Meeting Minutes 2 - moon362/E-commerce-System GitHub Wiki

Date : [07-December-2023] Time : [10:00pm] Location : [Zoom Meeting] Meeting Length : [30 minutes]


  1. The team will work on the user story related to E-commerce features
  2. We will sit together and work on product backlog
  3. After work on user story we will work on SRS
Action Allocated Team Member(s) Deadline
2 user story from the product backlog Moon(UFM) DD-MM-YYYY
2 user story from the product backlog Rasel(AHR) DD-MM-YYYY
2 user story from the product backlog Riya(SNR) DD-MM-YYYY
2 user story from the product backlog ajoy(AJ) DD-MM-YYYY
2 user story from the product backlog Minhaj(MU) DD-MM-YYYY