WordPress Install - monkins1010/Verusguideassets GitHub Wiki
Setting up your WordPress Website
- Goto Digital Ocean and setup an account, this Referal Link will get you $100 to spend over 60 days. After that the Plan we are loooking at is around $20 a month at time of writing June 19th 2020.
- Create a Droplet (this is what Digital ocean call servers).
Go to
on the left hand panel in the Digital Ocean website.
At the top select
Then Pick Marketplace
>> WordPress on 18.04
Choose from the Standard Plan the 4GB RAM, 2 CPU Cores, 80GB HD Space for $20 a month.
Choose your region you want the server to reside, think of your customers location and if they are all American citizens then pick one in that region.
Next skip down to Authentication
,we are going to log into the server with a special key (SSH Key) which is an encrypted password that will be stored on your computer. This is a very strong password and means that only you will be able to log onto the server.
Below you can see that I have already created two keys one called laptop
& i7
these are two different computers. So they will both be able to log onto the server if we select them both. To create a new one. Click New SSH Key
This will pop up with a window in which you need to paste your SSH Key into. But before we do that you need to install and load up Mobaxterm (Or your other favourite SSH Terminal).
Install Mobaxterm by downloading the free MobaXterm Home Edition v20.2 (Installer Edtion)
Click the MobaXterm Home Edition v20.2 (Installer Edtion)
Green button int he website above and download the zip file. Once the zip file is down loaded, double click it and run the installer program inside it called MobaXterm_installer_20.2.msi
Once Installed you will get a new icon on your desktop called MobaXterm
. Double click it and load it up, you will be greated with a blank page, click the Start local terminal
This will bring up a black Terminal window where you will be doing most of setting up of your website.
In the local terminal we need to make a local SSH key so type in ssh-keygen
and press enter.
Enter the file name verus
then press enter.
:warning:You can add a passphrase (password) if you want extra security, otherwise if you are a home computer that only you will use you can leave it blank. If you choose a passphrase e.g. Kettleteapotegg129!"#
Make sure you Write it down somewhere safe as you'll need it every time you log on to the server.:warning:
Once you have finished this there will be two files made in your This PC > Documents > MobaXterm >home > .shh
directory. Open the file called verus.pub
in note pad by Right-clicking on the file
and choose Open with
Then Choose notepad
and click OK
at the bottom.
Once the verus.pub file is open, select all the contents inside it by pressing ctrl + a
then copy it.
Then go back to your web browser on the digital ocean site and paste it into SSH key content
call the key a name that references your computer like Main_desktop_computer_Bill
then click add.
Now you have your SSH Public Key on digital ocean it will load that into your server when you create it so that only you can access it.
Next Select the keys that you want to associate with your website, by click the square checkbox next to your friendly name you chose. Then you can skip down to Create Droplet
at the bottom.
The website will take a couple of minutes to create the website, once its done you will see an IP address in the
Now your WordPress site is setup, but before you can have a look at it on your internet browser we need to log into the sever first.