How to install the VerusPay Plugin in WooCommerce - monkins1010/Verusguideassets GitHub Wiki

Setting up an Admin user on WordPress to get the security set

As soon as the droplet is created your website will be available on the internet at http://<<your_ip_of_your_droplet>>

You will be greeted with a website asking you for your language, choose you language then fill in the form below :warning: pick a strong password and write it down :warning:


Once you have filled in the form, you will then be asked to login. Login with your chosen Username and password and you;ll be greated with this screen:

Go to Plugins and install WooCommerce


Click the search box and find the WooCommerce plugin, then click install.

Next To install the Verus pay Plugin download this file to your desktop:

To install this zip goto Add new in plugins then go to Upload Plugin


Choose the zip you just downloaded to your desktop called

Once complete you will see a message saying Plugin installed succesfully
