Display tablist only for who have permission - montlikadani/TabList GitHub Wiki

In order to display the tablist header and footer with permission, it is necessary to use permissions to display only to players who have permission.


    name: tablist.permission1
    header: "This is a header"
    - "&cFooter!"
    - "&6TPS:&r %tps%"
    name: tablist.permission5
    header: "&eThis is a header 5"
    - "&6Footer 5"

In this example, which player has tablist.permission1 permission, those players will see the set of header and footer. You can specify any name for the permission name, whether it is a number or a simple name, but it should not be one that already exists. You can also create as many permissions as you want.

Specifying permission

By default operator players have all permissions granted, but they will not have permission for the above permissions, so the owner will not confuses what happening. Operator players must have these permission specified if the owner wants it to see a specific header/footer one. So in order for operators to see the above mentioned header and footer as well, the above permission must be granted, otherwise they will see the default tablist.