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NodeBB Developer Wiki
Welcome to the NodeBB Developer Wiki. The vast majority of documentation can be found at our documentation portal - https://docs.nodebb.org.
Questions and comments? Please visit our community forums at https://community.nodebb.org. Report any issues to this project's issue tracker.
Helping out the NodeBB Project
NodeBB is an open source project, and will forever remain free. Here's a number of ways you can help us, even if you aren't a programmer.
- Like and share our content on Facebook
- Follow us on Twitter and perhaps tweet
#NodeBB is most awesome forum software @NodeBB
- Update this wiki! ;) We need everything from development/design tutorials to user friendly how-to guides.
- Tell everybody about NodeBB, including your grandma and her cats.
- Submit a pull request, or two, or three..
- Build a new theme
- Write a plugin
- Keep the link back to us on the footer of your own NodeBB :)
- Blog about us! Give the gift of SEO juice this Christmas
- Help Translate NodeBB - It's a really simple translation tool and you don't need to know how to code.
- Join our community and give us a hard time about bugs and missing features