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introduction to react native deployments


  • OTA Updates = CodePush CodePush is a tool developed by Microsoft to quickly and easily manage and update your production React Native JavaScript bundles. It’s easy to setup, easy to use, and it’s free.
  • Native Updates = Fastlane Fastlane helps automate many of the repetitive tasks that come along with building the native app. You can think of it as a tool belt and in that tool belt are a variety of tools that handle different pieces of the native development puzzle.
  • Continuous Integration = Bitrise/CircleCI Though a category I haven’t used much, once you’re ready to invest in total automation (beyond Fastlane) Bitrise and CircleCI are both great options. They allow you to automate the build & deployment process of your native app. No more waiting for the app to build on your machine, and you take the human error element out!

react native deployment checklist


react native device specific coding
