Sign Shops - moomaxie/BetterShops GitHub Wiki

How to create Sign Shops

To create a shop:

Place a sign on a chest and type this on it:


This will create a shop which you can right click to open a GUI allowing you to completely edit the shop!

You can place a ':' to signify a data value.



This means that you can only sell Red Wool.

Item ids also work in place of names. So you can use '4' or even 'Cobble' to use Cobblestone.

The color of the first line indicates if you can perform the action. Red = No Green = Yes

Place items into the chest to increase stock

Admin Sign Shops

These shops have infinite stock of the chosen item.

These are NOT placed on chests but can be placed anywhere else.

The permission: bettershops.sign.admin or bettershops.sign.*


They are created the same way as a normal Sign Shop.