Delete link in a Cucumber test - moralesalberto/personal GitHub Wiki
Seems like I am doing too much work, but can not think of another way for now.
Then(/^the show page should have a link to delete the keychain with the name "(.*?)"$/) do |name| keychain = Keychain.where("name = ? ",name).first # this one is too ambiguous page.html.should have_selector(:xpath, "//a[@href=\"/keychains/#{}\"]", :text => "Delete") #one way to do this using xpath delete_links_via_xpath = page.all(:xpath, "//a[@href=\"/keychains/#{}\"]", :text => "Delete") {|link| link['data-method' == 'delete']} delete_links_via_xpath.size.should > 0 # another way, using css delete_links = page.all(:css, "a[data-method=delete]").select {|link| link.text == "Delete" and link['href'] == "\/keychains\/#{}"} delete_links.size.should > 0 end