Morphorm_tests - morphorm22/engine GitHub Wiki

Start testing: Feb 01 04:34 MST

1/37 Testing: AD_Elastic_Tet4_timing 1/37 Test: AD_Elastic_Tet4_timing Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DANALYZE_EXECUTABLE=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/platoanalyze-develop-2jikpxcncqvehek2zkwoin7ir7zlgyjf/bin/analyze" "-DCONFIG_FILE=soap.xml" "-DRUN_TIME=3.0" "-DNUM_RUNS=2" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/tools/timer.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/AD_Elastic_Tet4 "AD_Elastic_Tet4_timing" start time: Feb 01 04:34 MST Output:

Test time = 0.01 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Passed. "AD_Elastic_Tet4_timing" end time: Feb 01 04:34 MST "AD_Elastic_Tet4_timing" time elapsed: 00:00:00 ----------------------------------------------------------

2/37 Testing: AD_Elastic_Tet4_regression 2/37 Test: AD_Elastic_Tet4_regression Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DANALYZE_EXECUTABLE=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/platoanalyze-develop-2jikpxcncqvehek2zkwoin7ir7zlgyjf/bin/analyze" "-DCONFIG_FILE=soap.xml" "-DOUTPUT_DATA=output_data.exo" "-DGOLD_DATA=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/AD_Elastic_Tet4/gold_data.exo" "-DDIFF_CONF=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/AD_Elastic_Tet4/exo.diff" "-DDIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/tools/compare.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/AD_Elastic_Tet4 "AD_Elastic_Tet4_regression" start time: Feb 01 04:34 MST Output:

Teuchos::GlobalMPISession::GlobalMPISession(): started processor with name strallc and rank 0! Reading input File: soap.xml

Running Analyze Version 0.0.0

Warning: 'Exponent' Parameter not found Warning: Using default value (3.0) Warning: 'Exponent' Parameter not found Warning: Using default value (3.0) Warning: 'Exponent' Parameter not found Warning: Using default value (3.0) Warning: 'Exponent' Parameter not found Warning: Using default value (3.0) Warning: 'Exponent' Parameter not found Warning: Using default value (3.0) Summary: GraphTools (Metis)

Time time for reordering: 0.434904 s

TachoSolver: Analyze Linear System

Summary: SymbolicFactorize

Time time for symbolic factorization: 0.022456 s time for allocation of supernode data structure: 0.657777 s time for additional calculations: 0.000599 s total time spent: 0.680832 s

Linear system A number of equations: 111042 number of nonzeros: 4764438 ( 0.04 % )

Factors U number of nonzeros: 74780034 ( 0.30 % ) number of subgraphs: 1 number of supernodes: 15014 height of supernodal tree: 38 number of leaf supernodes: 4185 max number of children in tree: 3 size of largest supernode: 1614 size of largest schur size: 2975

Memory memory used: 8.7938 MB peak memory used: 296.5985 MB

TachoSolver: Initialize

TachoSolver: Factorize Cholesky

Summary: NumericTools, Cholesky (SerialFactorization)

Time time for copying A into supernodes: 0.069196 s time for numeric factorization: 3.180999 s total time spent: 3.250195 s

Memory memory used in factorization: 639.796 MB peak memory used in factorization: 707.343 MB

FLOPs gflop for numeric factorization: 112.192 GFLOP gflop/s for numeric factorization: 35.269 GFLOP/s

TachoSolver: Solve Cholesky

Summary: NumericTools, Cholesky (SerialSolve: 1)

Time time for extra work e.g.,copy rhs: 0.008964 s time for numeric solve: 0.114960 s total time spent: 0.123924 s Memory memory used in solve: 639.796 MB

Cycle: 1.000000e+00 Increment: 1.000000e+00 N-R Itr: 0 Increment norm: 3.245522e-06 Residual norm: 3.174853e-02

*** Newton-Raphson Solver Report: Residual norm tolerance satisfied ***

Cycle: 1.000000e+00 Increment: 1.000000e+00 N-R Itr: 1 Increment norm: 3.245522e-06 Residual norm: 1.692391e-14

REPORT: State data not provided by physics so not written to output file. TachoSolver: Release

Summary: NumericTools (Release)

Memory memory used now: 0.000 MB peak memory used: 707.343 MB

          EXODIFF	(Version: 3.26) Modified: 2023-05-01
          Authors:  Richard Drake, [email protected]           
                    Greg Sjaardema, [email protected]          
          Run on    2024/02/01   04:35:01 MST

Reading first file ... Reading second file ... FILE 1: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/AD_Elastic_Tet4/output_data.exo Title: Analyze output Dim = 3, Nodes = 37014, Elements = 202560, Faces = 0, Edges = 0 Element Blocks = 1, Face Blocks = 0, Edge Blocks = 0, Nodesets = 1, Sidesets = 1 Vars: Global = 0, Nodal = 3, Element = 0, Face = 0, Edge = 0, Nodeset = 0, Sideset = 0, Times = 1

FILE 2: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/AD_Elastic_Tet4/gold_data.exo Title: cubit(soap.exo): 11/10/2021: 09:44:52 Dim = 3, Nodes = 37014, Elements = 202560, Faces = 0, Edges = 0 Element Blocks = 1, Face Blocks = 0, Edge Blocks = 0, Nodesets = 1, Sidesets = 1 Vars: Global = 0, Nodal = 4, Element = 0, Face = 0, Edge = 0, Nodeset = 0, Sideset = 0, Times = 1

COMMAND FILE: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/AD_Elastic_Tet4/exo.diff

Nodal coordinates will be compared: ... tol: 1e-05 (relative), floor: 0 Time step values will be compared: ... tol: 1e-06 (relative), floor: 0 No Global variables on either file. Nodal variables to be compared: displacement X tol: 0.001 (relative), floor: 1e-09 displacement Y 0.001 (relative), 1e-09 displacement Z 0.001 (relative), 1e-09 No Element variables on either file. No Element Attribute variables on either file. No Nodeset variables on either file. No Sideset variables on either file. Sideset Distribution Factors will be compared: ... tol: 1e-06 (relative), floor: 0 No Edgeblock variables on either file. No Faceblock variables on either file.

============================================================== NOTE: All node and element ids are reported as global ids.

Sideset Distribution Factors: --------- Time step 1, 0.0000000e+00 ~ 0.0000000e+00, rel diff: 0.00000e+00 --------- Nodal variables:

exodiff: Files are the same

Test time = 8.36 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Passed. "AD_Elastic_Tet4_regression" end time: Feb 01 04:35 MST "AD_Elastic_Tet4_regression" time elapsed: 00:00:08 ----------------------------------------------------------

3/37 Testing: Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC 3/37 Test: Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC "Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC" start time: Feb 01 04:35 MST Output:

Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_prune_and_refine_processors" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "prune_mesh" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "prune_threshold" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_buffer_layers" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_prune_and_refine_processors" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "prune_and_refine_path" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_prune_and_refine_processors" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC/mpirun.source Mesh Name: initialguess.exo Reading in input Mesh... PerceptMesh:: opening initialguess.exo PerceptMesh:: opening bolted_bracket.exo Beginning Transfer Applying Transfer Writing output mesh.. Saving mesh bolted_bracket_mod.exo ... done Done writing output mesh..


888b d888 888

8888b d8888 888

88888b.d88888 888

888Y88888P888 .d88b. 888d888 88888b. 88888b. .d88b. 888d888 88888b.d88b.

888 Y888P 888 d88''88b 888P' 888 '88b 888 '88b d88''88b 888P' 888 '888 '88b

888 Y8P 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888

888 ' 888 Y88..88P 888 888 d88P 888 888 Y88..88P 888 888 888 888

888 888 'Y88P' 888 88888P' 888 888 'Y88P' 888 888 888 888




Questions? contact [email protected]


EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC/Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC/Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC.ref.exo Test time = 8.24 sec

Test Passed. "Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC" end time: Feb 01 04:35 MST "Analyze_CompMin3D_Restart_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:08

4/37 Testing: Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA 4/37 Test: Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA "Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA" start time: Feb 01 04:35 MST Output:

Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "mma_move_limit" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.2" for parameter "mma_asymptote_expansion" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.7" for parameter "mma_asymptote_contraction" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "50" for parameter "mma_max_sub_problem_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-6" for parameter "mma_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_output_subproblem_diagnostics" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.0015" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_initial_penalty" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.025" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_penalty_multiplier" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_feasibility_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA/mpirun.source


888b d888 888

8888b d8888 888

88888b.d88888 888

888Y88888P888 .d88b. 888d888 88888b. 88888b. .d88b. 888d888 88888b.d88b.

888 Y888P 888 d88''88b 888P' 888 '88b 888 '88b d88''88b 888P' 888 '888 '88b

888 Y8P 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888

888 ' 888 Y88..88P 888 888 d88P 888 888 Y88..88P 888 888 888 888

888 888 'Y88P' 888 88888P' 888 888 'Y88P' 888 888 888 888




Questions? contact [email protected]


Operation: (platomain_1) Design Volume Operation: (platomain_1) Initialize Field Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Lower Bounds Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Upper Bounds Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 0 1 4.334762e+02 1.395703e+01 5.000000e-02 4.000000e-01 1.797693e+308

Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 1 2 2.715894e+02 1.948398e+01 -5.944925e-02 6.000000e-01 1.618868e+02

Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 2 3 1.349664e+02 8.641021e+00 -5.054698e-02 3.132556e-01 1.366230e+02

Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 3 4 1.896014e+02 2.690578e+01 -6.540507e-02 3.474736e-01 5.463503e+01

Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Value Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 4 5 1.486624e+02 9.597862e+00 -7.006589e-02 4.260117e-01 4.093902e+01

Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 5 6 8.802670e+01 9.784977e+00 -6.976071e-02 3.929420e-01 6.063569e+01

Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 6 7 6.828444e+01 5.205739e+00 -5.330860e-02 3.662350e-01 1.974226e+01

Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 7 8 4.077081e+01 2.667861e+00 -4.805996e-02 4.469290e-01 2.751362e+01

Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 8 9 2.863786e+01 1.859937e+00 -2.926975e-02 3.921919e-01 1.213296e+01

Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 9 10 2.276793e+01 1.253265e+00 -1.806900e-02 3.208614e-01 5.869927e+00

Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_3) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 10 11 1.962920e+01 1.054027e+00 -8.654983e-03 3.128224e-01 3.138731e+00

EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA/Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA/Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA.ref.exo Test time = 144.04 sec

Test Passed. "Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA" end time: Feb 01 04:37 MST "Analyze_MassProp3D_MMA" time elapsed: 00:02:24

5/37 Testing: Analyze_CompMin2D_OC 5/37 Test: Analyze_CompMin2D_OC Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin2D_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_CompMin2D_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin2D_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin2D_OC "Analyze_CompMin2D_OC" start time: Feb 01 04:37 MST Output:

Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin2D_OC/mpirun.source


888b d888 888

8888b d8888 888

88888b.d88888 888

888Y88888P888 .d88b. 888d888 88888b. 88888b. .d88b. 888d888 88888b.d88b.

888 Y888P 888 d88''88b 888P' 888 '88b 888 '88b d88''88b 888P' 888 '888 '88b

888 Y8P 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888

888 ' 888 Y88..88P 888 888 d88P 888 888 Y88..88P 888 888 888 888

888 888 'Y88P' 888 88888P' 888 888 'Y88P' 888 888 888 888




Questions? contact [email protected]


EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin2D_OC/Analyze_CompMin2D_OC.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin2D_OC/Analyze_CompMin2D_OC.ref.exo Test time = 4.99 sec

Test Passed. "Analyze_CompMin2D_OC" end time: Feb 01 04:37 MST "Analyze_CompMin2D_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:04

6/37 Testing: Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC 6/37 Test: Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC "Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC" start time: Feb 01 04:37 MST Output:

Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "normalize_in_aggregator" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Auto-determining whether to normalize in aggregator because normalize_in_aggregator parameter was not set. INFO: Auto-determined to normalize in aggregator. INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC/mpirun.source


888b d888 888

8888b d8888 888

88888b.d88888 888

888Y88888P888 .d88b. 888d888 88888b. 88888b. .d88b. 888d888 88888b.d88b.

888 Y888P 888 d88''88b 888P' 888 '88b 888 '88b d88''88b 888P' 888 '888 '88b

888 Y8P 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888

888 ' 888 Y88..88P 888 888 d88P 888 888 Y88..88P 888 888 888 888

888 888 'Y88P' 888 88888P' 888 888 'Y88P' 888 888 888 888




Questions? contact [email protected]


EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC.ref.exo Test time = 39.49 sec

Test Passed. "Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC" end time: Feb 01 04:38 MST "Analyze_CompMin3D_2Load_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:39

7/37 Testing: Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC 7/37 Test: Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC "Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC" start time: Feb 01 04:38 MST Output:

Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: aluminum, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: steel, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC/mpirun.source


888b d888 888

8888b d8888 888

88888b.d88888 888

888Y88888P888 .d88b. 888d888 88888b. 88888b. .d88b. 888d888 88888b.d88b.

888 Y888P 888 d88''88b 888P' 888 '88b 888 '88b d88''88b 888P' 888 '888 '88b

888 Y8P 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888

888 ' 888 Y88..88P 888 888 d88P 888 888 Y88..88P 888 888 888 888

888 888 'Y88P' 888 88888P' 888 888 'Y88P' 888 888 888 888




Questions? contact [email protected]


EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC/Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC/Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC.ref.exo Test time = 6.96 sec

Test Passed. "Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC" end time: Feb 01 04:38 MST "Analyze_CompMin3D_MultiBlock_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:06

8/37 Testing: Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC 8/37 Test: Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC "Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC" start time: Feb 01 04:38 MST Output:

Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "2.0" for parameter "filter_radius_scale" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC/mpirun.source


888b d888 888

8888b d8888 888

88888b.d88888 888

888Y88888P888 .d88b. 888d888 88888b. 88888b. .d88b. 888d888 88888b.d88b.

888 Y888P 888 d88''88b 888P' 888 '88b 888 '88b d88''88b 888P' 888 '888 '88b

888 Y8P 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888

888 ' 888 Y88..88P 888 888 d88P 888 888 Y88..88P 888 888 888 888

888 888 'Y88P' 888 88888P' 888 888 'Y88P' 888 888 888 888




Questions? contact [email protected]


EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC/Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC/Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC.ref.exo Test time = 50.08 sec

Test Passed. "Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC" end time: Feb 01 04:39 MST "Analyze_CompMin3D_Orthotropic_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:50

9/37 Testing: Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL 9/37 Test: Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL "Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL" start time: Feb 01 04:39 MST Output:

Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Parameter "filter_heaviside_scale" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_trust_region_expansion_factor" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_trust_region_contraction_factor" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_initial_radius_scale" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_max_radius_scale" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "hessian_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_min_trust_region_radius" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "8" for parameter "limited_memory_storage" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_outer_gradient_tolerance" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_outer_stationarity_tolerance" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_outer_stagnation_tolerance" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_outer_control_stagnation_tolerance" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_outer_actual_reduction_tolerance" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "ks_disable_post_smoothing" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_trust_region_ratio_low" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_trust_region_ratio_mid" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "ks_trust_region_ratio_high" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "al_penalty_parameter" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "al_penalty_scale_factor" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL/mpirun.source


888b d888 888

8888b d8888 888

88888b.d88888 888

888Y88888P888 .d88b. 888d888 88888b. 88888b. .d88b. 888d888 88888b.d88b.

888 Y888P 888 d88''88b 888P' 888 '88b 888 '88b d88''88b 888P' 888 '888 '88b

888 Y8P 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888

888 ' 888 Y88..88P 888 888 d88P 888 888 Y88..88P 888 888 888 888

888 888 'Y88P' 888 88888P' 888 888 'Y88P' 888 888 888 888




Questions? contact [email protected]


EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL/Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL/Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL.ref.exo Test time = 117.82 sec

Test Passed. "Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL" end time: Feb 01 04:41 MST "Analyze_CompMin3D_2_constraints_KSAL" time elapsed: 00:01:57

10/37 Testing: Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC 10/37 Test: Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC "Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC" start time: Feb 01 04:41 MST Output:

Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC/mpirun.source


888b d888 888

8888b d8888 888

88888b.d88888 888

888Y88888P888 .d88b. 888d888 88888b. 88888b. .d88b. 888d888 88888b.d88b.

888 Y888P 888 d88''88b 888P' 888 '88b 888 '88b d88''88b 888P' 888 '888 '88b

888 Y8P 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888

888 ' 888 Y88..88P 888 888 d88P 888 888 Y88..88P 888 888 888 888

888 888 'Y88P' 888 88888P' 888 888 'Y88P' 888 888 888 888




Questions? contact [email protected]


EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC/Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC.ref.exo Test time = 7.18 sec

Test Passed. "Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC" end time: Feb 01 04:41 MST "Analyze_CompMin3D_2Loads_1Performer_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:07

11/37 Testing: Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA 11/37 Test: Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA "Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA" start time: Feb 01 04:41 MST Output:

Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "mma_move_limit" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.2" for parameter "mma_asymptote_expansion" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.7" for parameter "mma_asymptote_contraction" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "50" for parameter "mma_max_sub_problem_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-6" for parameter "mma_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_output_subproblem_diagnostics" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.0015" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_initial_penalty" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.025" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_penalty_multiplier" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_feasibility_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_use_ipopt_sub_problem_solver" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "2.0" for parameter "filter_radius_scale" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "initial_density_value" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA/mpirun.source


888b d888 888

8888b d8888 888

88888b.d88888 888

888Y88888P888 .d88b. 888d888 88888b. 88888b. .d88b. 888d888 88888b.d88b.

888 Y888P 888 d88''88b 888P' 888 '88b 888 '88b d88''88b 888P' 888 '888 '88b

888 Y8P 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888

888 ' 888 Y88..88P 888 888 d88P 888 888 Y88..88P 888 888 888 888

888 888 'Y88P' 888 88888P' 888 888 'Y88P' 888 888 888 888




Questions? contact [email protected]


Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 0 1 3.000000e+01 3.505672e-01 7.192815e-01 5.000000e-01 1.797693e+308

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 1 2 2.721870e+01 3.505672e-01 1.348905e-01 2.837272e-01 2.781299e+00

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 2 3 2.565375e+01 3.505672e-01 -7.655023e-03 2.336742e-01 1.564955e+00

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 3 4 2.411319e+01 3.505672e-01 -2.120634e-02 2.590971e-01 1.540554e+00

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 4 5 2.315289e+01 3.505672e-01 -1.402805e-02 2.130440e-01 9.603000e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 5 6 2.247293e+01 3.505672e-01 -1.329272e-02 2.098271e-01 6.799669e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 6 7 2.192504e+01 3.505672e-01 -1.244460e-02 2.172135e-01 5.478887e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 7 8 2.142508e+01 3.505672e-01 -1.920810e-02 1.907122e-01 4.999559e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 8 9 2.071522e+01 3.505672e-01 -2.632771e-02 1.796034e-01 7.098657e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 9 10 1.990661e+01 3.505672e-01 -2.206075e-02 1.734866e-01 8.086066e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 10 11 1.913603e+01 3.505672e-01 -1.598879e-02 1.450445e-01 7.705815e-01

EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA/Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA/Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA.ref.exo CMake Error at /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:63 (message): Test failed

Test time = 276.25 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA" end time: Feb 01 04:45 MST "Analyze_DisplacementCriterion_MMA" time elapsed: 00:04:36 ----------------------------------------------------------

12/37 Testing: Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC 12/37 Test: Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator FixedBlocks.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC "Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC" start time: Feb 01 04:45 MST Output:

Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator FixedBlocks.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "normalize_in_aggregator" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Auto-determining whether to normalize in aggregator because normalize_in_aggregator parameter was not set. INFO: Auto-determined to normalize in aggregator. INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "initial_density_value" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC/mpirun.source


888b d888 888

8888b d8888 888

88888b.d88888 888

888Y88888P888 .d88b. 888d888 88888b. 88888b. .d88b. 888d888 88888b.d88b.

888 Y888P 888 d88''88b 888P' 888 '88b 888 '88b d88''88b 888P' 888 '888 '88b

888 Y8P 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888

888 ' 888 Y88..88P 888 888 d88P 888 888 Y88..88P 888 888 888 888

888 888 'Y88P' 888 88888P' 888 888 'Y88P' 888 888 888 888




Questions? contact [email protected]


Operation: (platomain_1) Design Volume Operation: (platomain_1) Initialize Field Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Lower Bounds Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Upper Bounds Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC/Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC/Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC.ref.exo Test time = 128.21 sec

Test Passed. "Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC" end time: Feb 01 04:48 MST "Analyze_FixedBlocks_NoEnforceBounds_OC" time elapsed: 00:02:08

13/37 Testing: Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC 13/37 Test: Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator FixedBlocks.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC "Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC" start time: Feb 01 04:48 MST Output:

Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator FixedBlocks.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "normalize_in_aggregator" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Auto-determining whether to normalize in aggregator because normalize_in_aggregator parameter was not set. INFO: Auto-determined to normalize in aggregator. INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "initial_density_value" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC/mpirun.source


888b d888 888

8888b d8888 888

88888b.d88888 888

888Y88888P888 .d88b. 888d888 88888b. 88888b. .d88b. 888d888 88888b.d88b.

888 Y888P 888 d88''88b 888P' 888 '88b 888 '88b d88''88b 888P' 888 '888 '88b

888 Y8P 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888

888 ' 888 Y88..88P 888 888 d88P 888 888 Y88..88P 888 888 888 888

888 888 'Y88P' 888 88888P' 888 888 'Y88P' 888 888 888 888




Questions? contact [email protected]


Operation: (platomain_1) Design Volume Operation: (platomain_1) Initialize Field Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Lower Bounds Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Upper Bounds Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Value Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Value 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Copy Value Operation: (platomain_1) EnforceBounds Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Write Output Operation: (platomain_1) PlatoMainOutput Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (plato_analyze_2) Compute Objective Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Aggregate Data Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Control Operation: (platomain_1) Compute Constraint Gradient 1 Operation: (platomain_1) Filter Gradient EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC/Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC/Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC.ref.exo Test time = 128.24 sec

Test Passed. "Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC" end time: Feb 01 04:50 MST "Analyze_FixedBlocks_DefaultEnforceBounds_OC" time elapsed: 00:02:08

14/37 Testing: Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC 14/37 Test: Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC" start time: Feb 01 04:50 MST Output:

Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_service" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC/mpirun.source


888b d888 888

8888b d8888 888

88888b.d88888 888

888Y88888P888 .d88b. 888d888 88888b. 88888b. .d88b. 888d888 88888b.d88b.

888 Y888P 888 d88''88b 888P' 888 '88b 888 '88b d88''88b 888P' 888 '888 '88b

888 Y8P 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888

888 ' 888 Y88..88P 888 888 d88P 888 888 Y88..88P 888 888 888 888

888 888 'Y88P' 888 88888P' 888 888 'Y88P' 888 888 888 888




Questions? contact [email protected]


Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.

mpiexec noticed that process rank 2 with PID 0 on node strallc exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).

CMake Error at /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 1.57 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC" end time: Feb 01 04:50 MST "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_Projection_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:01 ----------------------------------------------------------

15/37 Testing: Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC 15/37 Test: Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC" start time: Feb 01 04:50 MST Output:

Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_service" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC/mpirun.source


888b d888 888

8888b d8888 888

88888b.d88888 888

888Y88888P888 .d88b. 888d888 88888b. 88888b. .d88b. 888d888 88888b.d88b.

888 Y888P 888 d88''88b 888P' 888 '88b 888 '88b d88''88b 888P' 888 '888 '88b

888 Y8P 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888

888 ' 888 Y88..88P 888 888 d88P 888 888 Y88..88P 888 888 888 888

888 888 'Y88P' 888 88888P' 888 888 'Y88P' 888 888 888 888




Questions? contact [email protected]


Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.

mpiexec noticed that process rank 2 with PID 0 on node strallc exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).

CMake Error at /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 1.83 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC" end time: Feb 01 04:50 MST "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:01 ----------------------------------------------------------

16/37 Testing: Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC 16/37 Test: Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC" start time: Feb 01 04:50 MST Output:

Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_service" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC/mpirun.source


888b d888 888

8888b d8888 888

88888b.d88888 888

888Y88888P888 .d88b. 888d888 88888b. 88888b. .d88b. 888d888 88888b.d88b.

888 Y888P 888 d88''88b 888P' 888 '88b 888 '88b d88''88b 888P' 888 '888 '88b

888 Y8P 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888

888 ' 888 Y88..88P 888 888 d88P 888 888 Y88..88P 888 888 888 888

888 888 'Y88P' 888 88888P' 888 888 'Y88P' 888 888 888 888




Questions? contact [email protected]


Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.

mpiexec noticed that process rank 2 with PID 0 on node strallc exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).

CMake Error at /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 1.82 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC" end time: Feb 01 04:50 MST "Analyze_Helmholtz3D_SurfaceLengthScale_SymmPlane_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:01 ----------------------------------------------------------

17/37 Testing: Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC 17/37 Test: Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC "Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC" start time: Feb 01 04:50 MST Output:

Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-2" for parameter "oc_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-5" for parameter "oc_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "oc_gradient_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC/mpirun.source

Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.

mpiexec detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

Process name: [[617,1],3] Exit code: 1

CMake Error at /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 1.59 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC" end time: Feb 01 04:50 MST "Analyze_Uncertain_Load_OC" time elapsed: 00:00:01 ----------------------------------------------------------

18/37 Testing: Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA 18/37 Test: Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA "Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA" start time: Feb 01 04:50 MST Output:

Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "normalize_in_aggregator" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Auto-determining whether to normalize in aggregator because normalize_in_aggregator parameter was not set. INFO: Auto-determined not to normalize in aggregator. INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "mma_move_limit" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.2" for parameter "mma_asymptote_expansion" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.7" for parameter "mma_asymptote_contraction" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "50" for parameter "mma_max_sub_problem_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-6" for parameter "mma_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_output_subproblem_diagnostics" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.0015" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_initial_penalty" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.025" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_penalty_multiplier" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_feasibility_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "thermal_expansivity" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_thermal INFO: Parameter "reference_temperature" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_thermal Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA/mpirun.source


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Questions? contact [email protected]


Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 0 1 1.666205e+03 3.381591e+02 -6.078471e-15 2.000000e-01 1.797693e+308

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 1 2 6.705365e+02 9.407438e+01 9.321645e-03 8.000000e-01 9.956684e+02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 2 3 4.032227e+02 4.627689e+01 -1.640712e-02 3.056309e-01 2.673138e+02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 3 4 2.103935e+02 1.923251e+01 -1.427942e-02 2.653003e-01 1.928292e+02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 4 5 1.287898e+02 1.021007e+01 -1.288800e-02 2.881776e-01 8.160369e+01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 5 6 9.297109e+01 7.118785e+00 -1.009045e-02 2.525482e-01 3.581873e+01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 6 7 8.037308e+01 6.012140e+00 -4.829263e-03 2.491443e-01 1.259801e+01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 7 8 7.534636e+01 5.454078e+00 -2.717898e-03 2.151037e-01 5.026721e+00

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 8 9 7.261433e+01 5.103938e+00 -1.639056e-03 2.198858e-01 2.732029e+00

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 9 10 7.101364e+01 4.884630e+00 -9.717682e-04 2.252594e-01 1.600689e+00

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 10 11 7.010486e+01 4.751361e+00 -5.824144e-04 2.096773e-01 9.087819e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 11 12 6.957849e+01 4.667292e+00 -3.630854e-04 2.249686e-01 5.263668e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 12 13 6.925083e+01 4.611994e+00 -2.485358e-04 2.266419e-01 3.276635e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 13 14 6.903174e+01 4.571430e+00 -1.738005e-04 2.280248e-01 2.190910e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 14 15 6.889280e+01 4.543690e+00 -1.059577e-04 2.196967e-01 1.389398e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 15 16 6.880578e+01 4.523091e+00 -7.899624e-05 2.210240e-01 8.701222e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 16 17 6.874169e+01 4.507561e+00 -6.094266e-05 2.138227e-01 6.409547e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 17 18 6.868646e+01 4.494728e+00 -5.084920e-05 2.555941e-01 5.523155e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 18 19 6.863878e+01 4.483468e+00 -3.989838e-05 2.458259e-01 4.767807e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 19 20 6.859728e+01 4.474421e+00 -3.706775e-05 3.752416e-01 4.150276e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 20 21 6.855535e+01 4.466738e+00 -3.315029e-05 3.910544e-01 4.192876e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 21 22 6.851766e+01 4.460491e+00 -2.727558e-05 4.037443e-01 3.768231e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 22 23 6.848371e+01 4.455092e+00 -2.368299e-05 4.979334e-01 3.395944e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 23 24 6.845011e+01 4.450128e+00 -2.229951e-05 4.191651e-01 3.360023e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 24 25 6.841643e+01 4.445536e+00 -1.951712e-05 3.882191e-01 3.367315e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 25 26 6.838493e+01 4.441952e+00 -1.748057e-05 4.065159e-01 3.149704e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 26 27 6.835559e+01 4.439038e+00 -1.582556e-05 4.989072e-01 2.934295e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 27 28 6.832970e+01 4.435964e+00 -1.395400e-05 4.762293e-01 2.588994e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 28 29 6.830447e+01 4.433233e+00 -1.246214e-05 4.731831e-01 2.523535e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 29 30 6.828049e+01 4.430788e+00 -1.165683e-05 3.764589e-01 2.397928e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 30 31 6.825149e+01 4.428255e+00 -1.421127e-05 4.960027e-01 2.899654e-02

EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA/Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA/Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA.ref.exo Test time = 33.98 sec

Test Passed. "Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA" end time: Feb 01 04:50 MST "Analyze_Thermal_Opt_MMA" time elapsed: 00:00:33

19/37 Testing: Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA 19/37 Test: Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA "Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA" start time: Feb 01 04:50 MST Output:

Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "normalize_in_aggregator" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Auto-determining whether to normalize in aggregator because normalize_in_aggregator parameter was not set. INFO: Auto-determined not to normalize in aggregator. INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "mma_move_limit" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.2" for parameter "mma_asymptote_expansion" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.7" for parameter "mma_asymptote_contraction" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "50" for parameter "mma_max_sub_problem_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-6" for parameter "mma_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_output_subproblem_diagnostics" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.0015" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_initial_penalty" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.025" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_penalty_multiplier" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_feasibility_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA/mpirun.source


888b d888 888

8888b d8888 888

88888b.d88888 888

888Y88888P888 .d88b. 888d888 88888b. 88888b. .d88b. 888d888 88888b.d88b.

888 Y888P 888 d88''88b 888P' 888 '88b 888 '88b d88''88b 888P' 888 '888 '88b

888 Y8P 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888

888 ' 888 Y88..88P 888 888 d88P 888 888 Y88..88P 888 888 888 888

888 888 'Y88P' 888 88888P' 888 888 'Y88P' 888 888 888 888




Questions? contact [email protected]


Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 0 1 1.696805e+01 2.984103e+00 -6.078471e-15 2.000000e-01 1.797693e+308

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 1 2 7.113206e+00 8.151998e-01 1.022829e-02 8.000000e-01 9.854846e+00

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 2 3 4.291736e+00 4.349912e-01 -1.726395e-02 2.551721e-01 2.821469e+00

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 3 4 2.381939e+00 1.996684e-01 -1.326349e-02 2.249009e-01 1.909798e+00

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 4 5 1.603775e+00 1.175349e-01 -8.521274e-03 2.322507e-01 7.781640e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 5 6 1.218996e+00 8.186091e-02 -6.454115e-03 2.127477e-01 3.847787e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 6 7 1.030620e+00 6.562360e-02 -4.078602e-03 2.309889e-01 1.883760e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 7 8 9.370445e-01 5.801538e-02 -2.566756e-03 2.068586e-01 9.357555e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 8 9 8.856698e-01 5.415126e-02 -1.599225e-03 2.045292e-01 5.137468e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 9 10 8.554811e-01 5.176949e-02 -1.114430e-03 2.187580e-01 3.018876e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 10 11 8.378129e-01 5.027783e-02 -7.304729e-04 2.137841e-01 1.766812e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 11 12 8.279585e-01 4.932713e-02 -4.594300e-04 2.190431e-01 9.854469e-03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 12 13 8.228689e-01 4.878311e-02 -2.603845e-04 2.098154e-01 5.089576e-03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 13 14 8.200057e-01 4.845600e-02 -1.728247e-04 2.110842e-01 2.863165e-03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 14 15 8.179351e-01 4.821381e-02 -1.151351e-04 1.903635e-01 2.070684e-03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 15 16 8.164993e-01 4.803603e-02 -8.545588e-05 1.712793e-01 1.435781e-03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 16 17 8.155263e-01 4.790752e-02 -6.187472e-05 1.955261e-01 9.729328e-04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 17 18 8.149276e-01 4.781568e-02 -4.513957e-05 1.864341e-01 5.987557e-04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 18 19 8.145599e-01 4.774594e-02 -3.491938e-05 1.818746e-01 3.677062e-04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 19 20 8.143420e-01 4.769436e-02 -2.914117e-05 1.688296e-01 2.178378e-04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 20 21 8.142010e-01 4.765580e-02 -2.468973e-05 1.543691e-01 1.410094e-04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 21 22 8.140894e-01 4.762689e-02 -1.721734e-05 1.977098e-01 1.116503e-04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 22 23 8.139789e-01 4.760457e-02 -1.318826e-05 1.790572e-01 1.104999e-04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 23 24 8.138617e-01 4.758421e-02 -9.880036e-06 1.823329e-01 1.171435e-04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 24 25 8.137436e-01 4.756853e-02 -8.379816e-06 1.694717e-01 1.181431e-04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 25 26 8.136352e-01 4.755697e-02 -8.005827e-06 2.171685e-01 1.084251e-04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 26 27 8.135291e-01 4.754541e-02 -7.825886e-06 2.468517e-01 1.060619e-04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 27 28 8.134906e-01 4.753871e-02 -5.280604e-06 2.090688e-01 3.851630e-05

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 28 29 8.134751e-01 4.753256e-02 -5.152263e-06 2.701496e-01 1.545454e-05

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 29 30 8.134258e-01 4.752403e-02 -5.045973e-06 3.631208e-01 4.931964e-05

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 30 31 8.133988e-01 4.751708e-02 -3.673601e-06 2.728096e-01 2.705990e-05

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 31 32 8.133819e-01 4.751394e-02 -2.410470e-06 2.920356e-01 1.682377e-05

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 32 33 8.133665e-01 4.751336e-02 -2.134173e-06 2.818678e-01 1.542018e-05

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 33 34 8.133777e-01 4.751318e-02 -1.763694e-06 3.385119e-01 1.121545e-05

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 34 35 8.134030e-01 4.751140e-02 -1.432213e-06 2.576472e-01 2.524715e-05

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 35 36 8.134194e-01 4.750893e-02 -1.354158e-06 3.615439e-01 1.642646e-05

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 36 37 8.134523e-01 4.751196e-02 -6.158999e-07 2.282542e-01 3.285891e-05

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 37 38 8.134760e-01 4.751519e-02 -4.823134e-07 1.396031e-01 2.369040e-05

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 38 39 8.134823e-01 4.751677e-02 -3.371342e-07 1.658774e-01 6.322551e-06

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 39 40 8.134833e-01 4.751788e-02 -2.043413e-07 1.593925e-01 1.007454e-06

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 40 41 8.134895e-01 4.751995e-02 -1.087071e-07 1.023199e-01 6.198124e-06

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 41 42 8.134917e-01 4.752123e-02 -8.866239e-08 1.314437e-01 2.200533e-06

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 42 43 8.134852e-01 4.752172e-02 -8.970254e-08 1.489853e-01 6.521126e-06

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 43 44 8.134795e-01 4.752202e-02 -6.682772e-08 1.502139e-01 5.628855e-06

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 44 45 8.134769e-01 4.752242e-02 -4.525469e-08 1.354510e-01 2.635216e-06

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 45 46 8.134760e-01 4.752276e-02 -2.289944e-08 9.280778e-02 8.518988e-07

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 46 47 8.134762e-01 4.752305e-02 -1.017437e-08 6.847209e-02 1.617711e-07

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 47 48 8.134765e-01 4.752310e-02 -4.135302e-09 5.347517e-02 2.860843e-07

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 48 49 8.134777e-01 4.752335e-02 3.170430e-10 3.677632e-02 1.209588e-06

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 49 50 8.134773e-01 4.752327e-02 -4.765975e-10 3.054150e-02 3.970289e-07

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 50 51 8.134772e-01 4.752323e-02 3.236440e-09 2.256206e-02 7.709532e-08

EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA/Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA/Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA.ref.exo Test time = 845.51 sec

Test Passed. "Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA" end time: Feb 01 05:04 MST "Analyze_Tmech_Opt_MMA" time elapsed: 00:14:05

20/37 Testing: Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA 20/37 Test: Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA "Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA" start time: Feb 01 05:04 MST Output:

Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "normalize_in_aggregator" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Auto-determining whether to normalize in aggregator because normalize_in_aggregator parameter was not set. INFO: Auto-determined not to normalize in aggregator. INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "mma_move_limit" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.2" for parameter "mma_asymptote_expansion" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.7" for parameter "mma_asymptote_contraction" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "50" for parameter "mma_max_sub_problem_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-6" for parameter "mma_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_output_subproblem_diagnostics" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.0015" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_initial_penalty" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.025" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_penalty_multiplier" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_feasibility_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA/mpirun.source


888b d888 888

8888b d8888 888

88888b.d88888 888

888Y88888P888 .d88b. 888d888 88888b. 88888b. .d88b. 888d888 88888b.d88b.

888 Y888P 888 d88''88b 888P' 888 '88b 888 '88b d88''88b 888P' 888 '888 '88b

888 Y8P 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888

888 ' 888 Y88..88P 888 888 d88P 888 888 Y88..88P 888 888 888 888

888 888 'Y88P' 888 88888P' 888 888 'Y88P' 888 888 888 888




Questions? contact [email protected]


Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 0 1 3.854792e+06 1.524987e+06 -6.078471e-15 2.000000e-01 1.797693e+308

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 1 2 3.695379e+06 5.924128e+05 -8.760253e-02 8.000000e-01 1.594136e+05

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 2 3 2.666127e+06 2.324331e+05 -7.570396e-02 4.293875e-01 1.029251e+06

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 3 4 2.234248e+06 1.174167e+05 -5.186014e-02 4.999868e-01 4.318800e+05

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 4 5 2.180890e+06 1.986125e+05 -5.675114e-02 4.999907e-01 5.335745e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 5 6 1.971565e+06 1.463164e+05 -4.259225e-02 4.998827e-01 2.093255e+05

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 6 7 1.900071e+06 1.907533e+05 -3.439453e-02 4.999955e-01 7.149354e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 7 8 1.706877e+06 1.196234e+05 -2.939299e-02 4.999908e-01 1.931940e+05

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 8 9 1.675255e+06 1.856265e+05 -2.293476e-02 4.999871e-01 3.162203e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 9 10 1.618025e+06 1.434909e+05 -2.641967e-02 4.999906e-01 5.723018e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 10 11 1.563302e+06 1.106755e+05 -2.183251e-02 4.999934e-01 5.472285e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 11 12 1.441060e+06 9.268267e+04 -1.803541e-02 4.999783e-01 1.222423e+05

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 12 13 1.366134e+06 8.608377e+04 -1.317526e-02 4.999907e-01 7.492601e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 13 14 1.306759e+06 7.539378e+04 -1.003944e-02 4.999878e-01 5.937517e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 14 15 1.268550e+06 1.046482e+05 -9.156963e-03 4.999882e-01 3.820832e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 15 16 1.231631e+06 8.230993e+04 -9.527418e-03 4.999941e-01 3.691924e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 16 17 1.163295e+06 7.102741e+04 -1.001396e-02 4.999826e-01 6.833567e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 17 18 1.086087e+06 5.281196e+04 -5.920814e-03 4.999317e-01 7.720823e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 18 19 1.029335e+06 5.205853e+04 -4.283617e-03 4.550564e-01 5.675207e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 19 20 9.784174e+05 4.488343e+04 -3.641482e-03 4.998878e-01 5.091762e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 20 21 9.270379e+05 4.336785e+04 -3.141445e-03 3.838497e-01 5.137952e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 21 22 8.786988e+05 4.129412e+04 -2.674244e-03 4.139590e-01 4.833911e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 22 23 8.331489e+05 3.958088e+04 -2.499584e-03 4.768361e-01 4.554983e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 23 24 7.916952e+05 3.796728e+04 -2.224323e-03 3.861245e-01 4.145375e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 24 25 7.551443e+05 3.667066e+04 -2.015194e-03 4.999384e-01 3.655087e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 25 26 7.229684e+05 3.514503e+04 -1.794483e-03 4.341673e-01 3.217592e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 26 27 6.925709e+05 3.365685e+04 -1.719532e-03 4.113366e-01 3.039752e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 27 28 6.639041e+05 3.256460e+04 -1.678298e-03 4.998914e-01 2.866680e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 28 29 6.374490e+05 3.130726e+04 -1.641321e-03 4.090033e-01 2.645505e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 29 30 6.183473e+05 3.662431e+04 -1.812758e-03 4.999433e-01 1.910173e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 30 31 6.199730e+05 5.277292e+04 -4.049929e-03 4.999936e-01 1.625664e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 31 32 6.362362e+05 7.022777e+04 -8.163087e-03 4.999978e-01 1.626320e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 32 33 6.071575e+05 4.371818e+04 -1.004517e-02 4.999989e-01 2.907870e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 33 34 5.939449e+05 7.202354e+04 -8.276816e-03 4.999967e-01 1.321255e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 34 35 6.148809e+05 1.574559e+05 -9.506213e-03 4.999993e-01 2.093603e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 35 36 5.391857e+05 3.590687e+04 -9.289399e-03 4.999998e-01 7.569522e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 36 37 5.052926e+05 3.920578e+04 -6.411722e-03 4.999956e-01 3.389314e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 37 38 4.829330e+05 3.526134e+04 -4.831311e-03 4.999990e-01 2.235961e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 38 39 4.611900e+05 2.741770e+04 -3.417913e-03 4.999986e-01 2.174294e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 39 40 4.447328e+05 2.670857e+04 -2.592144e-03 4.999874e-01 1.645726e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 40 41 4.305619e+05 2.438444e+04 -1.833448e-03 4.999939e-01 1.417086e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 41 42 4.183821e+05 2.311915e+04 -1.404812e-03 4.999597e-01 1.217982e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 42 43 4.081069e+05 2.242710e+04 -9.820007e-04 4.999083e-01 1.027518e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 43 44 3.995893e+05 2.168656e+04 -7.685186e-04 2.799845e-01 8.517650e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 44 45 3.921388e+05 2.122798e+04 -6.993487e-04 3.296683e-01 7.450423e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 45 46 3.852559e+05 2.080621e+04 -6.747512e-04 3.304590e-01 6.882975e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 46 47 3.786931e+05 2.041720e+04 -6.707835e-04 3.188253e-01 6.562743e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 47 48 3.722623e+05 2.002510e+04 -6.380491e-04 3.176072e-01 6.430791e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 48 49 3.660072e+05 1.965613e+04 -6.255674e-04 3.441615e-01 6.255169e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 49 50 3.600393e+05 1.932366e+04 -6.200779e-04 3.465123e-01 5.967833e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 50 51 3.543763e+05 1.899726e+04 -5.994140e-04 4.008674e-01 5.663004e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 51 52 3.490556e+05 1.868229e+04 -5.836998e-04 3.319434e-01 5.320700e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 52 53 3.439371e+05 1.839384e+04 -5.651014e-04 4.400203e-01 5.118478e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 53 54 3.390904e+05 1.807572e+04 -6.299121e-04 4.998821e-01 4.846727e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 54 55 3.335534e+05 1.768472e+04 -6.868077e-04 4.999728e-01 5.537068e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 55 56 3.283764e+05 1.735971e+04 -6.242557e-04 3.806883e-01 5.176931e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 56 57 3.236241e+05 1.705300e+04 -6.315729e-04 4.968602e-01 4.752356e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 57 58 3.189850e+05 1.673427e+04 -5.852691e-04 4.801393e-01 4.639104e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 58 59 3.145138e+05 1.643272e+04 -5.631502e-04 4.915207e-01 4.471122e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 59 60 3.100676e+05 1.616186e+04 -5.646377e-04 4.991795e-01 4.446287e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 60 61 3.055276e+05 1.587879e+04 -5.719059e-04 4.997279e-01 4.539911e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 61 62 3.013305e+05 1.563709e+04 -5.139250e-04 4.995977e-01 4.197131e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 62 63 2.975005e+05 1.543211e+04 -4.993738e-04 4.996459e-01 3.829971e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 63 64 2.935564e+05 1.520203e+04 -5.263547e-04 4.995992e-01 3.944116e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 64 65 2.896775e+05 1.500955e+04 -4.990595e-04 4.996789e-01 3.878930e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 65 66 2.858809e+05 1.478036e+04 -4.763246e-04 4.998202e-01 3.796548e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 66 67 2.821569e+05 1.458582e+04 -4.651230e-04 4.996937e-01 3.724044e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 67 68 2.784554e+05 1.441056e+04 -4.766566e-04 4.996429e-01 3.701489e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 68 69 2.745564e+05 1.425735e+04 -5.024452e-04 4.999042e-01 3.899012e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 69 70 2.705979e+05 1.407660e+04 -5.317770e-04 4.998204e-01 3.958545e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 70 71 2.664526e+05 1.393506e+04 -5.621988e-04 4.998539e-01 4.145271e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 71 72 2.620473e+05 1.370999e+04 -5.929348e-04 4.998804e-01 4.405261e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 72 73 2.572951e+05 1.354174e+04 -6.525938e-04 4.998980e-01 4.752209e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 73 74 2.520859e+05 1.329862e+04 -7.375146e-04 4.998999e-01 5.209264e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 74 75 2.469779e+05 1.299560e+04 -7.533586e-04 4.999482e-01 5.107915e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 75 76 2.424467e+05 1.293151e+04 -8.213986e-04 4.999528e-01 4.531250e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 76 77 2.399937e+05 1.291326e+04 -8.162860e-04 4.999858e-01 2.452974e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 77 78 2.370244e+05 1.344992e+04 -1.224328e-03 4.999926e-01 2.969303e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 78 79 2.494879e+05 2.087659e+04 -1.477990e-03 4.999939e-01 1.246348e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 79 80 2.509593e+05 2.113686e+04 -3.497928e-03 4.999977e-01 1.471402e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 80 81 2.643063e+05 2.169785e+04 -4.182663e-03 4.999961e-01 1.334702e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 81 82 2.650709e+05 2.198464e+04 -6.285540e-03 4.999963e-01 7.645524e+02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 82 83 2.654556e+05 2.096887e+04 -6.011026e-03 4.999963e-01 3.847229e+02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 83 84 2.561608e+05 1.764641e+04 -6.446625e-03 4.999953e-01 9.294812e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 84 85 2.468138e+05 1.542446e+04 -4.003533e-03 4.999906e-01 9.347010e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 85 86 2.356670e+05 1.307349e+04 -2.875980e-03 4.999882e-01 1.114680e+04

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 86 87 2.310044e+05 1.244285e+04 -1.060422e-03 4.999799e-01 4.662564e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 87 88 2.268695e+05 1.214620e+04 -9.541757e-04 4.999718e-01 4.134912e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 88 89 2.261369e+05 1.203463e+04 -6.927355e-04 4.999809e-01 7.326256e+02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 89 90 2.228884e+05 1.185027e+04 -8.202463e-04 4.999702e-01 3.248434e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 90 91 2.211164e+05 1.173178e+04 -3.888567e-04 4.999458e-01 1.771997e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 91 92 2.195799e+05 1.163966e+04 -4.147052e-04 4.999181e-01 1.536525e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 92 93 2.182427e+05 1.155666e+04 -2.205510e-04 4.998646e-01 1.337221e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 93 94 2.172164e+05 1.151874e+04 -1.827258e-04 2.300957e-01 1.026329e+03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 94 95 2.162963e+05 1.148889e+04 -1.701398e-04 3.623960e-01 9.200700e+02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 95 96 2.153832e+05 1.146129e+04 -1.782272e-04 2.064781e-01 9.131336e+02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 96 97 2.144676e+05 1.143418e+04 -1.730032e-04 2.225292e-01 9.155626e+02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 97 98 2.136145e+05 1.141358e+04 -1.628781e-04 2.158905e-01 8.531360e+02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 98 99 2.127973e+05 1.138797e+04 -1.646491e-04 2.230902e-01 8.171430e+02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 99 100 2.119847e+05 1.135431e+04 -1.652376e-04 2.163254e-01 8.125855e+02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 100 101 2.111715e+05 1.132105e+04 -1.702589e-04 2.095243e-01 8.132390e+02

EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA/Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA/Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA.ref.exo Test time = 1668.74 sec

Test Passed. "Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA" end time: Feb 01 05:32 MST "Analyze_Tmech_PNorm_Opt_MMA" time elapsed: 00:27:48

21/37 Testing: Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA 21/37 Test: Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA "Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA" start time: Feb 01 05:32 MST Output:

Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Parameter "filter_heaviside_scale" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.2" for parameter "mma_asymptote_expansion" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.7" for parameter "mma_asymptote_contraction" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "50" for parameter "mma_max_sub_problem_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-6" for parameter "mma_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_output_subproblem_diagnostics" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.0015" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_initial_penalty" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.025" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_penalty_multiplier" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_feasibility_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA/mpirun.source


888b d888 888

8888b d8888 888

88888b.d88888 888

888Y88888P888 .d88b. 888d888 88888b. 88888b. .d88b. 888d888 88888b.d88b.

888 Y888P 888 d88''88b 888P' 888 '88b 888 '88b d88''88b 888P' 888 '888 '88b

888 Y8P 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888

888 ' 888 Y88..88P 888 888 d88P 888 888 Y88..88P 888 888 888 888

888 888 'Y88P' 888 88888P' 888 888 'Y88P' 888 888 888 888




Questions? contact [email protected]


Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 0 1 1.080048e+01 3.928770e+00 -1.355550e-02 3.000000e-01 1.797693e+308

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 1 2 5.977540e+00 1.729093e+00 -1.257327e-02 9.999953e-02 4.822942e+00

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 2 3 3.726146e+00 9.251407e-01 -1.076632e-02 9.999897e-02 2.251394e+00

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 3 4 2.470900e+00 5.409752e-01 -9.057983e-03 9.999866e-02 1.255246e+00

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 4 5 1.955572e+00 3.971386e-01 -4.394499e-03 9.999824e-02 5.153275e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 5 6 1.657899e+00 3.186644e-01 -3.744971e-03 9.999782e-02 2.976727e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 6 7 1.414500e+00 2.548874e-01 -3.715772e-03 9.999788e-02 2.433998e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 7 8 1.205330e+00 2.020493e-01 -3.644235e-03 9.999808e-02 2.091699e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 8 9 1.076041e+00 1.660043e-01 -2.651132e-03 9.999753e-02 1.292888e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 9 10 1.005137e+00 1.474434e-01 -1.670633e-03 9.999765e-02 7.090397e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 10 11 9.663265e-01 1.378220e-01 -1.023654e-03 9.999723e-02 3.881045e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 11 12 9.429020e-01 1.322833e-01 -7.130595e-04 9.999734e-02 2.342456e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 12 13 9.260409e-01 1.283557e-01 -5.665911e-04 9.999675e-02 1.686111e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 13 14 9.132193e-01 1.252985e-01 -4.517077e-04 9.999420e-02 1.282155e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 14 15 9.032362e-01 1.228176e-01 -3.752919e-04 9.998646e-02 9.983155e-03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 15 16 8.949554e-01 1.207439e-01 -3.394485e-04 9.999023e-02 8.280745e-03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 16 17 8.880103e-01 1.190750e-01 -2.930271e-04 9.997337e-02 6.945127e-03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 17 18 8.826097e-01 1.178065e-01 -2.285629e-04 9.998550e-02 5.400541e-03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 18 19 8.782565e-01 1.167760e-01 -1.801166e-04 9.997178e-02 4.353205e-03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 19 20 8.744466e-01 1.158355e-01 -1.574732e-04 9.997557e-02 3.809979e-03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 20 21 8.532164e-01 1.036433e-01 -4.875750e-04 9.998418e-02 2.123012e-02

EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA/Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA/Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA.ref.exo Test time = 6.51 sec

Test Passed. "Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA" end time: Feb 01 05:32 MST "Analyze_VolAvgTensile_MMA" time elapsed: 00:00:06

22/37 Testing: Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT 22/37 Test: Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT/mpirun.source" "-DTEST_NAME=Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT" "-DNUM_PROCS=1 1" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DSKIP_EXODIFF=0" "-DSEACAS_EPU=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/epu" "-DSEACAS_EXODIFF=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff" "-DSEACAS_DECOMP=/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/decomp" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT" "-DIO_COMM_INDEX=0" "-DOUTPUT_MESH=platomain.exo" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgentest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT "Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT" start time: Feb 01 05:32 MST Output:

Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "normalize_in_aggregator" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Auto-determining whether to normalize in aggregator because normalize_in_aggregator parameter was not set. INFO: Auto-determined not to normalize in aggregator. INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "mma_move_limit" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.2" for parameter "mma_asymptote_expansion" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.7" for parameter "mma_asymptote_contraction" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "50" for parameter "mma_max_sub_problem_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-6" for parameter "mma_control_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_objective_stagnation_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_output_subproblem_diagnostics" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.0015" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_initial_penalty" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.025" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_penalty_multiplier" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_feasibility_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "projection_type" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "filter_radius_absolute" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1" for parameter "filter_power" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "write_restart_file" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "initial_guess_field_name" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "epu" for parameter "output_method" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "topology" for parameter "optimization_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT/mpirun.source


888b d888 888

8888b d8888 888

88888b.d88888 888

888Y88888P888 .d88b. 888d888 88888b. 88888b. .d88b. 888d888 88888b.d88b.

888 Y888P 888 d88''88b 888P' 888 '88b 888 '88b d88''88b 888P' 888 '888 '88b

888 Y8P 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888

888 ' 888 Y88..88P 888 888 d88P 888 888 Y88..88P 888 888 888 888

888 888 'Y88P' 888 88888P' 888 888 'Y88P' 888 888 888 888




Questions? contact [email protected]


Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 0 1 2.705320e+01 3.021707e+00 0.000000e+00 5.000000e-01 1.797693e+308

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 1 2 1.719441e+01 1.390017e+00 -5.030576e-02 3.011430e-01 9.858785e+00

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 2 3 1.110857e+01 7.698865e-01 -2.251107e-02 2.344889e-01 6.085842e+00

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 3 4 8.827219e+00 5.869307e-01 -9.864236e-03 2.873759e-01 2.281353e+00

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 4 5 8.016076e+00 5.175289e-01 -4.255851e-03 2.040012e-01 8.111431e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 5 6 7.649492e+00 4.855247e-01 -2.803529e-03 2.254064e-01 3.665834e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 6 7 7.434978e+00 4.664214e-01 -1.553243e-03 1.845269e-01 2.145145e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 7 8 7.295427e+00 4.545342e-01 -1.102700e-03 1.779262e-01 1.395512e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 8 9 7.191073e+00 4.459108e-01 -8.484776e-04 1.574387e-01 1.043533e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 9 10 7.084742e+00 4.371817e-01 -9.039840e-04 1.323150e-01 1.063310e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 10 11 6.918876e+00 4.235021e-01 -1.543124e-03 1.949826e-01 1.658665e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 11 12 6.616935e+00 4.010538e-01 -3.621327e-03 2.356861e-01 3.019406e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 12 13 6.270642e+00 3.781154e-01 -3.952378e-03 2.416156e-01 3.462938e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 13 14 5.989133e+00 3.598374e-01 -3.692349e-03 2.608370e-01 2.815088e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 14 15 5.784181e+00 3.460619e-01 -2.613176e-03 3.050484e-01 2.049518e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 15 16 5.651288e+00 3.366671e-01 -1.866949e-03 3.668478e-01 1.328926e-01

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 16 17 5.565481e+00 3.297176e-01 -1.270944e-03 3.187218e-01 8.580698e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 17 18 5.512751e+00 3.247619e-01 -8.605527e-04 3.287700e-01 5.272998e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 18 19 5.479393e+00 3.208097e-01 -5.061973e-04 3.134166e-01 3.335798e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 19 20 5.457416e+00 3.179022e-01 -3.647669e-04 3.668969e-01 2.197749e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 20 21 5.440773e+00 3.154280e-01 -2.788849e-04 3.152616e-01 1.664274e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 21 22 5.427365e+00 3.134094e-01 -2.250813e-04 3.127864e-01 1.340856e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 22 23 5.416751e+00 3.117270e-01 -1.797367e-04 4.700444e-01 1.061332e-02

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 23 24 5.407821e+00 3.102994e-01 -1.513776e-04 3.486725e-01 8.930668e-03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 24 25 5.400261e+00 3.090983e-01 -1.279075e-04 4.071210e-01 7.559100e-03

Iter F-count F(X) Norm(F') H1(X) abs(dX) abs(dF) 25 26 5.393638e+00 3.080223e-01 -1.078934e-04 3.922690e-01 6.623145e-03

EPU was skipped becasue there is only one file part. Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/trilinos-15.0.0-gmrtsfwbaidzvmskgbm4pjgjutbe2ikk/bin/exodiff;-i;-m;-f;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT/Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT.exodiff_commands;platomain.exo;/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT/Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT.ref.exo Test time = 78.40 sec

Test Passed. "Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "Analyze_Thermomechanics_MMA_IPOPT" time elapsed: 00:01:18

23/37 Testing: Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA 23/37 Test: Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/cmake-3.27.9-rh56njnno3nt3f3reqfibltwg7kqm7tq/bin/cmake" "-DTEST_COMMAND=source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA/mpirun.source" "-DXMLGEN_COMMAND=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i" "-DDATA_DIR=/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/enginetests/Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA" "-DOUT_FILE=rocker_opt.csm" "" "-DNUMDIFF_COMMAND=NUMDIFF_COMMAND-NOTFOUND" "-DNUMDIFF_ABSOLUTE=FALSE" "-DNUMDIFF_TOLERANCE=1e-8" "-P" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgennumdifftest.cmake" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA "Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:

Running the command: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/base/src/input_generator/XMLGenerator plato_input_deck.i INFO: Using default value of "true" for parameter "filter_in_engine" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "enforce_bounds" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0" for parameter "restart_iteration" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Setting the mma_control_stagnation_tolerance parameter to -1. Explicitly set this value to something else if desired. INFO: Setting the mma_objective_stagnation_tolerance parameter to -1. Explicitly set this value to something else if desired. INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "kernel" for parameter "filter_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "verbose" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.5" for parameter "mma_move_limit" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.2" for parameter "mma_asymptote_expansion" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.7" for parameter "mma_asymptote_contraction" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "50" for parameter "mma_max_sub_problem_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "mma_output_subproblem_diagnostics" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "0.0015" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_initial_penalty" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1.025" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_penalty_multiplier" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-8" for parameter "mma_sub_problem_feasibility_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "5" for parameter "problem_update_frequency" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "number_refines" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "pbicgstab" for parameter "amgx_solver_type" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1000" for parameter "amgx_max_iterations" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "false" for parameter "amgx_print_solver_stats" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "1e-12" for parameter "amgx_solver_tolerance" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Using default value of "density" for parameter "discretization" because it was not set. Context: Optimization Parameters INFO: Parameter "mass_density" was not set and there is no default value specified. Downstream applications depending on this parameter will use whatever default they have for it. Context: Material ID: 1, Material Model: isotropic_linear_elastic Running the command: source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA/mpirun.source source /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/enginetests/Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA/mpirun.source Traceback (most recent call last): File "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/platoengine-develop-tdhm6qlfijrcqa4fporazj2e4e6anz6h/etc/esp/", line 1, in import ESPtools File "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/platoengine-develop-tdhm6qlfijrcqa4fporazj2e4e6anz6h/etc/esp/", line 5, in from pyCAPS import capsProblem ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyCAPS' Plato CLI: Generating exodus mesh from csm model

ESP operation failed.. aborting

Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.

mpiexec detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

Process name: [[709,1],1] Exit code: 1

CMake Error at /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/base/config/runxmlgennumdifftest.cmake:16 (message): run failed

Test time = 3.00 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "Analyze_ParallelESP_MMA" time elapsed: 00:00:03 ----------------------------------------------------------

24/37 Testing: runPlatoMathHelpersUnitTests 24/37 Test: runPlatoMathHelpersUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/PlatoMathHelpersUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runPlatoMathHelpersUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 5e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_FromToBlockMatrix_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00612 sec)

  2. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_FromToBlockMatrix_Rect_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.98e-05 sec)

  3. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_FromToBlockMatrix_Rect2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.73e-05 sec)

  4. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_is_same_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.17e-05 sec)

  5. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_Rect_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000107 sec)

  6. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_1_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.63e-05 sec)

  7. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_SortColumnEntries_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00412 sec)

  8. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_ToFromFull_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00325 sec)

  9. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_2_UnitTest ... pth::is_same(tMatrixAB->rowMap(), tSlowDumbMatrixAB->rowMap()) = 1 == true : passed pth::is_equivalent(tMatrixAB->rowMap(), tMatrixAB->columnIndices(), tMatrixAB->entries(), tSlowDumbMatrixAB->columnIndices(), tSlowDumbMatrixAB->entries()) = 0 == true : FAILED ==> /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/analyzetests/PlatoMathHelpersTest.cpp:428 [FAILED] (0.00662 sec) PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_2_UnitTest Location: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/analyzetests/PlatoMathHelpersTest.cpp:412

  10. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMinusEqualsMatrix_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00295 sec)

  11. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_GetDataAsNonBlock_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.59e-05 sec)

  12. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_RowSum_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.3e-05 sec)

  13. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_InverseMultiply_1_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.04e-06 sec)

  14. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_InverseMultiply_2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.66e-06 sec)

  15. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_SlowDumbRowSummedInverseMultiply_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.21e-05 sec)

  16. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_RowSummedInverseMultiply_UnitTest ... [Passed] (9.96e-06 sec)

  17. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_CondenseMatrix_1_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000132 sec)

  18. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_SlowDumbMatrixMinusMatrix_1_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.68e-05 sec)

  19. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_SlowDumbMatrixMinusMatrix_2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.4e-05 sec)

  20. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_VectorTimesMatrixPlusVector_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.21e-05 sec)

  21. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMinusMatrix_1_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.02e-05 sec)

  22. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_InvertLocalMatrices_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.41e-05 sec)

  23. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_ConditionalExpression_UnitTest ... [Passed] (6.95e-06 sec)

  24. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixTimesVectorPlusVector_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00343 sec)

  25. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_3_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000142 sec)

  26. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_Rect2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000171 sec)

  27. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_Rect3_UnitTest ... pth::is_same(tMatrixB1A1->rowMap(), tSlowDumbMatrixB1A1->rowMap()) = 1 == true : passed pth::is_equivalent(tMatrixB1A1->rowMap(), tMatrixB1A1->columnIndices(), tMatrixB1A1->entries(), tSlowDumbMatrixB1A1->columnIndices(), tSlowDumbMatrixB1A1->entries()) = 1 == true : passed pth::is_same(tMatrixA1B3->rowMap(), tSlowDumbMatrixA1B3->rowMap()) = 0 == true : FAILED ==> /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/analyzetests/PlatoMathHelpersTest.cpp:1614 pth::is_equivalent(tMatrixA1B3->rowMap(), tMatrixA1B3->columnIndices(), tMatrixA1B3->entries(), tSlowDumbMatrixA1B3->columnIndices(), tSlowDumbMatrixA1B3->entries()) = 0 == true : FAILED ==> /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/analyzetests/PlatoMathHelpersTest.cpp:1615 pth::is_same(tMatrixA2B3->rowMap(), tSlowDumbMatrixA2B3->rowMap()) = 0 == true : FAILED ==> /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/analyzetests/PlatoMathHelpersTest.cpp:1619 pth::is_equivalent(tMatrixA2B3->rowMap(), tMatrixA2B3->columnIndices(), tMatrixA2B3->entries(), tSlowDumbMatrixA2B3->columnIndices(), tSlowDumbMatrixA2B3->entries()) = 1 == true : passed [FAILED] (8.4e-05 sec) PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_Rect3_UnitTest Location: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/analyzetests/PlatoMathHelpersTest.cpp:1415

  28. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_TransposeBlockMatrix_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.27e-05 sec)

  29. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_TransposeNonBlockMatrix_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.74e-05 sec)

  30. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_diagonalAveAbs_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.17e-05 sec)

  31. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_shiftDiagonal_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.0165 sec)

  32. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_TransposeSymmetricMatrix_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00302 sec)

The following tests FAILED: 8. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_2_UnitTest ... 26. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_MatrixMatrixMultiply_Rect3_UnitTest ...

Total Time: 0.0475 sec

Summary: total = 32, run = 32, passed = 30, failed = 2


Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.

mpirun detected that one or more processes exited with non-zero status, thus causing the job to be terminated. The first process to do so was:

Process name: [[1324,1],0] Exit code: 1

Test time = 2.31 sec ---------------------------------------------------------- Test Failed. "runPlatoMathHelpersUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runPlatoMathHelpersUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:02 ----------------------------------------------------------

25/37 Testing: runBLASUnitTests 25/37 Test: runBLASUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/BLASUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runBLASUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 1.92e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_abs_UnitTest ... [Passed] (6.89e-05 sec)
  2. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_dot_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000307 sec)
  3. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_norm_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.44e-05 sec)
  4. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_sum_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.09e-06 sec)
  5. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_fill_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00228 sec)
  6. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_copy_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00131 sec)
  7. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_scale_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00109 sec)
  8. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMathHelpers_update_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00119 sec)

Total Time: 0.0064 sec

Summary: total = 8, run = 8, passed = 8, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.25 sec

Test Passed. "runBLASUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runBLASUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00

26/37 Testing: runElectroThermalUnitTests 26/37 Test: runElectroThermalUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/ElectroThermalUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runElectroThermalUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 2.54e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_FactoryVolumetricForceEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00372 sec)
  2. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_VolumetricForceJouleHeating_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00183 sec)
  3. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_ProblemEvaluatorElectricalThermal_UnitTest ... TachoSolver: Release ==================== TachoSolver: Release ==================== [Passed] (0.00729 sec)

Total Time: 0.013 sec

Summary: total = 3, run = 3, passed = 3, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.27 sec

Test Passed. "runElectroThermalUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runElectroThermalUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00

27/37 Testing: runEllipticNitscheUnitTests 27/37 Test: runEllipticNitscheUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/EllipticNitscheUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runEllipticNitscheUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 4.18e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. EllipticNitscheTests_MaterialIsotropicElastic_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000302 sec)
  2. EllipticNitscheTests_StrainTensor_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00345 sec)
  3. EllipticNitscheTests_StressTensor_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00197 sec)
  4. EllipticNitscheTests_ComputeSideCellVolumes_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00188 sec)
  5. EllipticNitscheTests_ComputeSideCellFaceAreas_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00182 sec)
  6. EllipticNitscheTests_ComputeCharacteristicLength_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00153 sec)
  7. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTrialElasticStressEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00137 sec)
  8. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTestElasticStressEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00134 sec)
  9. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheDispMisfitEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00134 sec)
  10. EllipticNitscheTests_LinearMechanicalNitscheBC_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00139 sec)
  11. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTrialHeatFluxEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00131 sec)
  12. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTestHeatFluxEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00132 sec)
  13. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheDispMisfitEvaluator2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00129 sec)
  14. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTempMisfitEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00119 sec)
  15. EllipticNitscheTests_LinearThermalNitscheBC_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00123 sec)
  16. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTrialHyperElasticStressEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00127 sec)
  17. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTestHyperElasticStressEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00128 sec)
  18. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTrialThermalHyperElasticStressEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00128 sec)
  19. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheTestThermalHyperElasticStressEvaluator_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00132 sec)
  20. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheNonLinearMechanics_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00131 sec)
  21. EllipticNitscheTests_NitscheNonlinearThermoMechanics_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00138 sec)
  22. EllipticNitscheTests_FactoryNitscheEvaluator_NonlinearThermoMechanics_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00138 sec)

Total Time: 0.0323 sec

Summary: total = 22, run = 22, passed = 22, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.27 sec

Test Passed. "runEllipticNitscheUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runEllipticNitscheUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00

28/37 Testing: runLinearMaterialModelUnitTests 28/37 Test: runLinearMaterialModelUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/LinearMaterialModelUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runLinearMaterialModelUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 4.39e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic1D_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000153 sec)
  2. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic1D_PoissonRatioKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (9.04e-05 sec)
  3. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic1D_YoungModulusKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.79e-05 sec)
  4. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic2D_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.88e-05 sec)
  5. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic2D_PoissonRatioKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.33e-05 sec)
  6. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic2D_ShearModulusKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.13e-05 sec)
  7. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic2D_YoungsModulusXKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.11e-05 sec)
  8. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic2D_YoungsModulusYKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.19e-05 sec)
  9. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic2D_YoungsModulusXCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.18e-05 sec)
  10. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic2D_YoungsModulusYCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.07e-05 sec)
  11. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic2D_PoissonRatioXYCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.22e-05 sec)
  12. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00011 sec)
  13. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_YoungsModulusXKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.14e-05 sec)
  14. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_YoungsModulusYKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.63e-05 sec)
  15. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_YoungsModulusZKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.48e-05 sec)
  16. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_ShearModulusYZKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.6e-05 sec)
  17. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_ShearModulusXZKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.57e-05 sec)
  18. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_ShearModulusXYKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.29e-05 sec)
  19. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_PoissonsRatioXYKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.64e-05 sec)
  20. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_PoissonsRatioXZKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.31e-05 sec)
  21. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_PoissonsRatioYZKeyword_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.21e-05 sec)
  22. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_YoungsModulusXCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.19e-05 sec)
  23. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_YoungsModulusYCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.2e-05 sec)
  24. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_YoungsModulusZCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.18e-05 sec)
  25. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_ShearModulusXYCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.15e-05 sec)
  26. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_ShearModulusXZCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.17e-05 sec)
  27. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_ShearModulusYZCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.17e-05 sec)
  28. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_PoissonRationXYCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.23e-05 sec)
  29. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_PoissonRationXZCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.16e-05 sec)
  30. LinearElasticMaterialTest_Orthotropic3D_PoissonRationYZCondition_Error_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.17e-05 sec)

Total Time: 0.0014 sec

Summary: total = 30, run = 30, passed = 30, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.24 sec

Test Passed. "runLinearMaterialModelUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runLinearMaterialModelUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00

29/37 Testing: runPlatoMaterialModelUnitTests 29/37 Test: runPlatoMaterialModelUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/PlatoMaterialModelUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runPlatoMaterialModelUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 2.14e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMaterialModel_ScalarFunctor_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000199 sec)
  2. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMaterialModel_TensorConstant_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.43e-05 sec)
  3. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMaterialModel_TensorFunctor_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000148 sec)
  4. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMaterialModel_Rank4VoigtFunctor_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00113 sec)
  5. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMaterialModel_Rank4VoigtConstant_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00012 sec)
  6. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMaterialModel_IsotropicStiffnessFunctor_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00113 sec)
  7. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMaterialModel_IsotropicStiffnessConstant_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000106 sec)
  8. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMaterialModel_MaterialModel_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000265 sec)

Total Time: 0.00325 sec

Summary: total = 8, run = 8, passed = 8, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.25 sec

Test Passed. "runPlatoMaterialModelUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runPlatoMaterialModelUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00

30/37 Testing: runMaterialBasisUnitTests 30/37 Test: runMaterialBasisUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/MaterialBasisUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runMaterialBasisUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 3.58e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_MaterialBasis_Parse_3D_UnitTest ...

REPORT: Reading basis Normalizing vector{0.00000000000000000e+00, -2.00000000000000000e+00, 0.00000000000000000e+00}

REPORT: Reading basis Normalizing vector{2.00000000000000000e+00, 0.00000000000000000e+00, 0.00000000000000000e+00}

[Passed] (0.000506 sec)

  1. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_MaterialBasis_Parse_2D_UnitTest ...

REPORT: Reading basis Normalizing vector{0.00000000000000000e+00, -2.00000000000000000e+00}

[Passed] (0.000159 sec) 2. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_MaterialBasis_TransformVector_3D_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000146 sec) 3. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_MaterialBasis_TransformTensorFromBasis_3D_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000164 sec)

Total Time: 0.00113 sec

Summary: total = 4, run = 4, passed = 4, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.19 sec

Test Passed. "runMaterialBasisUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runMaterialBasisUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00

31/37 Testing: runReadDataUnitTests 31/37 Test: runReadDataUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/ReadDataUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runReadDataUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 2.75e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_getFileExtensionV_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.92e-06 sec)
  2. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_trim_UnitTest ... [Passed] (6.69e-06 sec)
  3. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_split_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.42e-05 sec)
  4. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_readCSV_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00667 sec)
  5. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_uniformSpatialBasis_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00362 sec)

Total Time: 0.0105 sec

Summary: total = 5, run = 5, passed = 5, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.27 sec

Test Passed. "runReadDataUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runReadDataUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00

32/37 Testing: runPlatoSpatialModelUnitTests 32/37 Test: runPlatoSpatialModelUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/PlatoSpatialModelUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runPlatoSpatialModelUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 3.74e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoMask_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00556 sec)
  2. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_PlatoModel_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00357 sec)
  3. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_DefaultBlockNotMarkedAsFixed_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.0033 sec)
  4. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_FixedBlockIsMarked_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00296 sec)
  5. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_DefaultBlockWorksetControlUnchanged_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00281 sec)
  6. PlatoAnalyzeUnitTests_FixedBlockWorksetControlGivesOnes_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.0028 sec)

Total Time: 0.0212 sec

Summary: total = 6, run = 6, passed = 6, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.28 sec

Test Passed. "runPlatoSpatialModelUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runPlatoSpatialModelUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00

33/37 Testing: runElementUnitTests 33/37 Test: runElementUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/ElementUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runElementUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 1.66e-05)

Running unit tests ...

  1. Bar2_Bar2_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.08e-06 sec)
  2. Bar2_MechanicsBar2_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.89e-06 sec)
  3. Bar2_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.64e-05 sec)
  4. Bar2_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.4e-05 sec)
  5. Bar3_Bar3_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.09e-06 sec)
  6. Bar3_MechanicsBar3_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.44e-06 sec)
  7. Bar3_Bar3_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.19e-05 sec)
  8. Bar3_Bar3_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.4e-05 sec)
  9. Hex27_Hex27_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.91e-06 sec)
  10. Hex27_MechanicsHex27_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.28e-06 sec)
  11. Hex27_MechanicsHex27_CubWeightsSum_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5e-06 sec)
  12. Hex27_MechanicsHex27_FaceCubPoints_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.68e-05 sec)
  13. Hex27_Hex27_FaceCubWeights_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.32e-06 sec)
  14. Hex27_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000279 sec)
  15. Hex27_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000255 sec)
  16. Hex8_Hex8_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.04e-06 sec)
  17. Hex8_MechanicsHex8_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.37e-06 sec)
  18. Hex8_MechanicsHex8_FaceCubPoints_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.78e-05 sec)
  19. Hex8_Hex8_FaceCubWeights_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.06e-06 sec)
  20. Hex8_MechanicsHex8_CubWeightsSum_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.99e-06 sec)
  21. Hex8_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000194 sec)
  22. Hex8_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.74e-05 sec)
  23. Hex8_JacobianParentCoords_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.19e-05 sec)
  24. Quad4_Quad4_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.4e-06 sec)
  25. Quad4_MechanicsQuad4_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.21e-06 sec)
  26. Quad4_MechanicsQuad4_FaceCubPoints_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.03e-05 sec)
  27. Quad4_Quad4_FaceCubWeights_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.35e-06 sec)
  28. Quad4_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (8.03e-06 sec)
  29. Quad4_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.8e-05 sec)
  30. Quad9_Quad9_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.16e-06 sec)
  31. Quad9_Quad9_FaceCubPoints_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.26e-05 sec)
  32. Quad9_Quad9_FaceCubWeights_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.49e-06 sec)
  33. Quad9_MechanicsQuad9_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.42e-06 sec)
  34. Quad9_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.92e-05 sec)
  35. Quad9_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (6.02e-05 sec)
  36. Tet10_Tet10_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.25e-06 sec)
  37. Tet10_Tet10_FaceCubPoints_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.58e-05 sec)
  38. Tet10_Tet10_FaceCubWeights_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.28e-06 sec)
  39. Tet10_MechanicsTet10_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.28e-06 sec)
  40. Tet10_MechanicsTet10_CubWeightsSum_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.02e-06 sec)
  41. Tet10_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.42e-05 sec)
  42. Tet10_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (9.1e-05 sec)
  43. Tet10_IntegrateExpression_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.00613 sec)
  44. Tet10_JacobianParentCoords_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.86e-05 sec)
  45. Tet10_SurfaceArea_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.26e-05 sec)
  46. Tet4_Tet4_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.15e-06 sec)
  47. Tet4_Tet4_FaceCubPoints_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.59e-06 sec)
  48. Tet4_Tet4_FaceCubWeights_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.62e-06 sec)
  49. Tet4_MechanicsTet4_CubWeightsSum_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.86e-06 sec)
  50. Tri3_Tri3_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.57e-06 sec)
  51. Tri3_Tri3_FaceCubPoints_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.51e-06 sec)
  52. Tri3_Tri3_FaceCubWeights_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.84e-06 sec)
  53. Tri3_MechanicsTri3_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.38e-06 sec)
  54. Tri3_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4.04e-06 sec)
  55. Tri3_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.47e-05 sec)
  56. Tri6_Tri6_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.48e-06 sec)
  57. Tri6_Tri6_FaceCubPoints_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.13e-06 sec)
  58. Tri6_Tri6_FaceCubWeights_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.96e-06 sec)
  59. Tri6_MechanicsTri6_Constants_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.4e-06 sec)
  60. Tri6_BasisFunctions_UnitTest ... [Passed] (8.66e-05 sec)
  61. Tri6_BasisFunctionGradients_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.78e-05 sec)
  62. Tri6_JacobianParentCoords_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.1e-05 sec)

Total Time: 0.00822 sec

Summary: total = 62, run = 62, passed = 62, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.27 sec

Test Passed. "runElementUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runElementUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00

34/37 Testing: runPlatoMathTypesUnitTests 34/37 Test: runPlatoMathTypesUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/PlatoMathTypesUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runPlatoMathTypesUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 1.95e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. PlatoMathTypesTests_Matrix_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000222 sec)
  2. PlatoMathTypesTests_Math_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.16e-05 sec)
  3. PlatoMathTypesTests_Eigen_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.98e-05 sec)
  4. PlatoMathTypesTests_trace_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.24e-06 sec)

Total Time: 0.000371 sec

Summary: total = 4, run = 4, passed = 4, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.17 sec

Test Passed. "runPlatoMathTypesUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runPlatoMathTypesUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00

35/37 Testing: runTensorNormUnitTests 35/37 Test: runTensorNormUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/TensorNormUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runTensorNormUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 2.74e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. TensorNormTests_VonMisesPNormDefaultVolumeScaling_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000321 sec)
  2. TensorNormTests_VonMisesPNormSpecifiedVolumeScaling_UnitTest ... [Passed] (9.31e-05 sec)
  3. TensorNormTests_VonMisesPNormNoVolumeScaling_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7.2e-05 sec)

Total Time: 0.000604 sec

Summary: total = 3, run = 3, passed = 3, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.19 sec

Test Passed. "runTensorNormUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runTensorNormUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00

36/37 Testing: runCrsMatrixUtilsUnitTests 36/37 Test: runCrsMatrixUtilsUnitTests Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-cascadelake/gcc-11.4.0/openmpi-4.1.3-jaolxqphmbe3pvqxou6s2mob77732vqj/bin/mpirun" "-npernode" "1" "-n" "1" "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/CrsMatrixUtilsUnitTests" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests "runCrsMatrixUtilsUnitTests" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 3.83e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. CrsMatrixUtils_SparsityPatternSymmetric_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.46e-05 sec)
  2. CrsMatrixUtils_SparsityPatternSymmetricFull_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5.58e-06 sec)
  3. CrsMatrixUtils_SparsityPatternNonsymmetricUpperTri_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.01e-06 sec)
  4. CrsMatrixUtils_SparsityPatternNonsymmetricLowerTri_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.68e-06 sec)
  5. CrsMatrixUtils_SparsityPatternHash_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.16e-05 sec)

Total Time: 0.00025 sec

Summary: total = 5, run = 5, passed = 5, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.19 sec

Test Passed. "runCrsMatrixUtilsUnitTests" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "runCrsMatrixUtilsUnitTests" time elapsed: 00:00:00

37/37 Testing: BamG_UnitTester 37/37 Test: BamG_UnitTester Command: "/projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/BamG/unittest/BamG_UnitTester" Directory: /projects/NT_Morph/morphormtests/spack-build-m63g2qz/analyzetests/BamG/unittest "BamG_UnitTester" start time: Feb 01 05:34 MST Output:

*** Unit test suite ...

Sorting tests by group name then by the order they were added ... (time = 5e-06)

Running unit tests ...

  1. PlatoTestBamG_matches_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.5e-05 sec)
  2. PlatoTestBamG_isSame_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.7e-05 sec)
  3. PlatoTestBamG_indexMap_Hex8_UnitTest ... [Passed] (6e-06 sec)
  4. PlatoTestBamG_generateCoords_Hex8_UnitTest ... [Passed] (5e-06 sec)
  5. PlatoTestBamG_generateCoords_Tet4_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4e-06 sec)
  6. PlatoTestBamG_generateCoords_Quad4_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3e-06 sec)
  7. PlatoTestBamG_generateCoords_Tri3_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2e-06 sec)
  8. PlatoTestBamG_generateCoords_Tri3_2x2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3e-06 sec)
  9. PlatoTestBamG_generateCoords_Bar2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2e-06 sec)
  10. PlatoTestBamG_generateConnectivity_Hex8_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3e-06 sec)
  11. PlatoTestBamG_generateConnectivity_Tet4_UnitTest ... [Passed] (7e-06 sec)
  12. PlatoTestBamG_generateConnectivity_Quad4_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2e-06 sec)
  13. PlatoTestBamG_generateConnectivity_Tri3_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3e-06 sec)
  14. PlatoTestBamG_generateConnectivity_Tri3_2x2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2e-06 sec)
  15. PlatoTestBamG_generateConnectivity_Bar2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2e-06 sec)
  16. PlatoTestBamG_getNumNPE_UnitTest ... [Passed] (8e-06 sec)
  17. PlatoTestBamG_generateNodeSets_Hex8_Tet4_UnitTest ... [Passed] (0.000113 sec)
  18. PlatoTestBamG_generateNodeSets_Quad4_Tri3_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.1e-05 sec)
  19. PlatoTestBamG_generateNodeSets_Quad4_Tri3_2x2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.6e-05 sec)
  20. PlatoTestBamG_generateNodeSets_Bar2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (4e-06 sec)
  21. PlatoTestBamG_generateSideSets_Hex8_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.2e-05 sec)
  22. PlatoTestBamG_generateSideSets_Quad4_UnitTest ... [Passed] (1.7e-05 sec)
  23. PlatoTestBamG_generateSideSets_Tet4_UnitTest ... [Passed] (3.9e-05 sec)
  24. PlatoTestBamG_generateSideSets_Tri3_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2.2e-05 sec)
  25. PlatoTestBamG_generateSideSets_Tri3_2x2_UnitTest ... [Passed] (2e-05 sec)

Total Time: 0.000603 sec

Summary: total = 25, run = 25, passed = 25, failed = 0

End Result: TEST PASSED Test time = 0.02 sec

Test Passed. "BamG_UnitTester" end time: Feb 01 05:34 MST "BamG_UnitTester" time elapsed: 00:00:00

End testing: Feb 01 05:34 MST

large = 1995.07 sec*proc

medium = 488.88 sec*proc

small = 20.65 sec*proc

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️