Cucumber features for creating a keychain model - moralesalberto/personal GitHub Wiki
Create Feature
Feature: Create a keychain record
Background: A user logs into the application
Given a user is not logged in
And is a valid user with email "[email protected]" and password "working123"
When the user goes to the root page of the application
Then the user should be redirected to the login page
When the user enters his correct credentials in the login page, email: "[email protected]" and password "working123"
And submits the login page
Then the user should be shown the root page
Scenario: A user creates a keychain record
When the user goes to the new keychain page
And fills in the keychain name: "name of the key"
And username: "theusername"
And password: "thepassword"
And description: "This is a key that I use all the time"
And submits the new keychain form
Then a new keychain record is created with the name "name of the key", and password: "thepassword"
And the list of keychains should be shown, with names "name of the key"
Step Definitions
When(/^the user goes to the new keychain page$/) do
When(/^fills in the keychain name: "(.*?)"$/) do |keychain_name|
fill_in('keychain_name', :with => keychain_name)
When(/^username: "(.*?)"$/) do |username|
fill_in('keychain_username', :with => username)
When(/^password: "(.*?)"$/) do |password|
fill_in('keychain_password', :with => password)
When(/^description: "(.*?)"$/) do |description|
fill_in('keychain_description', :with => description)
When(/^submits the new keychain form$/) do
click_on('Save keychain')
Then(/^a new keychain record is created with the name "(.*?)", and password: "(.*?)"$/) do |name, password|
keychains = Keychain.where('name = ?', name)
keychains.size.should eq(1)
keychains.first.password_encrypted.should_not eq(password)
keychains.first.password.should eq(password)
Then(/^the admin is emailed that the keychain "(.*?)" was shown to a user$/) do |name|
emails = {|email| email.subject =~ /#{name}/}
emails.size.should eq(1) eq('[email protected]')