WiFi Settings - mongoose-os-apps/shelly-homekit GitHub Wiki


Enable: Toggle to enable / disable WiFi connection.

Network: The SSID of the WiFi network.

Password: The Password of the WiFi network.

Nameserver: The nameserver of the WiFi network.

Static IP: Toggle to enable / disable use of a static IP address.

IP: (only for Static IP) The static IP address to assign.

Netmask: (only for Static IP) The netmask for use with static IP.

Gateway: (only for Static IP) The gateway for use with static IP.

Power saving:

Disabled - No power saving

On Plus and newer devices / ESP32 and ESP32C3:

2 - Maximal Saving 1 - Minimal Saving 0 - No saving

On Gen1 Devices / ESP8266

2 - Modem Sleep Mode: your modem (Wi-Fi) will periodically go to sleep i.e. power save mode in between. This saves some energy.
1 - Light Sleep mode: additionally to the modem the processor will periodically also sleep. This saves even more energy. 0 - No sleep

Status: Shows the current connection status.

Network: Shows the network name (SSID) of the current connection.

IP: Shows the local IP address of the current connection.

RSSI: Shows the strength of the current connection.

RSSI levels:

  • -30 -> -66 Very Good
  • -67 -> -70 Good
  • -71 -> -79 OK
  • -80 -> -90 Bad

MAC: Shows the MAC address of the device.

[Save] button: saves settings.