Tips - mooz/keysnail GitHub Wiki

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Let us share the commands, tips and snippets for keysnail.

Close / Refocus opened prompt

Close / Refocus opened prompt

Vimperator style configuration

Full vimperator style config

A work in progress (and feedback is welcome), includes bash-style readline navigation/editing for input fields.
To view full list of keyboard shortcuts, press C-k k

Increment / Decrement the number in URL

Increment / Decrement the number in URL

Toggle Autopagerize status

Toggle Autopagerize status

Kill access keys

Death to access key!

Kill access keys

Toggle IME status

Toggle IME status

Control split browser

C-x 2, C-x 3, C-x 0, … Emacs.

Control split browser

Display and recover recently closed tabs

Display and recover recently closed tabs

Display and select session histories

Display and select session histories

Search with suggest

Search with suggest.

Search with suggest

KeySnail has the potential to become the filer.

Edit text areas with Gvim (Linux)

Install the K2Emacs plugin from the plugin page
Add the following to the PRESERVE area in ~/.keysnail.js :

key.setEditKey ('C-i', function (ev, arg) {
    ext.exec ( "edit_text", arg, ev);
}, "Edit in external editor", true);
plugins.options [ "K2Emacs.editor"  ] = "/usr/bin/gvim -f";

Select option in the HTML select element using keysnail’s prompt.selector()

a renewal of command.recenter (in caret browse mode)

The original command.recenter() does not work (at least in my environment — Mac OS X leopard, firefox 3.6.10, KeySnail 1.6.9), because document.getBoxObjectFor is obsolete.
This is fixed and a little advanced version of command.recenter()

new recenter

search like Emacs

This function enables to search next by C-s and stop searching by Enter
search like Emacs

Key bindings with non English keyboard layout

Here is the settings for non English keyboard layout

Fake Return (Enter) key

fake return

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️