features - morinim/vita GitHub Wiki
General features
A way of changing every parameter of the system without recompilation.
GP / GA / Differential Evolution support.
Loading and saving of populations and genetic programs (checkpoint and restoring mechanism).
Parameterless (no mandatory parameters).
User programmable instruction set / termination criteria.
Constraint handling.
CSV / Weka XRFF dataset file format compatibility.
ALPS (Age-Layered Population Structure) [2 ]
ARL (Adaptive Representation through Learning) [3 ]
Brood recombination [4 ]
Cache for improving performance.
Constraint Handling [8 ].
Demetic grouping - Trivial Geography in Genetic Programming [5 ]
Differential evolution ("Differential Evolution - A Practical Approach to Global Optimization" - Ken Price, Rainer Storn, Jouni Lampinen).
DSS (Dynamic subset selection) [7 ]
FUSS (Fitness Uniform Optimization - Marcus Hutter, Shane Legg - 2006).
Gaussian Distribution for Multiclass Object Classification ("Using Gaussian Distribution to Construct Fitnesss Functions in Genetic Programming for Multiclass Object Classification" - Mengjie Zhang, Will Smart - 2005).
MEP -like genotype [1 ]
Self-adaptive crossover operator [6 ]
Slotted Dynamic Class Boundary Determination (Multiclass Object Classification Using Genetic Programming - Mengjie Zhang, Will Smart).
Steady state kernel.
STGP (Strongly Typed Genetic Programming - David J. Montana - 1995).
Team support (Evolving Teams of Predictors with Linear Genetic Programming - Markus Brameier, Wolfgang Banzhaf - 2007).
Tournament proportionate selection.
Completely ISO C++17 compliant.
Structured object oriented architecture.
Strict const-correctness.
Limited use of 3rd party libraries.
Comprehensive, searchable API documentation generated from the source (Doxygen).
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