product backlog - moram/SAS GitHub Wiki

Num Cap Capacity Milestone Priority Attribute
1 decode and upload infrastructure code MS0 high DONE
2 meeting with the customer MS0 meduim DONE
3 build client GUI MS0 low DONE
4 send sms with manual coordination MS1 high DONE
5 build server GUI MS1 low DONE
6 get location from gps MS1 critical DONE
7 get coordinate from network MS2 low DONE
8 show the location on local device MS2 high DONE
9 option to add access to contact list MS3 low DONE
10 parse the coordinations from the client sms MS3 high DONE
11 send the coordinations to the server MS3 high DONE
12 save video call content by the server MS4 meduim DONE
13 establish video call from server to client MS4 meduim DONE
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️