Running unit tests ...
- TensorNormTests_VonMisesPNormDefaultVolumeScaling_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000321 sec)
- TensorNormTests_VonMisesPNormSpecifiedVolumeScaling_UnitTest ... [Passed] (9.31e-05 sec)
- TensorNormTests_VonMisesPNormNoVolumeScaling_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.2e-05 sec)
Total Time: 0.000604 sec
Summary: total = 3, run = 3, passed = 3, failed = 0
Test Passed. "runTensorNormUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runTensorNormUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00
36/37 Testing: runCrsMatrixUtilsUnitTests 36/37 Test: runCrsMatrixUtilsUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/CrsMatrixUtilsUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runCrsMatrixUtilsUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:
*** Unit test suite ...
Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 3.83e-06)
Running unit tests ...
- CrsMatrixUtils_SparsityPatternSymmetric_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.46e-05 sec)
- CrsMatrixUtils_SparsityPatternSymmetricFull_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.58e-06 sec)
- CrsMatrixUtils_SparsityPatternNonsymmetricUpperTri_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.01e-06 sec)
- CrsMatrixUtils_SparsityPatternNonsymmetricLowerTri_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.68e-06 sec)
- CrsMatrixUtils_SparsityPatternHash_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.16e-05 sec)
Total Time: 0.00025 sec
Summary: total = 5, run = 5, passed = 5, failed = 0
Test Passed. "runCrsMatrixUtilsUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runCrsMatrixUtilsUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00
37/37 Testing: BamG_UnitTester 37/37 Test: BamG_UnitTester Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/BamG/unittest/BamG_UnitTester" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/BamG/unittest "BamG_UnitTester" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:
*** Unit test suite ...
Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 5e-06)
Running unit tests ...
- PlatoTestBamG_matches_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.5e-05 sec)
- PlatoTestBamG_isSame_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.7e-05 sec)
- PlatoTestBamG_indexMap_Hex8_UnitTest ... [Passed] (6e-06 sec)
- PlatoTestBamG_generateCoords_Hex8_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5e-06 sec)
- PlatoTestBamG_generateCoords_Tet4_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4e-06 sec)
- PlatoTestBamG_generateCoords_Quad4_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3e-06 sec)
- PlatoTestBamG_generateCoords_Tri3_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2e-06 sec)
- PlatoTestBamG_generateCoords_Tri3_2x2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3e-06 sec)
- PlatoTestBamG_generateCoords_Bar2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2e-06 sec)
- PlatoTestBamG_generateConnectivity_Hex8_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3e-06 sec)
- PlatoTestBamG_generateConnectivity_Tet4_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7e-06 sec)
- PlatoTestBamG_generateConnectivity_Quad4_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2e-06 sec)
- PlatoTestBamG_generateConnectivity_Tri3_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3e-06 sec)
- PlatoTestBamG_generateConnectivity_Tri3_2x2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2e-06 sec)
- PlatoTestBamG_generateConnectivity_Bar2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2e-06 sec)
- PlatoTestBamG_getNumNPE_UnitTest ... [Passed] (8e-06 sec)
- PlatoTestBamG_generateNodeSets_Hex8_Tet4_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000113 sec)
- PlatoTestBamG_generateNodeSets_Quad4_Tri3_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.1e-05 sec)
- PlatoTestBamG_generateNodeSets_Quad4_Tri3_2x2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.6e-05 sec)
- PlatoTestBamG_generateNodeSets_Bar2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4e-06 sec)
- PlatoTestBamG_generateSideSets_Hex8_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.2e-05 sec)
- PlatoTestBamG_generateSideSets_Quad4_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.7e-05 sec)
- PlatoTestBamG_generateSideSets_Tet4_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.9e-05 sec)
- PlatoTestBamG_generateSideSets_Tri3_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.2e-05 sec)
- PlatoTestBamG_generateSideSets_Tri3_2x2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2e-05 sec)
Total Time: 0.000603 sec
Summary: total = 25, run = 25, passed = 25, failed = 0
End testing: Feb 01 05:34 MST
large = 1995.07 sec*proc
medium = 488.88 sec*proc
small = 20.65 sec*proc