Getting Started with Contributing - mongodb/jasper GitHub Wiki

All of the building/testing/linting is done using a Makefile.


Run tests for a single package:

make test-<package_path>

where package_path is the dash-separated path to the package. For example, if you want to test the options package, you would run:

make test-options

If you want to test the executor package located at internal/executor, you would run:

make test-internal-executor

A special case is the root package, which is called jasper. To test the root package, you would run:

make test-jasper

Run all tests:

make test


Options to control how the tests execute use environment variables, which can be prepended to the make command.


Filter the name of the tests you want to run according to a pattern.

This is the same as the go test -run flag.


RUN_TEST=TestProcessImplementations make test-jasper


Run the tests the specified number of times. This can be especially useful if you want to force a test whose result has been cached to re-run. For example, if you do not make a code change in between test runs, it will returned the cached result.

This is the same as the go test -count flag (documentation is in go help testflag).


RUN_COUNT=10 make test-options


Disable code coverage analysis.


DISABLE_COVERAGE=1 make test-jasper


Enable the race detector.

This is the same as the go test -race flag.


RACE_DETECTOR=1 make test-jasper


Skip all tests that have been marked as long tests.

This is the same as the go test -short flag (documentation is in go help testflag).


SKIP_LONG=1 make test-jasper


Linting follows the same syntax as testing, except that it is prefixed with lint- instead of test-. For example, to lint the root package, you would run:

make lint-jasper

All linting is done using golangci-lint.


Run the benchmarks:

make benchmarks


Check compilation:

make compile

Build the Jasper CLI:

make cli

If you want to build for a different platform, you can specify environment variables. For example, to build for Linux AMD64:

GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 make cli