How to test that you have successfully set everything up - monkins1010/Verusguideassets GitHub Wiki
Final setup and test
Back to your browser type in the http://<<your_ip_of_your_droplet>>
Goto plugins and activate the WooCommerce plugin. Follow through the wizard to get your basic shop ready. (it can be changed after)
Then go back to Plugins and choose Activate
on the VerusPay plugin.
Then click Configure
Below the VerusPay plugin.
Scroll down to this screen and type in the info as shown. replace the IP with
. Then click continue.
Put in your access code from setting up the ChainTools then press Save
Next go back into the configure
in the VerusPay
First we need to check its connected to the wallet you should see a Online
in green if everything is happy.
To turn the wallet on first goto Options and set the firs 5 values to something, as below
Then go to Wallets
back in the Veruspay plugin and first turn on
Then Press save at the bottom.
Then go to the Daemons Tab and select Enable Verus. It has to be done in this order :warning:
Congratulations your shop is now set up to accept VerusPay.
Thank you,
Chris - Monkins1010
Further Considerations
- There is no fallover set so if the wallet goes off line people cannot payments. Please see the adding 500 addresses incase of wallet discconection
- Security should be a lot firmer than this guide, it is just a setup guide to show the steps, further action must be taken to:
- Encrypt the traffic from the website i.e. use SSL
- Firewall the wallet and the Chaintools.php files more securely.