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react custom hooks

link Custom Hooks offer the flexibility of sharing logic that wasn’t possible in React components before. You can write custom Hooks that cover a wide range of use cases like form handling, animation, declarative subscriptions, timers, and probably many more we haven’t considered. What’s more, you can build Hooks that are just as easy to use as React’s built-in features.

custom hooks - all you need to know

Link Without going through all the basic Hooks again, I think we just need to revisit one of them: the useEffect Hook. I learned while reading up on Hooks on the docs that there are two ways of using useEffect. You can use it without cleanup or with cleanup. These are terms I expect anyone at this stage of working with Hooks to either know or to take a few minutes to understand with the links I just provided.

With classes and before Hooks were available, side effects were placed in one of many lifecycle methods like: componentDidMount or componentDidUpdate. In cases where we have duplicated code in both of those methods (performing the same effect for mounting and updating), we can now do these things inside a functional component and we can do it with just one Hook. That's right, I'm talking about useEffect.

useEffect tells React that our component needs to do something after the component renders. It runs after the first render and after every update. In my previous articles, I only talk about side effects WITHOUT cleanup, so I would like to cover really quickly how to allow a functional component to have a side effect WITH cleanup.

Custom Hooks

Custom Hooks are JavaScript functions whose names are prefixed with the word use. A custom Hook is a normal function but we hold them to a different standard. By adding the word use to the beginning, it lets us know that this function follows the rules of Hooks.

10 essential react hooks


Skim + react

Bookmark docs client library
