Login Feature
Feature: A user needs to log-in before using the app
Scenario: A user that has not logged in goes to the root page of the application
Given a user is not logged in
When the user goes to the root page of the application
Then the user should be redirected to the login page
Scenario: A logged in user goes to the root page of the application
Given a user is not logged in
And is a valid user with email "[email protected]" and password "working123"
When the user goes to the root page of the application
Then the user should be redirected to the login page
When the user enters his correct credentials in the login page, email: "[email protected]" and password "working123"
And submits the login page
Then the user should be shown the root page
Scenario: A user attempts to login with the incorrect password
Given a user is not logged in
And is a valid user with email "[email protected]" and password "working123"
When the user goes to the root page of the application
Then the user should be redirected to the login page
When the user enters the incorrect password in the login page, email: "[email protected]" and password "working123"
And submits the login page
Then the user should be redirected to the login page
Scenario: A user attempts to login with the incorrect username
Given a user is not logged in
And is a valid user with email "[email protected]" and password "working123"
When the user goes to the root page of the application
Then the user should be redirected to the login page
When the user enters the incorrect email in the login page, email: "[email protected]" and password "working123"
And submits the login page
Then the user should be redirected to the login page
Login Feature - Step Definitions
Given(/^a user is not logged in$/) do
#nothing to do
When(/^the user goes to the root page of the application$/) do
Then(/^the user should be redirected to the login page$/) do
page.current_path.should eq('/users/sign_in')
And(/^is a valid user with email "(.*?)" and password "(.*?)"$/) do |email, password|
user = FactoryGirl.create(:user, :email => email, :password => password)
When(/^the user enters his correct credentials in the login page, email: "(.*?)" and password "(.*?)"$/) do |email, password|
fill_in('user_email', :with => email)
fill_in('user_password', :with => password)
When(/^the user enters the incorrect password in the login page, email: "(.*?)" and password "(.*?)"$/) do |email, password|
fill_in('user_email', :with => '[email protected]')
fill_in('user_password', :with => "#{password}1234" )
When(/^the user enters the incorrect email in the login page, email: "(.*?)" and password "(.*?)"$/) do |email, password|
fill_in('user_email', :with => "wrong#{email}")
fill_in('user_password', :with => password)
And(/^submits the login page$/) do
click_on('Sign in')
Then(/^the user should be shown the root page$/) do
page.current_path.should eq(root_path)
Logout Feature
Feature: A user logs out of the application
Scenario: A logged in user logs out of the application
Given a user is not logged in
And is a valid user with email "[email protected]" and password "working123"
When the user goes to the root page of the application
Then the user should be redirected to the login page
When the user enters his correct credentials in the login page, email: "[email protected]" and password "working123"
And submits the login page
Then the user should be shown the root page
When the user clicks on the logout link
Then the user should be redirected the login page
Scenario: A user logs out and then tries to go back to the application
Given a user is not logged in
And is a valid user with email "[email protected]" and password "working123"
When the user goes to the root page of the application
Then the user should be redirected to the login page
When the user enters his correct credentials in the login page, email: "[email protected]" and password "working123"
And submits the login page
Then the user should be shown the root page
When the user clicks on the logout link
Then the user should be redirected the login page
And if the user attempts to go to the root page again
Then the user should be redirected to the login page
Logout Step Definitions
When(/^the user clicks on the logout link$/) do
Then(/^the user should be redirected the login page$/) do
page.current_path.should eq('/users/sign_in')
Then(/^if the user attempts to go to the root page again$/) do
Forgot Password Feature
Feature: The app should allow the user to reset their password if they forgot it
Scenario: A user forgets his password has a way to get a reset link
Given a user that forgot his password
And is a valid user with email "[email protected]" and password "working123"
When the user goes to the forgot password page
And the user fills in his email: "[email protected]" in the forgot password form
Then the user should receive an email with a reset link
Scenario: A user is able to reset their password with a reset link
Given a user that forgot his password
And is a valid user with email "[email protected]" and password "working123"
When the user goes to the forgot password page
And the user fills in his email: "[email protected]" in the forgot password form
Then the user should receive an email with a reset link
When the user goes to the reset link from the email
Then user should be presented with a reset your password form
When the user fills in the new password: "somenewpassword123!" and submits the forgot password form
Then the user should be shown the root page
Forgot Password Step Definitions
Given(/^a user that forgot his password$/) do
#nothing here
When(/^the user goes to the forgot password page$/) do
When(/^the user fills in his email: "(.*?)" in the forgot password form$/) do |email|
fill_in('user_email', :with => email)
click_on('Send me reset password instructions')
Then(/^the user should receive an email with a reset link$/) do
user = User.first
@matching_emails = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.select {|email| email.to.first == user.email and email.subject =~ /Reset password instructions/}
@matching_emails.size.should eq(1)
When(/^the user goes to the reset link from the email$/) do
html = Nokogiri::HTML(@matching_emails.first.body.to_s)
link = html.css('a').select {|link| link['href'] =~ /reset_password/}.first
Then(/^user should be presented with a reset your password form$/) do
page.html.should have_selector(:xpath, '//form[@action="/users/password"]')
page.html.should have_selector(:xpath, '//form[@method="post"]')
When(/^the user fills in the new password: "(.*?)" and submits the forgot password form$/) do |new_password|
fill_in('user_password_confirmation', :with => new_password)
fill_in('user_password', :with => new_password)
click_on('Change my password')
Change password feature
Feature: A user should be able to change his password
Background: A user logs into the application
Given a user is not logged in
And is a valid user with email "[email protected]" and password "working123"
When the user goes to the root page of the application
Then the user should be redirected to the login page
When the user enters his correct credentials in the login page, email: "[email protected]" and password "working123"
And submits the login page
Then the user should be shown the root page
Scenario: A user that is logged in should be able to change their password
When the user goes to the change password page
And fills in current password: "working123", new password: "newpasswordHere!", and new password confirmation "newpasswordHere!"
And submits the change password form
Then the user should be redirected to the login page
When the user enters his correct credentials in the login page, email: "[email protected]" and password "newpasswordHere!"
And submits the login page
Then the user should be shown the root page
Scenario: A user that that attempts to change their password should get an error if they enter the wrong current password
When the user goes to the change password page
And fills in current password: "thispassword!", new password: "newpasswordHere!", and new password confirmation "newpasswordHere!"
And submits the change password form
Then the user should be shown the error "Current password is invalid"
And sent back to the change password form
Change password step definitions
When(/^the user goes to the change password page$/) do
When(/^fills in current password: "(.*?)", new password: "(.*?)", and new password confirmation "(.*?)"$/) do |current_password, new_password, new_password_confirmation|
fill_in('user_current_password', :with => current_password)
fill_in('user_password', :with => new_password)
fill_in('user_password_confirmation', :with => new_password_confirmation)
When(/^submits the change password form$/) do
click_on('Change Password')
Then(/^the user should be shown the error "(.*?)"$/) do |error_message|
page.should have_content(error_message)
Then(/^sent back to the change password form$/) do
page.html.should have_selector(:xpath, '//form[@action="/user/update_password"]')
page.html.should have_selector(:xpath, '//form[@method="post"]')