Tablist objective - montlikadani/TabList GitHub Wiki

Tablist objectives is used to display extra information about player for example ping next to the player name. You can choose and display only 2 options. These are the HEALTH and INTEGER values. These values are also available in vanilla client.

To disable change tablist-object-type.type to none


The health with icons would look like


This may differ on the client if it is not the official one and it will only display the health in numbers.

To set it up you need tablist-object-type.type to be changed to health in TabList/config.yml file.

  type: health

PING/Custom value

These are the INTEGER values. The colour of this value can not be changed, it is handled by the client, it remains #AABDCF yellow. If you only want to see the current ping value of players, you need tablist-object-type.type to be changed to ping in TabList/config.yml file. If you want to display a custom/unique value next to the player change tablist-object-type.type to custom and you can set a specific variable in custom-value. For the placeholders use PlaceholderAPI or the built-in ones

If the plugin throws an error about the custom value, that means the variable you used isn't returning an integer value to be parsed.

  type: custom
  custom-value: "%level%"

You can also set the update interval for that value to update the objectives for players. By disabling this, setting it to 0 or negative will not update it, so the value will be last updated when the player joins. This is useful when using a placeholder that does not require frequent updates to the exact value. To change the interval find refresh-interval. The refreshing happens within specified seconds.

  refresh-interval: 3


You can also disable objectives in specific worlds to do not display for example ping for all players whose in that world currently. To do this use

  type: ping
  - worldName

With TabList version 5.7.5+ and minecraft 1.20.4+ you are able to change the appearance of this objective in tablist with number-format option. You can use this number format only for custom and ping objective types.

image_No more yellow numbers? huh_

  type: custom
  refresh-interval: 3
  custom-value: '%level%'
    type: styled
    format: red;italic;underline

Current available number format types as shown in site

  • none - default vanilla yellow number
  • fixed - a unique text displayed instead of number without styling
  type: fixed
  format: 'textToDisplay'
  • blank - no text/number displayed
  • styled - the coloration of the number, you can only use full color/formatting names like green;bold;italic or hexadecimal #123456
    • You can enter only one color and each format once
    • The order of the format doesn't matter, but it's a good idea to enter the color name first
    type: styled
    format: '#13246;bold'