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Solar lights written in Python. E.g., Navigation lights: During the day, each device uses solar power to recharge its integrated batteries. The light then operates from the stored charge at night.
SAM Simulation Core SDK
The SAM Simulation Core (SSC) software development kit (SDK) is a collection of developer tools for creating renewable energy system models using the SSC library. SAM is a desktop application that provides a user-friendly front end for the SSC library. The SDK allows you to create your own applications using the SSC library.
General purpose object-oriented, equation based, generic simulation environment for complex systems. SMILE is commonly used for the simulation of complex energy systems like building and plant simulation, but it is also a powerful tool for solving a multitude of other time dependent simulation problems. Simulation Environment SMILE contains an object- and equation-oriented modeling description language, a Python based experiment description language, a model compiler, a runtime system, a numerical solvers library and a model library.
Software platform
Open Energy Management Gateway
For the transformation of the power system to more fluctuating renewable ressources it is nessassary to adapt the consumption according to the generation. The Open Gateway Energy Management Alliance (OGEMA) offers a software platform that supports standardized automated energy management. The OGEMA platform can be applied in households, commercial environment and industries.
Investment planning model
Planning model for power systems with large shares of renewable energy (under AMPL license)