Using custom fonts in tablist - montlikadani/TabList GitHub Wiki


Fonts component have been added in tablist v5.5.0 in order to use custom fonts. Also, this is only works in above 1.16+ versions of minecraft.

How do I add custom fonts into client?

Use this little tutorial to help you understand how this .ttf file type works and how to implement these:

You can get a Google Fonts page to help you choose the font that's right for you:

Appending font

  • Go into the tablist.yml configuration and add the {font=myFontName} component to the header/footer list where you want to show this font with a specified text
  • Replace myFontName to the font name you selected
  • Close the font tag
  • Save the file
  • Reload the plugin and see what happens
- "&6Ping:&1 %ping%&7ms"
- ""
- "#d136c3Custom font <6><6><6><6>"
- "{font=myFontName}&cAn example text on how to use custom font.{/font}"
- "&7<4><4><4><4>"

If the font tag did not closed with {/font} tag it will affect other next lines of text in the component.

Now it looks like


You can actually append the default client' font with {font=default}text{/font}

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